The John Report: WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 Review
This is WWE NXT No Mercy featuring Ethan Page against Joe Hendry, Roxanne Perez facing Jaida Parker, a Wes Lee-Zach Wentz grudge match, and more.
It’s the fifth WWE NXT PLE of 2024. I thought Heatwave in July was excellent and I rated It as the best NXT PLE of the year. Let’s get to it.
NXT No Mercy
From Ball Arena in Denver, Colorado
Sunday, September 1, 2024
There was an opening video package hyping up the big matches on the show. Happy birthday to that guy with the “It’s My Birthday” sign in the crowd.
The NXT commentary team of Vic Joseph and Booker T welcomed us to the show. Booker did his line: “Now can you dig that sucka” to get the crowd hyped up.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Chase U – Andre Chase & Ridge Holland (w/Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne & Thea Hail) vs. Nathan Frazer & Axiom
This is a rematch for the NXT Tag Team Titles after Chase & Holland won them a few weeks ago. Frazer & Axiom may be my favorite tag team in all of WWE right now. They are so fun to watch.
Chase hit a knee to the ribs of Axiom. There was a dropkick from Axiom and then Frazer tagged in with a running kick on Chase. Ridge tagged in leading to a lifting slam on Frazer, then a bit of an airplane spin and Ridge hit a double underhook suplex Frazer. Chase was back in with a low dropkick. Axiom was back in with a running strike on Chase. Frazer kicked Chase, then Frazer got the tag and Axiom/Frazer did a double superkick to Chase. Frazer hit a standing SSP on Chase for two. Axiom jumped on Chase’s back and Chase backed Axiom into the turnbuckle. Axiom and Chase did a double clothesline to knock both guys down. Ridge tagged in with a clothesline on Frazer along with two powerful overhead suplexes. Ridge hit a running splash on Frazer against the turnbuckle. Ridge powered up Frazer onto his shoulders and turned it into a DDT for two. Axiom tagged in, jumped onto Ridge, who caught Axiom and hit a powerslam. Ridge went up top and he jumped off the top with a headbutt to Axiom’s shoulder for a two count because Frazer made the save. Frazer was back in leading to a sweep kick/cross body block combo at the same time. Ridge headbutted Frazer down and Chase tagged in. Ridge kicked Frazer out of the ring. Chase went up top with Axiom and Chase hit a Spanish Fly off the top! That’s a surprising move by Chase. There was a sitout Powerbomb from Chase for two. Ridge was back in with a knee to the ribs of Axiom followed by a chop. Chase tagged back in as Axiom superkicked Ridge out of the ring. Axiom hit a suicide dive on Chase on the floor. Frazer tried a dive onto Ridge, but Ridge caught him. Ridge caught a jumping Axiom as well. Ridge shoved both Axiom and Frazer over the barricade. Axiom and Frazer bounced back with punches. Frazer & Axiom both kicked Chase as well.
Frazer tagged in as Axiom hit a Frog Splash off the top on Chase. Axiom kicked Ridge on the floor. Frazer jumped off the top with a 450 Splash for a two count. Chase hit a boot to the head, Frazer with a kick and Chase did a back fist to Frazer’s head. Ridge tagged in for a Doomsday Device top rope clothesline for a two count. Great spot for a nearfall. Chase was back in with a Powerbomb/kick combo and Ridge hit a powerslam. Axiom was back in to kick Holland onto Chase to break up the pin. All four guys were down. Axiom kicked Ridge out of the ring. Chase punched Axiom out of the ring. Frazer hit a roundhouse kick on Chase. Axiom tagged in as Frazer hit a superplex off the top and Axiom hit a superkick on Chase for two. Axiom went for Golden Ratio, Chase moved and Axiom kicked Frazer by accident. Ridge was back in with a clothesline on Axiom, who sold it with a great flip bump. Ridge gave Axiom a Powerbomb onto the double knees of Chase and Ridge covered Axiom for two. Great nearfall. There were “NXT” chants from the crowd. Frazer was back into it with a missile dropkick on Ridge to knock Ridge out of the ring. Frazer hit a somersault dive over the top onto Ridge on the floor. Axiom got a cradle on Chase for two. Chase hit a neckbreaker. Chase went up top, Axiom kicked him and Axiom hit a Spanish Fly off the top. Frazer jumped off the top with a Phoenix Splash on Chase and Frazer covered Chase for the pinfall win. Ridge was on the floor, so he wasn’t able to make the save. It went 13:33.
Winners by pinfall AND NEW NXT Tag Team Champions: Nathan Frazer & Axiom
Analysis: ***3/4 This was a terrific tag team match just like when they did the title change a few weeks ago. There was so much action in this match and a lot of nearfalls that built up the excitement. I didn’t go into this expecting a title change, but based on what happened after the match, I get why it was done. As the match went on, the crowd got into it and it was really exciting to watch like most Axiom & Frazer matches. I liked the finish with Axiom hitting the Spanish Fly followed by Frazer hitting the Phoenix Splash and Ridge was taken out by Frazer with a dive onto the floor moments earlier, so that’s why there was no save attempt. These teams worked really well together.

