TNA Impact Review – September 12, 2024
TNA put the final touches on the Victory Road card, with a tag team match between The Hardys and The System headlining this week’s show.
The opening video focused on last week’s events which included another successful open challenge Knockouts’ Championship defense from Jordynne Grace and another cheap attack from Josh Alexander on Joe Hendry.
TNA Impact 12.9.24 from Old Forester’s Paristown Hall, Louisville: Kentucky
Match #1: Steve Maclin vs Hammerstone
Hammerstone showed up on NXT against Oba Femi but wasn’t given much time to show what he could do. I would say it was an overall disappointing surprise on Tuesday night, but I wouldn’t blame him. Hammerstone started off with a shoulder tackle and sent Maclin into the corner. He intimidated the referee which allowed Maclin to turn the tide with a few chops. Maclin missed a clothesline but followed up with a dropkick. He hit a facebuster and a clothesline for 2. Hammerstone used his power to toss Maclin into the corner. He repeated this in the opposite corner. Hammerstone nailed a big spinebuster but didn’t make a cover. He choked Maclin out against the middle rope. Hammerstone nailed a knee to the ribs and a back suplex for only a 1 count. He went back to the cover but Maclin kicked out again. Hammerstone locked Maclin in an abdominal stretch in the centre of the ring. The fans tried to will Maclin out of the submission. He broke free but Hammerstone held on for a German suplex. Maclin blocked a clothesline with his elbow. He fought back with some forearm strikes then a running forearm. Maclin nailed a backbreaker and set up Hammerstone in the tree of woe for his running spear. He went for the cover and scored a nearfall. Hammerstone avoided the KIA and hit a big powerslam. They clotheslined each other over the top rope. Maclin recovered first and hit a running dive through the ropes to the outside. He went to the top rope but Hammerstone was quick to cut him off with a belly-to-belly throw from the top rope. Nice strength there. The big man nailed a dropkick and went for the Nightmare Pendulum but Maclin rolled him up and sat on top of him for the surprise win after 7 minutes. Hammerstone made no attempt to kick out at all and it looked really bad.
Winner by pinfall: Steve Maclin
Analysis: **1/2 That should’ve been great but it wasn’t. It was too slow and the ending was awful. There’s nothing wrong with losing to Maclin, he’s a top talent, but you can only call Hammerstone a ‘beast’ and a ‘monster’ and all the other names so many times, but the audience will give up on him if he continues to lose. This man should not be losing throwaway matches on TNA weekly shows, as simple as that.
After the match, Hammerstone attacked Maclin from behind. He put him in the Torture Rack until Eric Young ran down for the save. He clotheslined Hammerstone over the top. Jake Something came down the ramp and stood beside Hammerstone, possibly signalling an alliance.
Analysis: That will lead to a tag team match on the pre-show at Victory Road. What a waste of those four men.
The System were backstage cutting a promo on the fans. Brian Myers said tonight they will show what the System reboot is all about by destroying The Hardys. Moose boasted that all of The System would leave Victory Road as champions.
Analysis: Heels lie. That could happen but I highly doubt it. No need for Nic Nemeth to drop the title yet.
Maclin and Young discussed teaming up. Maclin thanked Young for having his back. They talked about mutual respect. Young challenged Something and Hammerstone to a match at Victory Road.
Analysis: There’s the official match. Should be good but so what?
Match #2: Heather Reckless vs Gisele Shaw
This is Reckless’ first match in TNA as a signed wrestler and Shaw’s last. They just need to sign more women, pure and simple. Shaw has a huge height advantage here. Reckless couldn’t break free of the side headlock and then ran into a shoulder tackle. Reckless used her speed to try a few roll ups unsuccessfully. She hit a running head scissors but Shaw then caught her in a press power slam for a 2 count. Shaw hit a couple of running uppercuts in the corner then a corkscrew uppercut for 2. Reckless bounced off the ropes with a DDT. Ash-by-Elegance and George Iceman walked down to the ring to check out the action. They traded forearms and Reckless hit an awkward running crossbody. Shaw missed a clothesline in the corner and ran into the bottom turnbuckle. Reckless nailed a moonsault for 2. Shaw caught Reckless as she went for a Monkey Flip. Reckless turned it into a Canadian Destroyer off the ropes! Shaw kicked out at the last moment. Reckless ran the ropes but Shaw took her down with a spinebuster for 2. Shaw nailed a backbreaker/Flatliner combo for 2. Ash got up on the ring apron and attacked Shaw. Reckless went to the top for the springboard Spanish Fly which she called Recked and pinned Shaw after 7 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Heather Reckless
Match Rating: *** There were a few awkward moments but it was pretty good. I’m not sure why Ash cost Shaw, since they knew Shaw was leaving. Unless that plan has changed now. Reckless is so small that it’s almost hard to take her seriously. She might almost be smaller than Zelina Vega who really has struggled to get over with her wrestling, despite being very talented.
