TNA Impact Review – August 15, 2024
The fighting champion, Nic Nemeth, puts his TNA World Championship on the line again, this time against Josh Alexander.
TNA Impact: 15.8.24 from the Florida State Fairgrounds City: Tampa, FL
The opening video recapped last week’s show where Ash-by-Elegance interrupted the Knockouts’ Title match between Jordynne Grace and Rosemary. There was another attack by Matt Cardona on PCO, and Josh Alexander explained his heel turn then sought a World Title match but copped a superkick.
Match #1: Ultimate-X Qualifier: Chris Bey vs John Skyler vs NXT’s Riley Osborne
Skyler cut a basic heel promo before the match. Osborne is from NXT’s highly-annoying but popular Chase University stable. Frankie Kazarian joined the commentators prior to the match. Kaz complained about how uncomfortable the chairs were. Bey started off with a suicide dive on Skyler to the outside. Bey and Osborne exchanged strikes on Skyler and sent him to the outside. Bey tried a quick roll up on Osborne for a 1 count. Osborne hit a running head scissors then Skyler nailed him from behind with a clothesline. Skyler turned his attention to Bey in the corner. Bey was too quick though, and chopped him hard a few times. Skyler got some separation, so Bey ran towards him but got nailed with a belly-to-belly suplex right into Osborne who was slouched in the corner. Skyler beat down Osborne against the ropes. He caught him in a Boston Crab submission in the centre of the ring. The crowd really doesn’t like Skyler. Osborne broke free and Bey came into the ring with a slingshot DDT on Skyler. Osborne sent Bey to the outside and nailed both his opponents with a big diving senton over the top rope. He tossed Skyler back into the ring and hit a Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count. Bey rolled up Osborne for 2. There was a little bit of a botched suplex attempt and Skyler hit Osborne with a spear. Bey hit an incoming Skyler with a cutter. They repeated the suplex spot into the Art of Finesse on Osborne. Skyler tossed Bey into the ring post and did a lazy pin on Osborne, who reversed it and almost stole the 3. Osborne hit a single-leg dropkick on Skyler and went to the top rope for a perfect Shooting Star Press to win the match and head to Emergence. The match lasted 6 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Riley Osborne
Analysis: **3/4 It was a basic match with a surprising winner. Osborne will represent NXT at Emergence and has a shot to win a TNA championship.
Nic Nemeth was shown arriving earlier today and was met by Gia Miller. Nemeth said he was looking forward for years to battling Josh Alexander. Now, Nemeth isn’t so excited because Alexander is a different guy and he attacked Nic’s family. Nemeth put over TNA and said tonight he would prove to Alexander just how good he is.
Let’s Hear from Santino Marella
Santino usually does his business backstage in short segments so this is something different. He called ‘Matt Cardoba’ to the ring, with the obvious mis-pronunciation that is always humourous. Cardona has been making PCO and Steph de Lander’s life a misery over the last 2 weeks. Santino asked if Cardona was proud of himself and called him a wedding crasher. He said Cardona hitting him proved he crossed the line. Cardona went through his nicknames and told Santino that he doesn’t work for TNA or anybody. Does that mean he should be allowed to put his hands on the talent then? Wrestling logic is great. Santino said Cardona has now admitted to a crime but instead, he’s going to give PCO what he wants and that’s a match against Cardona. He said if Cardona didn’t sign the contract then he would ‘prostitute’ him instead of prosecute and I think that was a legitimate error as Santino got all flustered. Cardona said he would get his lawyers to check it over first.
Analysis: That was a highly stupid way to get to a PCO/Cardona match but it’s that kind of feud.
Frankie Kazarian said he would be back next week to address how he’s going to get back in the World Title picture. Eric Young showed up and complained about the last time he got a title shot, which Kaz cost him against Moose. Steve Maclin came in to stir the pot. Kaz wanted those two to fight so he left.
Analysis: Maclin needs something to do. A match against Young is fine.