After the match, Chase U was shown in the ring where Ridge hit Riley with a forearm to knock Riley and Duke out of the ring. Ridge also clotheslined Chase. Ridge threw Duke into the barricade. Ridge sent Riley into the steel steps. The fans were booing as Ridge press slammed Chase over the top to the floor. Ridge cleared off the commentary table and stared menacingly at Hail, who tried to get him to stop. Ridge picked up Chase and gave him a cradle DDT onto the commentary table. The table didn’t break, but Chase sold it like he was knocked out while Ridge looked at his own hands. The MT’s brought out a stretcher while fans chanted “one more time” for Ridge to do it again. Chase was getting looked at by the EMT’s.
Analysis: There’s the heel turn of Ridge Holland, which isn’t a shock since he has been a heel in the past. Ridge joined Chase U to try to change, but I don’t think most of us thought that this would be a long-term thing. I didn’t think that Ridge would turn heel here, but I get why it was done and I hope Ridge does well as a singles heel in the future. I think Ridge is talented, but I think he could use a heel manager to talk for him at times because his promo style isn’t that interesting. Anyway, they can have Ridge beat up the likes of Hudson & Holland before Chase comes back.

The next NXT Premium Live Event is Halloween Havoc on Saturday, October 27.
A video aired about Pete Dunne facing Trick Williams this Tuesday on NXT. There were comments from both guys.
Analysis: It’s not officially a number one contender’s match for a shot at the NXT Title, but I think the winner (Trick) will be getting an NXT Title match after that win.
They showed Jaida Parker and NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez walking around the arena earlier in the day.
A replay was shown of Ridge Holland’s attack on Chase U. Andre Chase was taken away on a stretcher.
There was a video package about the Wes Lee-Zachary Wentz rivalry. They went from best friends and Tag Team Champions to rivals because Lee turned on his buddy, along with Trey Miguel.

Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz
Wentz brought out the TNA X-Division title that he won on Friday night at TNA Emergence. That title is not on the line in this match.
They are two smaller guys who are very athletic and they know eachother so well. The first couple of minutes featured both guys going for moves while not connecting due to quick counters. Wentz kicked Lee in the leg followed by a dropkick. Wentz kicked Lee in the head followed by a twisting cross body block off the middle turnbuckle. Lee bailed to the floor, so Wentz went after him and Lee hit Wentz with a shoulder strike to the back of the right knee. Lee sent Wentz’s left shoulder into the ring post. Lee picked up Wentz and gave him a belly-to-back slam onto the ring apron. Back in the ring, Lee rammed Wentz shoulder-first into the middle turnbuckle. Lee hit a running dropkick on Wentz’s back against the turnbuckle. Wentz and Lee exchanged strikes. Wentz did a handspring off the ropes leading to a jumping knee to the face. Wentz caught a leaping Lee and slammed him into the mat. Wentz hit a German Suplex, a jumping knee to the jaw, and a running PK kick. Wentz with a running kick while on the apron, which led to a great flip bump by Lee. Wentz hit a corkscrew cross body block off the middle turnbuckle onto Lee on the floor. There were “TNA” chants for NXT. Back in the ring, Wentz hit a Swanton Bomb off the top rope for two. Lee went for a running attack, but Wentz countered it into a Boston Crab submission. Lee was able to get out of that and kicked Wentz into the turnbuckle. Wentz came back with a superkick. Wentz hit a jumping kick to the head. Lee got back into it with a kick long with a top rope hurricanrana. Lee hit a 450 Splash off the ropes for a two count. Lee bounced off the ropes with a Cardiac Kick for two. Lee has won a lot of matches with that move. Vic said that Wentz got kicked so hard he may think his name is Carter, which is a reference to Wentz being named Nash Carter in WWE. Wentz hit a flipping blockbuster that looked like a DDT and then Lee hit a running double knee attack, which sent Lee rolling out of the ring. They were both down as the fans chanted “this is awesome” for the match.
Lee pulled Wentz out of the ring and Wentz cleared off the commentary table. Lee hit Wentz with a knee to the ribs and Lee sent Wentz into the steel steps. Lee charged at Wentz, who moved, so Lee’s knees went crashing into the steel steps. Wentz broke the count, so Lee pulled him back out. Lee superkicked Wentz, who laid on the commentary table and then the table broke from Wentz laying on it. Lee went up top and jumped off with a double knee smash. They obviously didn’t want the table to break, so they had to improvise by doing double knees on the floor instead. Lee sent Wentz into the ring post. Lee grabbed a steel chair, but Trey Miguel (who is Wentz’s buddy) was there to take the chair away. Good spot. Wentz jumped off the apron and hit Lee with a Canadian Destroyer on the floor! Amazing move there. Back in the ring, Wentz jumped off the ropes and hit a Cutter for a move called the UFO for the pinfall win at 13:37.
Winner by pinfall: Zachary Wentz
Analysis: ***1/2 A very good match as expected. The result surprised me because I thought Lee would win to get some momentum as a heel and instead, he lost to the TNA guy. Those final five minutes were absolutely outstanding. You could tell they were going at a slower pace earlier in the match, but once these guys got going the fans were going crazy for the big moves that they did. I thought it would be the best match, but I did rate the tag team match a bit higher. It was still an awesome match and I don’t think this story is just going to go away.

