
Released WWE Star “Better Than Almost The Entire AEW Roster” Says Jim Cornette

Jim Cornette

Jim Cornette has high praise for a recently released WWE veteran.

Among the list of talent that was cut on September 21st was Shelton Benjamin. The former Intercontinental Champion has often been described as one of the most underrated and underutilised talents in recent history. Many believe that Benjamin is still as good today as he was during his early days on the main roster, including Cornette.

Speaking on the Jim Cornette Experience, Cornette believes that Benjamin still has the athletic ability to run rings around the majority of today’s wrestlers but does need to be re-established:

He can still not only outwork more than half on the WWE roster, but a significant portion in AEW that are a lot younger because he’s a genetic Marvel and a physical freak. And they were using him or attempted, almost used him remember a couple of years ago, and then they backed off on it. And he’s better than the level that he’s been presented at. But by the same token, because he’s been presented as an intermittent flunky and beaten and quick fashion and not focused on for so long. His image does, I would think, need some rehab with the fans.

Cornette continued, stating that while Benjamin is not terrible at promos, a mouthpiece would be beneficial to help take him to the next level:

Now he can be Shelton Benjamin because that’s his name. And now he can do all of his sh*t because when he was working for us at Ring of Honor, he did all of his sh*t. And we never had a problem. The question is, you’ve got to get somebody with a fresh presentation of how Shelton ought to be presented and talked about and maybe put him with a manager because the one drawback has been his promo ability, which doesn’t stink in terms of today’s bar, but he’s not a 10-minute orator for today’s in-ring set pieces.

But you know, accentuate his talents, his athleticism, his experience. And he’s real. Again, that’s the AEW thing. They just see him as that guy that WWE didn’t want. But he’s better than almost the entire roster.

Jim Cornette Thinks Highly Of Gunther

One of Cornette’s favourite wrestlers on the main roster is Intercontinental Champion Gunther. Having previously praised The Ring General’s fundamentals and technique, Cornette described Gunther as a perfect wrestler.

If you use any quotes from this article please credit The Jim Cornette Experience and leave a h/t to TJR Wrestling.