TNA Impact Review – August 29, 2024
Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander faced off on TNA Impact just 24 hours before their Ironman match at Emergence.
TNA Impact: 29.8.24 from the Florida State Fairgrounds City: Tampa, FL
The opening video recapped last week’s show where PCO got a measure of revenge over Matt Cardona, Jordynne Grace set a title challenge for Ash-by-Elegance and The Hardys beat The System in the main event.
Match #1: X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) w/ Trent Seven vs Rich Swann w/ AJ Francis
The winner of this match will defend his title in the Ultimate X match at Emergence tomorrow night. Francis joined Matt Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan on commentary. They fought on the outside early. Swann almost sent Bailey into Francis but he stopped short. The distraction allowed Swann to kick Bailey in the face and then nail a diving senton from the apron. Back in the ring, Swann kicked Bailey in the back and raked his eyes in the corner. He followed up with a Dragon Screw and then targeted the knee of Bailey with some kicks. Bailey shook it off and hit a kick to the head of Swann. I really wish he sold the moves better as it’s probably what is lacking as a pro wrestler. Bailey followed up with some kicks to the back and a running SSP for 2. Swann evaded the Tornado kick in the corner and hit his own kick then a reverse DDT for 2. He tried a sunset flip for 2. They avoided each other’s kicks and then both connected with a spinning kick at the same time. Swann tried to bail to the outside but Bailey cut him off with a moonsault from inside the ring. Swann then hit a cutter on the floor and rolled Bailey back into the ring. He followed up with a frog splash for a close 2 count. Bailey nailed a double knee stomp for 2. He hit the thrust kick which sent Swann to the corner. Bailey used the Tornado Kick but AJ Francis tried to knock him off the top rope. Trent Seven confronted him but AJ took him down with a hard right hard. Swann used the distraction to roll up Bailey for 2. Bailey blocked a kick and hit one of his own. He went for a handspring elbow but Swann followed up with a handspring cutter for only a 1 count. Seven and AJ were brawling on the outside which led to Swann missing a moonsault. Bailey hit a running Spanish Fly for the win after 8 minutes.
Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA X-Division Champion: Mike Bailey
Analysis: *** It was fun but the lack of selling started to bug me towards the end. The last few minutes were just hit a spot, return fire and repeat. That is something that Bailey hasn’t really improved on over his time in TNA. He could be a top-tier talent with better selling. He moves on to Emergence, however.
Gia Miller interviewed Jordynne Grace ahead of her title defense tonight. Grace said Ash is very lucky to be getting a second title shot. She doesn’t care what a ‘Match by Elegance’ is and said that Ash won’t stop her retaining her title.
Analysis: I think the match will include some of the things that Ash has in her gimmick but as long as it’s close to the quality of their last match I won’t get too hung up on that.
Match #2: Brian Myers w/ Alisha & Eddie Edwards vs Joe Hendry
Hendry cut a promo on Myers before the match. He said this was usually the part of the show where he would do something like make fun of Myers. Hendry said he heard that some people in the audience actually respect Myers. He got the crowd to chant a very disrespectful chant and then they started the ‘We Believe’ chants. Hendry did his shtick and the crowd loved it as always. He hit a stalling suplex early on for a 2 count. Alisha tried to attack Hendry so referee Daniel Spencer ejected both of the Edwards’ from ringside. Myers used the distraction to ram Hendry into the steel steps and then the ring apron.
(Commercial break)
Myers had Hendry in a submission but he broke free with an upper cut. He tried a sunset flip for 2. Myers levelled Hendry with a running back elbow for 2. Myers used a drop toehold and an elbow to the back of Hendry. He grounded Hendry to the mat with a sleeper hold. Hendry fought up quickly but ran into a kick for another 2 count to Myers. Myers pummelled Hendry with right hands against the mat. He stretched Hendry out with a knee to the back and wrenched at his arms. Myers hit a modified Blue Thunder Bomb and measured Hendry for the spear but ran into a pop-up cutter. Hendry teed off with right hands and a couple of running back elbows. He nailed the Fallaway slam then almost took off Myers’ head with a clothesline. Hendry put away Myers easily the Standing Ovation for the win after 7 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Joe Hendry
Analysis: **1/2 An easy win for Hendry which was a little surprising, but after the Edwards’ were removed from ringside the result was never really in doubt.