After the match, Trey Miguel went into the ring and hugged his friend Zachary Wentz. That led to Wentz & Miguel celebrating in the aisle while Lee had an angry look on his face.
Analysis: I think this story will probably continue with Lee doing another cheap attack to set up another match.
The WWE Bad Blood PLE is coming on Saturday, October 5th from Atlanta.
A video aired about Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley & Jazmyn Nyx, who are collectively known as a heel group called Fatal Influence.
There was a video about the “Ruler” Oba Femi, who is the NXT North American Champion.
The team of Hank & Tank was shown on Instagram reacting to the Frazer/Axiom and Chase U match. Hank & Tank spoke about wanting to be NXT Tag Team Title contenders.
Joe Hendry was shown in the locker room talking to special guest referee Trick Williams, who told Joe he’ll call the match down the middle. Joe said if he wins the title then Trick will get the first title shot.

NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan vs. Wendy Choo
Jordan connected with a dropkick. Choo locked hands with Jordan and flipped over into a pin attempt. Jordan broke free leading to a hurricanrana. Choo was on the floor, so Jordan did a slingshot dive over the top onto Choo on the floor. Back in the ring, Choo went for a belly-to-back suplex, Jordan countered that and hit a dropkick. Jordan bounced off the ropes leading to a standing moonsault for two. Jordan went up top, Choo growled at her and Choo hit Jordan to set her upside down against the turnbuckle. Choo hit a running dropkick on Jordan, who was upside down. Back in the ring, Choo put her feet around Jordan’s neck and did the dreaded neck test. Choo hit a superkick for two. Choo sent Jordan face first into the turnbuckle followed by a flatliner. Jordan came back with a rollup for two, but Choo stopped the moment with an elbow smash. Jordan got a sunset flip pin attempt for two. Choo kicked Jordan under the jaw for a two count. Choo charged at Jordan, who got a boot up and then Jordan avoided a charging Choo. They did the running double clothesline spot to knock both women down. The fans did some light applause, but the crowd was quiet for this match.
Jordan went for a charging move, but Choo avoided it and Choo hit a German Suplex. Jordan got a boot up and hit a jumping back elbow. Jordan hit a jumping side kick. Jordan stepped off the ropes with a DDT and then a sitout facebuster almost like a DDT for two. Jordan kicked Choo in the head and Jordan went up top for a Five Star Frog Splash for two. Back in the ring, Choo got some offense going with a Powerbomb and a full nelson slam for two. The fans barely reacted to it. Choo went for a move, but Jordan broke free to avoid it. Jordan went up top, Choo went after her and Choo was going for a move off the top, but Choo slipped backward, so Jordan bumped to the mat as well. Choo applied her Cobra Clutch sleeper with a leg scissors on the body, but Jordan was able to power out of it. Jordan kicked Choo down. Jordan bounced off the ropes again leading to a flatliner. Jordan went up top with a 450 Splash and didn’t attempt a cover. Jordan hit the split-legged One of a Kind moonsault off the ropes for the pinfall win. It went 13:20.
Winner by pinfall: Kelani Jordan
Analysis: **3/4 The match was okay for the most part, but it was lacking in terms of a story and the fans had a tough time getting into it. I don’t think there was a point in the match where it looked like Choo was going to win, so that hurt the match due to the lack of drama. Jordan has obviously studied Rob Van Dam because she does the Five-Star Frog Splash and the split legged moonsault that she uses for a finisher that WWE calls One of a Kind since that was RVD’s theme song.

