
The Undertaker Hits Back At Claims He Deliberately Hurt WWE Stars

The Undertaker WWE

The Undertaker has denied trying to hurt WWE rivals.

Over the course of his career, The Undertaker handed out numerous beatings in the ring, but there have been claims some of those beatdowns might have been a little too realistic. In particular, some fans have suggested ‘Taker deliberately tried to hurt Chris Kanyon with a chair shot because he was gay, while his destruction of Maven at the 2001 Royal Rumble has also come under the microscope.

However, the WWE Hall of Famer has now hit back at the allegations, denying he tried to hurt Kanyon because of his sexuality.

During a recent episode of his Six Feet Under podcast, ‘Taker explained that he performed chair shots how he was taught to in his younger days, and that never changed regardless of opponent. He added that at the time, little to nothing was known about CTE compared to 2024, meaning the chair shots look even worse in hindsight.

“In my defense, go back and look at the whole scope of how I swing a chair. I hit everybody the same. There was no malice. There was no, like, ‘Oh, I’m going to try and hurt the greenhorn.’ If you look at all my chair shots when we could hit.

Now granted, at the time, we did not know about CTE. And I came up in a generation where that’s how you swung a chair. And I have been accused and I’m getting a little bit hot about it… I’ve been accused of smashing Kanyon with a chair because he was gay. I didn’t even know he was gay. I didn’t even know until like, years later.… I could careless…but there’s people out there that have created that rumor, ‘Undertaker smashed him.’

Undertaker swung the chair the way Undertaker swung a chair. I didn’t expect anything. If I swung a chair at somebody, the way I swung it, I’d expect the same one back. Watch me and Triple H. He beat the crap out of me. That’s just the way I learned how to swing a chair. [Bruiser] Brody hit me with a chair in my first match that I thought broke my spine. That’s just the way I came up. Knowing now what we do about head injuries. It’s a different deal. I would say, ‘Okay, make sure that you get your hands up.’”

The Undertaker Names Raw Moment Best Ever

Elsewhere on the podcast, The Undertaker named Mark Henry’s fake retirement as the best in-ring promo in WWE history.

The moment in 2013, saw Henry tease retirement, before attacking John Cena and eventually challenging for the World Championship. The promo has recently been back in the news after AJ Styles did his own version to take out Cody Rhodes and get a rematch for the Undisputed WWE Title.

H/t to WrestlingNews.Co