Maclin was then shown on a pre-taped promo. He said Slammiversary didn’t go his way. Maclin said Eric Young was in his crosshairs and challenged him to a match.
Analysis: That was weird as they were just backstage, and then they waited to show a pre-taped promo for Maclin to address Young? What a strange episode this is so far.
Match #2: Gisele Shaw vs Tasha Steelz
Steelz has beaten Shaw twice, so Shaw wants to prove that she can beat her. There were a few referees out there to ensure there wasn’t a controversial finish this time. Shaw ducked a clothesline early and chopped Steelz in the corner. The crowd was very loud at the start of this match. TNA crowds lately have been great. Shaw hit an impressive press powerslam and Steelz rolled to the outside. Shaw charged at her, but Steelz moved and Shaw crashed into the steel steps. Steelz took out a wrench out from under the ring, which is silly because there’s extra referees around. She hit a running uppercut in the corner and a big punt to the chest for 2. Shaw fought back with uppercuts a big kick to the head. She went for a back suplex but Steelz slipped off the back and landed roughly on her neck. That looked really nasty. Shaw thought on her feet and covered for a 2 count. She followed up with a big spinebuster, then a backbreaker into a Flatliner for 2. Steelz ducked the running knee and nailed a Code Breaker which Shaw sold tremendously. She rolled into the cover for a close nearfall. Shaw caught a superkick attempt and went for a Death Valley Driver but Steelz raked her eyes and tried a pin with her feet on the ropes, however the outside referee noticed it. Steelz turned around into a spinning kick and Shaw finished her off with her running knee for the 3 count. The match only lasted 5 minutes.
Winner by Gisele Shaw
Analysis: *** That was fun for a shorter match and you could feel the intensity in the rivalry. I like how they had the extra referees out there to show that some of them do indeed have functioning brains, unlike how most referees are booked on wrestling TV. Tonight’s card is pretty stacked so I would’ve preferred a longer match here.
Security was attending to Mike Santana backstage who had been attacked by The System.
Analysis: I guess that match might be off now. If that means more time to the main event then that’s fine.
There were some highlights from NXT where Joe Hendry inserted himself into the #1 Contendership for the NXT Championship. Hendry vs Wes Lee vs Pete Dunne is this coming Tuesday.
Analysis: I think Hendry has a real chance to win that match, considering the other two are heels. I think NXT is doing better booking with Hendry than TNA is at present.
Moose came down to the ring with The System for his scheduled match with Mike Santana. Alisha took the microphone (where’s my Josh Alexander headgear) and said Santana wasn’t medically cleared. She said Moose has the night off but then Santana’s music hit. He was backstage holding his ribs and broke free of the doctor to go to the ring. Santana entered through the crowd. He fought off Edwards and Myers at ringside. The crowd was right behind him. Santana took JDC out of the ring and the referee called to start the match.
Match #3: Moose vs Mike Santana
Alisha jumped up on the apron to distract Santana, so Moose attacked him from behind. He whipped Santana hard into the corner. Edwards got in his face in the corner. Moose abused the fans at ringside and nailed Santana with elbows on the ring apron. He chopped Santana against the ring but Santana fought back with a pump kick. He was still favouring his arm and ribs so Moose smashed him with a Uranage on the ring apron. Santana rolled back into the ring so Moose followed up by kicking his arm against the ring ropes. Moose used the ring ropes to stretch Santana’s shoulder out. He tossed Santana against the mat, shoulder-first. They took the fight to the outside and Moose nailed a big kick to the face, then a scoop slam on the floor. Moose pummelled Santana with right hands and rolled into the ring to break the referee’s count. JDC tossed Santana into the ring post as Moose distracted the referee. Santana got back into the ring at the count of 9. Moose choked him out with his foot against the mat. He talked to the referee, whilst Alisha choked Santana against the ring ropes. Moose whipped Santana hard against the corner turnbuckle. Santana told Moose to bring it and spat in his face so Moose slapped him around. He fought back with strikes in the corner and nailed a missile dropkick. Santana hit a running uppercut but it was with his injured arm so Moose followed up with a kick. Santana hit a sunset flip pin for 2. He countered a Uranage into a roll up for a close 2 count. Santana drove Moose into the turnbuckle and hit a rolling cutter. He nailed a cannonball in the corner for 2. Moose blocked the Spin the Block attempt with a headbutt. He ran the ropes but Santana almost took his head off with Spin the Block. Santana was too fatigued to make the cover, so Moose rolled to the floor. He tossed Moose into the ring using his left arm then bounced his head off one turnbuckle. Moose overpowered him by pulling his arm down hard against the ring ropes. Moose nailed the spear for the win after 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Moose
Analysis: ***1/2 I liked the match and it was probably the obvious way to book it, being a non-PPV match and still allows Santana to look strong. I’m not sure if it was just my feed but the crowd was very vocal during the whole match. Good for Big Mike.