After the match, Tatum Paxley went into the ring and attacked Choo from behind with a guillotine choke submission to choke Choo out. Paxley put a creepy doll on Choo’s pillow in the ring.
Analysis: That should set them up for a match soon.
There was a commercial for Smackdown moving to USA Network on September 13th.
A video package aired about Jaida Parker.
There was a tweet shown from Wolfgang claiming that Nathan Frazer & Axiom will try to avoid the Gallus boys. Wolfgang said if they give Gallus a shot then Frazer & Axiom will have a short reign like Chase U did.
A replay was shown of Ridge Holland turning on Chase U and attacking Andre Chase, who left in an ambulance.
Ridge Holland was asked by Sarah Schreiber for a comment about what he did and he didn’t say anything. Ridge walked away.

NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo (w/Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino & Adrianna Rizzo)
It was mentioned by Vic that Oba has only had 21 televised matches in his career. It’s impressive to see how good Femi is already.
Femi ran over Tony with a shoulder tackle. Tony did a takedown leading to punches and a clothesline over the top to the floor. Back in the ring, Tony hit a running forearm and a German Suplex. Tony clotheslined Femi out of the ring again. Femi was back in the ring as he drove Tony back-first into the turnbuckle. Tony ran off the ropes, he took a strike to the groin perhaps and Tony collapsed after. The referee checked on Tony, who was okay as Femi hit a vertical suplex. The replay showed that Tony turned his left ankle taking a step on Femi’s foot, so that’s why Tony collapsed in that moment earlier. Femi hit Tony with forearms to the back, but Tony came back with an overhead suplex across the ring. Femi caught a charging suplex and Femi suplexed Tony across the ring. Femi hit a running uppercut on Tony for a two count. Femi sent Tony into the ropes leading to a clothesline to the back of the head two times in a row. The crowd wasn’t reacting to much of this. Femi gave Tony a body slam followed by Femi putting his foot across Tony’s throat. Tony rolled up Femi for two. Femi came back with a shoulderbreaker for two with Vic saying it was a Papa Shango-style shoulderbreaker. Good reference. Tony came back with a back body drop. Femi and Tony battled on the apron leading to Tony hitting a DDT-style move on the apron. Back in the ring, Femi was back up with a kick to the chest. Tony came back with an overhead suplex across the ring. Tony worked over Femi with punches along with a belly-to-belly side slam. Tony hit his Fisherman’s Buster into a pin for two. That’s a move that Tony has won with many times in his career. Femi rocked Tony with a forearm, Tony punched back and Tony hit a powerslam. Tony picked up Femi on his shoulders and fell back with an Electric Chair Drop for two. Femi punched Tony while they were by the apron. Femi shoved Luca and Femi had a crowbar that I guess he got from Luca. Femi slammed Stacks down and Femi kicked Luca down. Tony hit a clothesline on the floor.
They were back in the ring where Tony ran the ropes leading to a Spear for two. Good spot for a two count. Femi picked up Tony and tossed him across the ring like a release Powerbomb. Femi hit a running clothesline to knock Tony down. Femi picked up Tony and hit a Powerbomb for two because Tony got his left shoulder up at the last moment. Vic and Booker were shocked by that. Femi punched Tony a few times and then Tony hit a huge spinebuster, but there was no cover after it. Femi hit a running uppercut. Femi hit another Powerbomb. Femi hit a sitout Powerbomb for the pinfall win. It went 13:46.
Winner by pinfall: Oba Femi
Analysis: ***1/4 It turned into a good match, but the crowd wasn’t into it the whole way. I have seen Femi have better matches with guys like Wes Lee and in a triple threat setting. It’s not a knock on Tony, who is pretty good too. I’m just saying Femi has had better title defenses in the past. Like I said, though, it was still a solid match. I’d like to see Femi in a meaningful storyline because at this point they really haven’t given him that yet. It’s mostly just lining up guys for Femi to beat.