After the match, Eddie ran to ringside for the beatdown. He choked Hendry in the corner but Mike Santana’s music hit and he ran down for the save and to start the next match immediately.
Analysis: I like that they immediately followed up with this match. Good storytelling.
Match #3: Eddie Edwards vs Mike Santana
Santana was on fire early and the crowd was chanting for him. He hit the 10-punch routine in the corner. Santana tossed Edwards over the top rope and Alisha ran down to distract him. Eddie put Alisha in front of himself and then hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Santana on the ring apron. Alisha hit a cheap shot on Santana as Eddie distracted the referee. Eddie hit a big clothesline back in the ring for 2. He tried repeated pins to no avail. Eddie stomped Santana in the corner. Alisha pulled Santana’s hair so he was draped over the bottom ropes. Do these referees not watch The System’s matches every week? Eddie slapped on a sleeper hold on a seated Santana. He got to his feet and landed a flapjack on Eddie. Santana nailed a hard clothesline then they exchanged chops. Santana blocked a kick and hit one of his own, then hit a nice rolling cutter off the ropes for 2. Nice sequence there. Santana wanted a rolling DVD but Eddie slipped off his shoulders. Santana hauled him back up and nailed the Outlined in Chalk then a single-leg dropkick that sent Eddie to the outside. Santana followed up with a senton over the top rope to wipe out Eddie. He tossed Eddie back in the ring and nailed the frog splash for 2. Eddie avoided Spin the Block and caught Santana with a Blue Thunder Bomb for 2. Rehwoldt wondered how Santana kicked out possibly because he forgot that that move has never beaten anyone. Santana turned a Tiger Driver attempt into an inside cradle for 2. He bounced off the ropes and Eddie launched him high in the air and crashing back down. Eddie hit a Tiger Bomb and then took off his elbow pad and hit a running elbow strike for 2. He measured Santana for the Boston Knee Party but Santana ducked out of the way. Santana hit a kick to the face of Eddie. He tried Spin the Block but Eddie ducked and went for a clothesline of his own. Santana moved and ran off the ropes to hit the Spin the Block for the win after 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Mike Santana
Analysis: ***1/2 That was great. You could feel the intensity of the rivalry. Santana is turning into a very believable babyface character and the crowd are right behind him. They gelled well. That’s another loss to The System tonight so now I’m leaning towards them winning the 8-man tag to regain some momentum. They’ve gone from being unbeatable to not being able to a match in the last 2 weeks!
Matt Cardona cut a pre-taped promo saying that he’s still not cleared for competition. He has a replacement for the PCO match at Emergence that he will reveal tomorrow.
Analysis: More cowardly antics from Cardona. It’s entertaining.
Match #4: Eric Young vs Hammerstone
There’s no wasted time tonight as we are onto the 4th match inside the first hour. Steve Maclin joined the commentary table. Young grounded Hammerstone with an arm bar early on. Hammerstone got to his feet but Young hit a running crossbody for 2. He tossed Young into the corner and then hit a pump kick to knock him off the apron. Hammerstone tossed Young into Maclin, then into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Young fought back with a DVD for 2. Hammerstone blocked a piledriver attempt and hit a facebuster, then a powerslam off the ropes for 2. He sent Young into the ropes and hit a pump kick then followed up with a powerbomb for 2. Hammerstone tossed Young into the corner and tried to follow up with another pump kick. Young avoided it and hit a big right hand that took the big man down. He confronted Maclin on commentary and then went to the top rope. He dove over the top of Hammerstone but ran into a big kick. Hammerstone wiped out Young with the Nightmare Pendulum for the win after 7 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Hammerstone
Analysis: *** That was a solid match with the right winner and it was far better than their Slammiversary pre-show match. Both men are on the Emergence card but Maclin distracting Young at least doesn’t make Young look too weak in defeat.