The System were about to beat down Santana even further by Joe Hendry and a steel chair made the save. Moose grabbed a fan’s Hendry sign from the crowd and ripped it up in front of him. That was funny. Hendry said The System were making a lot of enemies lately. He announced Moose and JDC against two more of The System’s enemies next week…The Hardys!
Analysis: Easy way to book a Hendry appearance. He still hasn’t addressed Josh Alexander kicking him in the groin at Slammiversary. Good to see The Hardys are still hanging around.
Jody Threat and Dani Luna were discussing their recent woes together. Luna said that they didn’t go through all of the hardships to not be the champions. Threat said it was ‘do or die’ in the final match against the Militia.
Analysis: I think that might mean if they lose then they will break up. Then the division would have one team. Don’t lose, please!
Jordynne Grace addressed Ash-by-Elegance’s actions at the end of last week’s Knockouts’ Title match. She said if Ash wants a fight, she’s got one.
Analysis: They announced a 6-woman tag match for Emergence later in the show so I was surprised by that. It can keep the feud going without having a title match.
Match #4: Ultimate-X Qualifier: Ace Austin vs Jason Hotch vs Rich Swann w/ AJ Francis
They did a few spots early involving all 3 guys. Swann hit a headscissors on Austin. He raked the eyes of Hotch but Austin sent him over the top rope. Hotch nailed a rolling neckbreaker on Austin for 2. Swann came back in with a kick to the head of Hotch and a neckbreaker of his own for 2. Swann and Austin exchanged strikes in the middle of the ring. Swann sent him to the ring apron but Austin scored with a forearm strike. Austin launched back in the ring for a sunset flip on Hotch for 2. Swann hit a poisonrana on Hotch but Austin scored with a double stomp on Swann for 2. There was definitely more urgency in this triple threat. Austin set up for the Fold but Hotch held his leg, which allowed Swann to hit a kick to the head. Swann flew to the outside and took out both of his opponents, as AJ clapped his efforts. Austin tossed Swann into Francis on the commentary table. Austin threw Hotch back in the ring but AJ nailed a back suplex on Austin on the apron. There’s no disqualifications but the referee admonished AJ. Chris Bey came down to ringside and flew over the top rope to take out AJ and Swann. Austin slipped out of a reverse suplex attempt. He used the ropes to hit a springboard kick then set up for The Fold again but John Skyler ran down for the interference, which allowed Hotch to roll up Austin with a unique pin for the win after 6 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Jason Hotch
Analysis: *** That was another fine match that was, once again, on the shorter side. The booking tonight is interesting with the two winners of the qualifiers being the lowest-profile wrestlers. Bey, Austin and Swann not being in the match surely hurts its quality.
Matt Cardona and Santino Marella were backstage discussing the contract. Cardona was avoiding a singles match with PCO and instead suggested a 6-person tag match with he and SDL and a partner vs PCO and his wedding party. Marella was a little unsure but agreed, only if Cardona faced PCO at Emergence. They signed the contracts.