There were commercials about WrestleMania 41 in Las Vegas and WWEShop merchandise. They also showed clips of Michael Cole and other WWE announcers reacting to big moves over the last year.
There was a profile video about Bron Breakker, who is the Intercontinental Champion on the Raw brand.
Ethan Page was shown backstage in his locker room looking at his NXT Champion. Trick Williams walked up to Page saying he’ll call the match right down the middle. Page said that he has the NXT Title that Trick wants and Trick can’t beat Page for it. Page said that Trick will do everything in his power to have Hendry win. Trick disagreed with what Page said. Trick told Page to abide by his rules and if he doesn’t then maybe Trick will have to Whoop That Trick. The fans cheered.
Analysis: It’s smart to do something like that where it’s a tease for something possibly happening during the match involving Page and Trick.
Zach Wentz was interviewed backstage about his win. Wentz said it’s time to move on from the past with Wes Lee and move on to the future with his brother Trey Miguel. Wentz said that Axiom & Frazer beat MSK, but Trey & Zach challenged the champions to a NXT Tag Team Title match.
There was a video package to set up Roxanne Perez defending the NXT Women’s Title against Jaida Parker.
They showed Jaida Parker walking backstage saying she is ready to be the next NXT Women’s Champion. Parker was cheered by the fans even though she’s technically a heel. I think it’s a case of the fans wanting to root for whoever Roxanne Perez is against. The NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez made her entrance looking positive as usual. Booker put over Perez a lot as usual. The ring announcer Alicia Taylor did the championship introductions.

NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker
It started with Perez trying to use her technical skills, Parker got out of that and Perez broke free. Perez did an arm drag do Parker did an arm drag back. Perez did a slap to the face so Parker knocked her down with two shoulder tackles. Parker slapped Perez in the ribs and then wanted a splash by the ropes, but Perez ran away. Parker was in control wither another shoulder tackle and then Parker hit a suplex. Perez sent Parker out of the ring. Perez tried a dive, Parker caught her and Parker walked Perez up the steel steps. Perez tripped up Parker on the steel steps. Perez sent Parker into the steel steps. Perez stomped on Parker’s back to send Parker ribs-first into the steel steps. Perez stomped on Parker’s ribs a few times along with a double stomp to the ribs. The fans were chanting for both women as Parker kicked Perez back to knock her down. Parker got a rollup for two. Perez dropkicked Parker in the ribs. Perez sent Parker ribs-first into the steel turnbuckle and Perez pulled Parker’s arms against the turnbuckle. Perez applied an abdominal stretch while elbowing Parker in the ribs. Parker punched Perez a few times, but Perez came back with an uppercut. Perez jumped off the ropes leading to a splash onto the ribs. Perez did Parker’s high step taunt, which drew boos. Perez went for a kick, Parker blocked it and Parker picked up Perez for a sitout Powerbomb for two. Parker kneed Perez in the ribs a few times followed by a body slam. Parker hit a spinebuster for two. Perez countered a suplex, then Perez jumped off the turnbuckle and Parker caught Perez so that Parker slammed Perez back-first into the turnbuckle. Parker slapped Perez in the ribs repeatedly. Parker set up Perez by the ropes followed by Parker doing a top rope tear drop butt splash onto Perez for a two count.
Parker went for a suplex, but then she collapsed while holding the right side of her ribs. Parker blocked Perez from doing a move leading to Parker hitting a reverse suplex. Parker ran the ropes going for a hip attack, but Perez avoided it and Perez went for a Crossface submission. Parker powered out of it. Parker got back to her feet leading to a Samoan Drop. Parker went for a splash off the ropes, but Perez moved and Parker hit the mat with a splash attempt. Perez got a rollup for two. Perez went for Pop Rox, but Parker avoided it. Parker hit the running hip attack that knocked Perez out of the ring. The fans chanted “this is awesome’ for them. Parker ran at Perez on the floor, Parker went for a hip attack, but Perez moved and Parker went smashing through the barricade. Perez gave Parker a Pop Rox onto the barricade. Both women got back into the ring before the ten count. Perez hit Pp Rox for the pinfall win at 14:51.
Winner by pinfall: Roxanne Perez
Analysis: ***3/4 This turned into a great match. It didn’t start that way with the pace they were on, but then it got really intense while Parker was making her comeback. Parker sold the rib injury very well throughout the match and even while she as on offense, which is what you’re supposed to do. Perez looked like such a clever heel by avoiding the attack on the floor and Perez finishing off Parker in the ring right after that was the perfect way to end it. I liked the match quite a bit. Give Perez credit as usual, but don’t forget about Parker, who has been wrestling for less than two years and keeps getting better.