There was a vignette for Xia Lia who is coming to TNA.
Analysis: I liked her in NXT. She had absolutely no momentum on the main roster or anything to work with. Any Knockouts’ signing is positive.
Matt Cardona Promo Time
Steph de Lander went to talk but Cardona snatched the microphone from her and said that he does the talking. Cardona said Santino Marella has it out for him. He said he came back from a life threatening injury for the people. I laughed. Cardona said TNA was a dangerous work environment because he had to face Rhino & PCO in a tag match at Victory Road. He said at least Marella allowed him to choose his tag partner at Victory Road. Cardona chose de Lander and said there better not be any funny business in the match. PCO’s music hit and he ran down to the ring. Cardona put SDL in front of PCO. SDL hit a low blow on Cardona and PCO nailed a chokeslam. Finally, they get some payback.
Analysis: Cardona will get beat at Victory Road too. Rhino and PCO won’t touch SDL. At least it’s a story.
Spitfire were backstage chatting about their Tag Team Championship match. Gia Miller came into the conversation. Jody Threat said she had to do something drastic in order to get a title shot and that’s threatening to break up their tag team. Dani Luna said that maybe they need everything on the line at Victory Road to get the job done.
Analysis: I’m not sure if we need another title change but breaking up half the tag division would be one of the dumber things TNA has done this year.
Match #3: Non-Title Tornado Tag Team Match: First Class vs ABC
The action spilled to the floor early on. Chris Bey got a sign from the crowd and kicked it into AJ Francis’ head. They hit a double suplex on KC Navarro in the ring, then a double dropkick for 2. Austin kicked AJ off the ring apron. They battled on the entrance ramp. Bey nailed a back suplex on Navarro in the ring. He went out to confront Francis but Francis tossed him into the ring apron. AJ bounced Austin’s head off the ring apron too and hit a headbutt. Navarro sent Austin into the steel ring steps. AJ nailed a press slam on Bey into the ring apron. He rammed Bey’s head into the ring apron using his elbow. Navarro stomped away on Austin in the corner. Bey tried to make the save but AJ hit a headbutt. He choked Bey out in the corner then nailed his running knee on Austin in the opposite corner. Navarro sent Bey into the ring post and then dropkicked him against the post. He nailed a double stomp from the apron to the floor on Bey. Austin tried to fight AJ back in the ring but the numbers game caught up with him. AJ tossed Navarro onto Austin for a 1 count. He nailed a huge forearm to the face of Ace. Navarro ran the ropes and AJ powerbombed him on top of Austin for another nearfall. Bey tried to get back into the ring again but he got sent straight back out. He got back up onto the ring apron and hit a kick on Navarro. Bey nailed a flying clothesline and then the ABC hit a double kick on AJ in the corner. Bey hit an assisted Brainbuster for 2. AJ launched Austin on top of Bey to break up that pin. Austin stomped away on Francis. They tried for a double suplex but he was just too big. Francis almost reversed it but got caught by a double kick and then ABC hit the double suplex for a close nearfall. Navarro tried an inside cradle for 2. Bey tossed Navarro to the outside. Francis caught Bey in mid-air. He went for the Down Payment but Bey nailed him with a cutter as he was coming down. Austin hit The Fold for the win after 10 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: ABC
Analysis: ***1/4 That was a solid match and that’s now two wins for ABC over First Class so that should take them out of the title picture for a while. I like Tornado Tag matches and they certainly have a place if used wisely. There were no weapons or anything like that used in this one, even though the commentators kept stressing the no-disqualification aspect of the match up.
There was a video package for Jonathan Gresham and him ditching the mask. I thought he had left TNA. I’m glad he’s still here!