Match #5: Non-Title match: ABC vs Cody Deaner & Jake Something
This might be a match to see if these two teams gel well together for a future title program. The tag team division has gone back to almost non-existent. Something and Ace Austin started the match. Something overpowered Austin with a Buckle Bomb and then tagged in Deaner. Deaner nailed a Thesz Press for a quick 1 count and tagged out again. Something levelled Austin with a big forearm and a scoop slam. Deaner tagged in again and nailed a scoop slam for 2. Austin rolled free and tagged in Bey. Bey bounced off the ropes with a forearm and took Something off the apron with a cheap shot. He hit a dropkick from the middle rope for a 2 count. Something wasn’t happy about the cheap shot so he ran in but copped a kick from Bey. Bey broke free of a Deaner suplex but Something rocked him with a forearm shot. The referee was losing control a bit as Austin ran in next. Something took down the tag champs with a double clothesline. He tossed Deaner across the ring into a crossbody on the ABC. Something missed a clothesline so Austin sent him over the top. Something tripped him up against the ring apron. Back in the ring, Bey hit a clothesline on Deaner. Something got back up onto the apron but Bey hit him with two kicks. Austin hit a double knee driver on Something on the apron. He tagged in blindly and they nailed the Art of Finesse/ Fold on Deaner for the easy win after 5 ½ minutes.
Winners by pinfall: ABC
Analysis: **1/2 I thought that might have been a bit more competitive but it was an easy win for the tag champs. Turns out, what happened after the match was more interesting.
First Class ran down to the ring for the post-match attack. Swann hit an assisted cutter on Austin. Something looked on and didn’t help. Francis destroyed Bey with the Down Payment and First Class posed with the championships.
Analysis: That looks to set First Class up for a Tag Team Championship challenge, however TNA have suspended Swann for a June arrest that they weren’t aware of. He’s entering a substance abuse program so hopefully we see him back when he’s better.
The commentators recapped Rosemary’s appearance on this week’s NXT show, as well as the Emergence card.
Match #6: TNA Knockouts’ Championship: Match by Elegance: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Ash-by-Elegance w/ George Iceman
This is Grace’s 14th title defense in her 229-day reign. It’s a no-disqualification, falls-count-anywhere match in what looked like a Barbie-world setting (Tom Hannifan’s words). Before the match, George Iceman was seen talking to the Militia to possibly ask them for help for Ash. They really should’ve done this match next week because it feels like a feud-ender, and then they’re doing the 6-woman tag match tomorrow night which doesn’t make sense. Ash hit Grace in the back with a steel chair before the bell rang. She hit a bulldog on the chair for only a 1 count. Ash tossed a fancy trash can into the ring. Grace fought back with right hands and avoided a corner attack. Ash tried to go to the top rope but Grace cut her off with an upper cut. She set up the trash can and suplexed Ash gently on top of it and then nailed a senton from the top rope for a 2 count. Grace tossed Ash to the floor rather violently. Ash had a baking tray and smashed Grace over the back a few times. She chopped Grace against the guard rail. Ash tossed some more weapons into the ring then slapped Grace. She hit an athletic spinning DDT on the trash can lid on the floor for 2. Grace found a kendo stick and nailed Ash with 2 shots. She found a table under the ring and the crowd liked that. Iceman was flipping out on commentary. Grace set up the table and wanted a powerbomb. Iceman sprayed hairspray in Grace’s eyes so Ash levelled her with a trash can shot to the back. Ash put a table cloth on the ring for some reason then put Grace on the table. Grace didn’t stay down for long and nailed a back fist on Ash, who was on the top rope. Grace wanted a superplex but Ash blocked it. Iceman gave Ash some knuckles and she nailed a shot to Grace’s face. That didn’t really do much as she caught Ash in mid-air as she went for a crossbody. Grace hit the World’s Strongest Slam and a Vader Bomb for 2. She got a protein shaker from ringside but it was full of ‘diamonds’ so she poured them out on the mat. Ash slipped out of a scoop slam attempt. She hit a drop toehold on a steel chair. Ash smashed a champagne bottle over Grace’s head and almost scored a 3 count. Grace sold that like a champ. Ash choked out Grace with a string of roses. Iceman got a pair of heels and went to stab Grace with them but Rosemary appeared from under the ring. Rosemary nailed Ash with a spear and went after Iceman. Grace covered Ash but she got the shoulder up just before 3. Ash fought out of the Juggernaut Driver. Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich ran down to help Ash. Grace took Alisha down with a clothesline but Masha nailed Grace with a package piledriver that looked awesome. Masha dragged Ash and draped her over Jordynne for a really close 2 count. The Militia pulled Grace over to the corner and set her up for Ash to hit the Rarefied Air. Spitfire ran down to chase Alisha and Masha off. Ash tried to throw a steel chair at Grace, who caught it and nailed her in the head (protected). Grace hit the Muscle Buster through the table at ringside to win the match after 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA Knockouts’ Champion: Jordynne Grace
Analysis: ***1/2 That was silly, but it turned into a fun match by the end. It wasn’t on the level of their Slammiversary match due to the interference and stipulation, but again they had some good spots and clearly work well together.