Roxanne Perez celebrated her NXT Title win when the lights went out in the arena. A new song played while there was smoke by the entrance area. Out from the smoke was NXT newcomer Giulia, which drew cheers from the fans. They are using the name Giulia for her as well. There were cheers for Giulia as she got into the ring and had a staredown with Perez.
Analysis: It was months ago when Giulia officially signed with WWE and they took a while to debut her, but here she is. I predicted this happening as well a Giulia winning the NXT Women’s Title from Perez when NXT goes to The CW on October 1st. I think that would be the perfect time for it.
— WWE (@WWE) September 2, 2024
A commercial aired for WWE Speed on X featuring the women’s tournament.
There was a video package about Je’Von Evans, who is 20 years old with a bright future. That was followed by a Izzi Dame video.
The main roster was also represented since there was a Giovanni Vinci promo as well.
Ava the NXT GM was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber. Ava said they will be running more tests on Andre Chase and let everybody know if there’s an update. Ava said there will be a triple threat tag team match between The Rascalz, Gallus, and Hank & Tank for a Tag Team Title match on September 10th. Ava announced that the winner of the NXT Title match will defend the championship on the October 1st edition of NXT on The CW television station.
This Tuesday on NXT:
* The Rascalz vs. Gallus vs. Hank & Tank
* Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King
* Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne
The video package aired for the NXT Championship match between Ethan Page and challenger Joe Hendry
It was main event time with Trick Williams making his entrance as the special guest referee. Joe Hendry made his entrance as the challenger with the fans cheering for him and doing the audience participation spots for his entrance.
The NXT Champion Ethan Page was backstage saying that he’s going to do exactly what he does best, which is win. Page made his entrance and he was confident on his way to the ring.

NXT Championship: Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry – Trick Williams is the referee
It was the first time a TNA wrestler like Hendry challenged for the NXT Title and main evented an NXT PLE. The referee Trick Williams was wearing black pants and a referee shirt that was opened up so he could show off his physique.
Page sent Hendry into the turnbuckle so that Trick was forced to separate them. Hendry did the same thing to Page, so Trick separated them again. They continued to exchange basic holds as Hendry flipped over Page with an armdrag. Page tried a shoulder tackle, but Hendry stood up strong to stop it. Hendry bounced off the ropes with a shoulder tackle that knocked Page down. Hendry hit a delayed vertical suplex for two with Trick making the count. Hendry got a sunset flip pin for two and then another pin attempt for two. Page got some offense going with a boot to the face. Page sent Hendry into the turnbuckle, so Hendry came back with a running clothesline. Page hit a running back elbow. Hendry came back with another suplex. Page kicked Hendry and then sent Hendry into the ring post followed by a suplex for two. Page complained to Trick about the count even though it was a regular two count. Page set up Hendry on the turnbuckle, Hendry fought back and then Page hit a powerslam off the middle turnbuckle for a two count. Page took way too long going to the top rope, so Hendry popped back up and Pendry did a fallaway slam off the middle turnbuckle. Page rolled out of the ring to create some space. Hendry charged with a leap over the top onto Page on the floor. Hendry celebrated that, but Page was back up and sent Hendry into the steel steps. Page gave Hendry an Ego’s Edge Powerbomb onto the edge of the ring apron and Hendry was back in before the ten count.
Page picked up Hendry for Ego’s Edge, but Hendry got out of that and Hendry hit his own version of Ego’s Edge (like a Razor’s Edge) for a two count. Hendry and Page exchanged strikes as the crowd got into it by responding to each blow. Hendry hit two clotheslines and a fallaway slam. Hendry picked up Page and hit the Standing Ovation slam (a lifting spinebuster) for two because Trick saw Page’s left foot under the bottom rope. Trick made the right call. Page shoved Hendry into Trick, who bumped to the floor. Page hit a Standing Ovation on Hendry for a two count because a second referee Adrian Butler went into the ring to count the pin. Page grabbed the NXT Title and brought it into the ring, the referee Butler took it and Hendry got a rollup for two. Page hit Hendry wit ha DDT that looked like it was on the title and Butler counted one, two, and Trick slid in to stop the count. Page tried to punch Trick, who avoided it and Page punched Butler out of the ring. Trick looked at the referee out of the ring, so Page kicked Hendry in the groin with a low blow. Page hit Ego’s Edge on Hendry and Trick counted the pin one…two…and three. It went 15:08.
Winner by pinfall: Ethan Page
Analysis: ***1/2 I thought it was a very good championship match that really picked up in the final few minutes. The referee bump at first was a bit frustrating, but I like how Trick got back into it, then that led to Page hitting the low blow on Hendry and Page got the win with Ego’s Edge. Hendry was evenly matched with Page throughout the match as they did a lot of similar moves while also stealing the moves of the other guy during the match as well. Trick did a fine job as referee when he wasn’t knocked out of the ring and Page came off as a crafty heel who found a way to get the job done. I thought Page would win, so the result didn’t surprise me at all. I’m so happy for Hendry being in a spot like this and I hope we see more of him in WWE even though he’s a TNA guy for now. That could change in the future. I’m just saying. Anyway, this was an entertaining match to me.