Let’s Hear from Joe Hendry
That was as loud as TNA fans have sung Hendry’s theme for a while. He’s still as over as ever despite rarely winning a singles match lately. He better beat Alexander tomorrow night. Hendry called Alexander out straight away. Alexander was up in the top level of the arena. He told the funny man (Hendry) to make him laugh. Hendry said he would never make a funny video about Alexander. Or would he? Hendry asked the crowd if they wanted to see The Josh Alexander Story. Oh dear. Hendry sang about Alexander and his headgear. He put a photo up of him looking like Jesse from Breaking Bad and then Walter White. Hendry called Alexander ‘Kurt Angle from WISH’. I laughed at that. The crowd chanted that over and over. It only went about 1 minute. Alexander looked angry from the balcony. He said he had nothing to smile about. Alexander said he should be the one in NXT dropping people on their heads and getting title shots. He said he did everything the right way to represent TNA and be the best. Alexander said Hendry made a couple of viral videos and now everyone loves him. He said Hendry earnt nothing. The crowd was drowning him out with “Joe” chants. Alexander asked Joe if he wanted to see him smile. He said he would only be smiling after he dismantles Hendry at Victory Road. Hendry said that Alexander sounded upset that the fans weren’t chanting his name. They panned to a ‘Walking Wiener’ sign and Hendry got the crowd to chant that. Hendry said the fans would only be chanting his name at the end of Victory Road.
Analysis: A good exchange that mixed the serious and the silly. The NXT stuff interrupted this feud for a bit but I’m glad it’s back on. There needed to be follow up and it’s happening.
Mike Santana cut a pre-taped promo on his phone. He hoped that Moose wins the World Title at Victory Road so he can take his pride, his dignity and his title down the line.
Analysis: He’s not even on the show tomorrow. Inconsistent booking in TNA? Surely not.
George Iceman was in the ring insulting the fans ahead of the next match.
Match #4: Ash-by-Elegance vs Xia Brookside
They have wrestled many times this year already and have nothing else to do in the division so why not have another match? Then we will give title matches to non-TNA wrestlers and complain about having no Knockouts division or stories going on. Ahh, wrestling. Ash used her strength advantage early on. She backed her into the corner but Xia hit a head scissors then a crossbody for 2. Ash chopped Xia in the corner and hit a scoop slam for 2. Xia fought out of a headlock and hit a jawbreaker. She avoided a corner attack and hit a few diving clotheslines. Xia turned a headscissors into a body scissors, then a Russian Legsweep as Ash almost broke free. She scored a nearfall there. Xia tossed Ash into the middle turnbuckle and nailed a hard double knees into the back. She followed it up with a second one. Iceman was on the apron for the distraction and begged for Xia not to hit a third one. Heather Reckless ran down to ringside and pulled Xia’s arm into the steel post. Ash rolled Xia up for the win after 6 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Ash-by-Elegance
Analysis: ** It was starting to get decent and then ended abruptly. That’s what happens when you book too many matches on the show. I guess Reckless is trying to prove herself to Ash. There was no reaction to her ‘heel’ turn.
Nic Nemeth addressed Moose backstage. He repeated his last few weeks’ promos about Moose not looking him in the eyes and asking for a title shot. Nemeth blasted Moose for appealing to the likes of HHH and HBK online. He said he was going to kick Moose in the face as hard as he could and remain the fighting TNA Champion.
Analysis: Short and sharp. I feel like they had more intensity in January when Nemeth showed up first. It’s hard to book a title feud within 2 weeks but they are trying.
Iceman complimented Reckless on her actions at ringside. He didn’t like her attire and gave her his business card in case she wanted a makeover. Ash said she was used to people copying her or wanting to be her, but not used to people trying to help her.
Analysis: Maybe they’ll go the Toni Storm/ Mariah May angle and have Reckless looking like or imitating Ash. It could be entertaining. Having a stable for Ash is a wise move. It could be TNA’s third women’s tag team!!!!
The commentators ran down the Victory Road card and a random Hardys vs First Class match was added after First Class lost earlier in the night.