Nic Nemeth & Josh Alexander Face Off: Moderated by Matt Rehwoldt
This was pre-taped. Rehwoldt reminded the men that there was a no-contact clause until the PPV. Rehwoldt questioned why Alexander didn’t want the extra 5 minutes in their match a few weeks ago. Alexander said everyone was on his time from now on and he has to look out for himself. He said he would take Nemeth’s title on his terms. Rehwoldt wondered if Nemeth can take the pressure with the company now being on his shoulders. Nemeth said he welcomed the pressure and is so proud to be the world champion of a company again. He said he respected Alexander when he was the flagbearer for TNA but this is a different Alexander to then. Nemeth called himself a fighting champion. He wondered why so many people around the world know his name and not Alexander’s. Nemeth said Alexander was just a great wrestler and not a flagbearer. He told Alexander to prove he’s the best in TNA at Emergence. Nemeth wasn’t impressed with how Alexander had taken cheap shots and beaten down his brother. He said Alexander didn’t have it in him to do it in the right way. Rehwoldt restated that Alexander had to relinquish the title last April but hadn’t won it back yet. He wondered what’s gone wrong for Alexander. Alexander took exception to this and stood up, yelling at Rehwoldt. He said nothing was wrong with him. Alexander said the fans and management are what’s wrong with TNA. He told Nemeth he’s not the champion until Nemeth beats him on Saturday. Alexander said he’s above AJ Styles, Sting, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle as the longest reigning TNA Champion of all time. He said Nemeth hasn’t been here long enough to be on Alexander’s level. Alexander said he would take the title back tomorrow and TNA will be better off for it. Rehwoldt asked what Nemeth was willing to do to retain his championship. Nemeth said there’s no point of looking back on what’s happened, but he’s only going to remain champion if he gets better every day. Alexander hasn’t proven anything to Nemeth and asked him what he has done lately. Nemeth said Alexander would never be a true champion until he beats him. He said he can go an hour. Alexander said he has gone an hour in an Ironman match before. They both stood up at this point and Rehwoldt stood in between them. Alexander said he takes TNA to new heights tomorrow night. He said Nemeth doesn’t know what he’s in for tomorrow night. They had to bleep out some swearing. Nemeth said Alexander used to be the best. But now it’s him. Nemeth also swore a few times. They stared each other down and Alexander walked away.
Analysis: That was really good. I will actually go out on a limb and say Alexander outperformed Nemeth there. I think Alexander’s promos actually go flat with an audience sometimes so this setting was probably more effective for him. They both made lots of good points. Nemeth probably wasn’t as succinct as he could’ve been but that’s because Alexander had lots of historical TNA facts to lean on, whereas Nemeth is new to the company. The swearing makes it feel edgy I guess and adds to the intensity. This was an effective way to end the show. It should be TNA’s match of the year at Emergence.
Final Rating: 7.25/10
That was a much better show that last week. I love that the first hour was wrestling-centred. We were up to the 4th match and it had felt like I had barely been writing anything. That’s a good sign. They kept the promos out of the ring this week, which I think is a good way to mix it up. I was worried that 6 matches in the one show would mean that there were some shortened match lengths but they made the right match short (ABC vs Deaner/Jake) and we got two matches at the 12-minute mark which were the best of the night. I think Emergence will be a really good show and, even though there are only 5 matches added, there will probably be another match or two thrown on tomorrow. The show is focused on the Ironman match and rightly so- it should go close to 5-stars.
The next TNA monthly special is Emergence on Friday, August 30 in Louisville, Kentucky. Here’s the card so far with my predictions in bold:

* 60-Minute Ironman Match for the TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Josh Alexander
* Ultimate-X for the X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs Riley Osborne vs Jason Hotch vs Hammerstone vs Laredo Kid vs Zachary Wentz
* The System vs The Hardys, Mike Santana & Joe Hendry
* Jordynne Grace & Spitfire vs Ash-by-Elegance & The Militia
* Steve Maclin vs Eric Young
* TNA Digital Media Championship: PCO vs Matt Cardona’s Monster (pre-show)
* Kushida vs Frankie Kazarian (pre-show)
Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!