After the match, Ethan Page made referee Trick Williams raise his hand as the winner of the match. Page did a thumbs up to Trick telling him he did a good job. They showed replays of the chaotic finish.
Ethan Page was celebrating in the ring with Trick Williams looking at him. Pete Dunne was there and he pulled Trick out of the ring. Dunne hit Trick with a Bitter End on the floor. Page celebrated in the ring while Dunne looked at him and Trick. That was the end of the show.
Analysis: Trick Williams is facing Pete Dunne on NXT this Tuesday, so I think Trick should win that match. I think that will lead to Trick challenging Page for the NXT Title on the first NXT episode on The CW on October 1st and that’s the night we could see Trick win the NXT Title back. I think Trick winning the title back makes a lot of sense because his reign was cut short. Anyway, it should be interesting to see what happens over the next month before NXT goes to The CW on October 1st as they load up with some stronger episodes of television in those first couple of weeks.

This event had a runtime of 2:44:55 on WWE Network and Peacock.
Five Stars of the Show
1. Roxanne Perez/Jaida Parker
2. Axiom & Nathan Frazer
3. Ethan Page
4. Zachary Wentz/Wes Lee
5. Joe Hendry, Andre Chase & Ridge Holland, Oba Femi
Final Thoughts
I’m going with a 7.5 out of 10.
It was a good NXT PLE although I don’t think it was at the same level as the great Heatwave show two months ago. There were six matches (five title matches) that all went between 13 minutes and 15 minutes, so there was nothing that felt too short and nothing that felt too long either. That’s a well-balanced show over 2 hours, 45 minutes, which is a perfect amount of time for a show like this. The only surprise that really happened was Ridge Holland turning on Andre Chase after they lost the NXT Tag Team Titles to Axiom & Nathan Frazer in a great match. I don’t think some people were surprised by Ridge turning heel after, but I admit I didn’t predict it.
I was very impressed by Jaida Parker, who lost her match to Roxanne Perez, but they had a great match. Perez has done it in the past and we know she’s really good. I just think Parker had a strong showing in that match even without a win. Also, we finally saw the debut of Giulia, who confronted Perez in the ring. That should lead to Giulia being the one to end this lengthy title reign of Perez and they will have an outstanding match whenever that happens.
The main event with Ethan Page and Joe Hendry was a solid main event. It certainly wasn’t at the level, in-ring wise, of main events featuring guys like Carmelo Hayes & Ilja Dragunov, but that’s okay. I still enjoyed it. I think Trick Williams will be the one to take the NXT Title from Page, so I wasn’t expecting a Hendry win even though I like Joe a lot. I have rated all five NXT PLE’s at 7.5 out of 10 or higher this year and this one is in that same level. It’s a good pro wrestling show, but also nothing that blew me away in terms of being amazing. I still enjoyed it.
Here are my NXT PLE rankings for 2024.
Heatwave (June 7) – 8.5
Stand & Deliver (April 6) – 7.75
No Mercy (September 1) – 7.5
Vengeance Day (February 4) – 7.5
Battleground (June 7) – 7.5
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter/X @johnreport