Match #5: The Hardys vs The System
Matt was back to Delete mode after doing some vignettes in his normal voice. Is he supposed to bounce between being Broken and not? I don’t know anymore. It was Jeff’s birthday so they chanted for that, which is a new one. He hit an arm breaker on Brian Myers to start the match off and got a 1 count. He tagged in Matt and he used the top rope to gain momentum on an arm drag. Eddie Edwards ran in and Matt knocked him down and to the outside. Myers backed Matt into the corner to tag Eddie in. Edwards chopped Matt in the corner. He ran into a shoulder tackle from Matt, who then tagged in Jeff. They hit dropkicks on Edwards who was against the bottom rope. Jeff hit a snapmare and another dropkick but Edwards tackled Jeff into the corner. Myers tagged in and worked over Jeff on the other corner. He missed a corner splash and Edwards ran in but crashed into Myers. The Hardys hit Poetry in Motion on The System and sent them both to the outside. Jeff hit a double clothesline off the apron to the floor. He slapped hands with some fans at ringside and tossed Myers back into the ring. Edwards held Jeff’s leg and Myers kicked him with a low blow against the ropes for a 2 count. Myers tossed Jeff to the floor and distracted the referee so Edwards could ram Jeff against the ring apron. Matt chased Edwards around the ringside area. Myers pulled Jeff back into the ring and locked in a sleeper hold. Jeff broke free with body shots but ran into a back elbow. Myers tagged Edwards back in. He hit an elbow drop then mounted Jeff with right hands. Myers tossed Jeff into the turnbuckle. He nailed a snapmare and punt to the back, then did a cocky pin for 2. Myers continued to beat down Jeff in the corner. He hit an elbow drop for 2. Jeff ducked through the legs of Myers to tag in Matt. Matt sent Myers into the top turnbuckle with his ‘Delete’ shots. Myers avoided a bulldog but ran into a Side Effect. Matt hit an elbow drop from the second rope for 2. Myers slipped out of a Twist of Fate attempt and sent Matt into the ropes. Edwards hit an illegal knee so Matt chased him to the outside. Edwards put Alisha in the way and Matt almost ran into her. Myers took out Matt with a baseball slide and then sent him into the steel ring post. Edwards tagged in and chopped Matt against the ring apron. He threw him back into the ring and trapped him in the corner so Myers could tag back in. Myers hit a Russian Legsweep for 2. He held Matt’s arm and reached over to tag in Edwards again. Edwards nailed some knee drops and applied a front-face lock with Matt grounded to the mat. Matt fought back with shots to the ribs and almost tagged in Jeff but Edwards drove him back to the corner for another tag to Myers. Myers had a side headlock and turned it into a back suplex. He measured Matt for a spear but Matt scored with a right hand and a neckbreaker. Matt crawled to his corner for the tag to Jeff. Edwards tagged in, too. Jeff nailed a slingblade and some back elbows. He hit an Atomic Drop and a leg drop to the groin of Edwards. Myers ran in but he copped Whisper in the Wind. 25 years later and that move is still cool. Jeff nailed the Twist of Fate on Edwards. He went to the top rope but Edwards held his leg. Myers took Matt off the ring apron. Jeff tried fighting them both off but Myers hit the spear. Edwards covered Jeff but only scored a 2 count. I thought that might have been it there. Edwards wanted the backpack stunner/ elbow drop combo but Matt came in and sent Edwards into Myers. Matt hit a Twist of Fate off the top rope on Myers. They both scored with a Twist of Fate on Edwards. Jeff finished him off with the Swanton Bomb for the win after 17 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Hardys
Analysis: ***1/2 That was the standard TNA tag team main event that they pull out every few weeks and you get almost 20 minutes of very good quality wrestling. I will say that I am surprised by the win for The Hardys as The System are the ones getting the Tag Team Championship rematch tomorrow night. I guess it keeps the tag division fresh. I thought perhaps we would get a run-in from First Class to cause a DQ as they issued the challenge for Victory Road. It seems unlikely that The System will beat the ABC after tonight.
The fans went crazy as they celebrated with The Hardys and the show went off the air.
Final Rating: 6/10
6/10 might be a bit generous as I was pretty grumpy throughout most of the show. I have been watching TNA weekly again for almost 5 years now and the problems at this point are obvious to anyone who watches semi-regularly. I point them out because I want them to succeed. This show highlighted a lot of what is going right (Hendry & Alexander, slight reboot of the Knockouts’ Division, tag team wrestling on the up) with the inconsistent/ bad (no face-off between World Title participants, big men losing, and continually put over as a threat, women’s tag division). It is a 2-hour show and there was a grand total of 60 seconds of promo time given to the two main championship feuds. And nothing from Zachary Wentz/ Mike Bailey. Astounding. They literally put more TV time and effort into a pre-show match than their 3 main singles championship feuds! I was pretty hyped for Victory Road before tonight but the lack of feature of the competitors in those matches makes it pretty predictable that they will all be retaining their titles. The show should be very good. I hope they pull a surprise and headline with Hendry vs Alexander. That feels like a bigger match than Moose vs Nemeth at this point of the year. I’ll be back to cover that show tomorrow.
The next monthly special is Victory Road, on Friday, September 13th. Here’s the card so far with my predictions in bold:

* TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Moose
* TNA Knockouts’ Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs NXT’s Wendy Choo
* TNA World Tag Team Championships: ABC (c) vs The System
* TNA Knockouts’ Tag Team Championships: The Malisha (c) vs Spitfire
* TNA X-Division Championship: Zachary Wentz (c) vs Mike Bailey
* Joe Hendry vs Josh Alexander
* PCO & Rhino vs Matt Cardona & Steph de Lander
* The Hardys vs First Class
* Countdown to Victory Road: KUSHIDA vs Leon Slater
* Countdown to Victory Road: Hammerstone & Jake Something vs Eric Young & Steve Maclin
Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!