Analysis: Why would Marella agree to have SDL on opposite teams to PCO, given they are ‘married’? It’s clear Cardona is going to try and weasel out of the singles match with PCO. Some of the writing tonight is dumb.
Next week:
* Ultimate X Qualifier: Frankie Kazarian vs Kushida vs Hammerstone
* Laredo Kid vs Jai Vidal vs Bhupinder Gujjar
* Alisha Edwards vs Rosemary
* Jonathan Gresham vs NXT Heritage Cup Champion: Charlie Dempsey
* The Hardys vs Moose & JDC
Analysis: That’s a decent line-up. I can’t recall seeing Vidal or Gujjar at all this year.
Match #5: TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Josh Alexander
Jade did the big match introductions for her husband which I find humorous. There was 25 minutes of TV time left when the bell rang. This could be TNA’s match of the year so far, however I expect a screwy finish. There was a fair bit of mat wrestling early on. Nemeth used an arm lock into a backslide for a 1 count. He stretched out Alexander and tested out his left shoulder. Alexander fought out with a hip toss.
(Commercial break)
Alexander was in control as we returned to the action, but Nemeth slipped out of a suplex and dropkicked Alexander into the corner turnbuckle. Nemeth went back to the arm lock into a backslide for 2, similar to what he tried early on. Alexander nailed a hard elbow to the chin of Nemeth. He chopped the champion hard in the corner and nailed another elbow to the back of the neck. Alexander used the ropes to choke Nemeth out and he used the full count of the referee. He targeted the back of Nemeth with forearm shots off the ropes. Nemeth fought back with body shots but Alexander whipped him front-first into the turnbuckle. Nice selling as always by Nemeth. Alexander stomped down hard on Nemeth on the mat. The crowd was booing Alexander heavily. They exchanged strikes but Alexander overpowered Nemeth with right hands. The fans chanted “USA” at Alexander which flustered him a bit so Nemeth bounced his head off the turnbuckle a bunch of times. Alexander whipped Nemeth into the ropes and connected with a running back elbow, then a forearm in the corner. He followed up with a big boot. Alexander wanted a moonsault but Nemeth was quick to his feet and fought the challenger on the top rope. Nemeth clobbered Alexander with forearm shots to the chest but Alexander wrenched down on Nemeth’s shoulder, so he crashed to the mat. Alexander went back to the moonsault but Nemeth rolled out of the way. Nemeth hit a splash in the corner and a neckbreaker. He fired up the crowd but Alexander rolled out of the way to avoid the diving elbow. Alexander caught a jumping DDT attempt and tossed Nemeth over the top rope, which led to Nemeth holding his knee.
(Commercial break)
Alexander was still in control. He hit a hard kick to the head of Nemeth on the ring apron. Alexander went over to some fans and abused them. They both went back into the ring and Alexander tried a sleeper hold. Nemeth fought free but Alexander levelled him with a knee to the ribs. Nemeth bounced off the ropes with a clothesline then a splash in the corner. Alexander avoided a neckbreaker and hit a German suplex. He followed it up with another one and then Nemeth grabbed the ropes to avoid a third. Nemeth reversed the hold and nailed a suplex of his own with a bridge for 2. He hit his 10 elbow routine and covered Alexander for 2. Alexander avoided a clothesline and took Nemeth down by the ankle. He locked in the ankle lock but Nemeth rolled through and avoided it, then nailed a Fame Asser for 2. Alexander held the ropes to avoid the Danger Zone and hit a rolling forearm shot. Nemeth broke free of the C4 Spike attempt and rolled up Alexander for 2. Alexander hit a rolling DVD and a nice knee strike across the neck from the top rope for a 2 count. The match was really ramping up in pace now. Alexander went back to the ankle lock. He had Nemeth in the centre of the ring. Nemeth rolled onto his back and broke the hold. Alexander tried his running crossbody but Nemeth turned it into an inside cradle for 2. Nemeth trapped Alexander in the sleeper hold on the mat. Alexander got to his feet with Nemeth on his back and dropped his body weight on the champion. He locked the ankle lock in again. Nemeth broke free and jumped on Alexander’s back with another sleeper hold attempt. Alexander rammed Nemeth into the middle turnbuckle to break free. He ran into a super kick but Alexander rolled out of the ring. Nemeth followed him to the outside but Alexander tossed him into the steel ring steps. Alexander tossed Nemeth back into the ring and signalled for the C4. He clubbed down on Nemeth’s back to soften him up and then hit a brutal backbreaker over the knee for 2. Alexander lifted Nemeth on to the top rope. He hit him with some forearm strikes and went for the back suplex but Nemeth turned in mid-air to turn it into a crossbody for 2. Alexander tried rolling up Nemeth using the tights for a close 2 count. He ran at Nemeth, but Nemeth tripped him into the middle turnbuckle. Nemeth nailed the Danger Zone and Alexander bounced across the ring and eventually rolled to the floor. Nemeth was incensed and hit a jumping DDT on the floor. He tossed Alexander back into the ring and scored another nearfall. The TNA chants echoed throughout the arena. Alexander avoided another Danger Zone and tossed Nemeth shoulder-first into the ring post. He repeated the dose on the opposite post. Alexander tossed Nemeth face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Nemeth was crumpled in a heap in the corner. Nemeth fought out of the C4 Spike and hit another Danger Zone. He rolled into the cover and the bell rang to signal the end of time. I guess it was a 30-minute time limit. Nemeth and the crowd wanted 5 more minutes but Alexander didn’t agree and rolled out of the ring.
Result: Time limit draw
Analysis: **** Obviously, the end of the match is not what the fans wanted but you just knew neither of them were going to take a loss on their first outing especially on a TV match so kudos to TNA for making the ending somewhat creative. I thought the match was excellent and look forward to their next encounter. Nemeth can wrestle 20+ minutes effortlessly and we know Alexander’s record of consistently long matches during his 2022 title reign.
After the match, Nemeth grabbed Alexander on the ramp and tossed him back in the ring. Alexander kicked Nemeth in the groin and then asked the referee for 5 more minutes. What a dastardly move! The crowd hated that. Alexander grabbed the championship and stood over Nemeth.
Analysis: That’s good booking to have Alexander end the show on top. TNA’s website said that they reached the 30-minute time limit in the match so I guess they included commercial time. TNA announced a 60-minute Ironman match for the championship at Emergence. That will be outstanding.
Final Rating: 7.25/10
On paper, that was probably one of the better cards of the year but the short time length and some questionable writing and booking probably let it down a bit, which is a little understandable given that they wanted to run a longer main event. In that case, it feels more sensible not to rush the other matches if they are important and even carry them over to next week to ensure that they get the necessary time length that they deserve. Despite that, all of the matches felt important this week. Two more Ultimate-X qualifiers were solid. Having guys like Hotch and Osborne winning is definitely shocking and fine if you want to push new guys, however it probably doesn’t allow that Ultimate-X match to be as good as if Swann, Austin or Bey were there. I enjoyed the urgency in the match between Gisele Shaw and Tasha Steelz. Santana losing to Moose could’ve been held over to Emergence but I understand what they were trying to achieve and it does make sense. The main event was excellent and gives you a taste of what’s to come at Emergence. They easily wrestled for 30 minutes and the next match between the two will now be an hour. That’s a match that excites me.
The next TNA monthly special is Emergence on Friday, August 30 in Louisville, Kentucky. Here’s the card so far:

* 60-Minute Ironman Match for the TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Josh Alexander
* Ultimate-X for the X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs Riley Osborne vs Jason Hotch vs 3 others
* Jordynne Grace & Spitfire vs Ash-by-Elegance & The Militia
Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!