
The Undertaker Says He Prefers Attitude Era Over Current WWE

The Undertaker Says He Prefers Attitude Era Over Current WWE

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker shared his thoughts on WWE’s shift to a PG-rated product in 2008 and the potential return to edgier content under the leadership of Triple H.

Speaking on his “Six Feet Under” podcast, The Undertaker reflected on the significant changes WWE underwent when it adopted a more family-friendly approach, eliminating most blood, sexual content, and swearing from shows like “WWE Raw” and “WWE SmackDown”.

With 16 years of PG-rated programming, The Undertaker highlighted the new advertising and sponsorship opportunities that emerged as a result. He pointed out that the move to PG made WWE more appealing to major brands that had previously shied away from the edgy content of the Attitude Era.

It opened the door for bigger high-end sponsorship. In the Attitude Era, nobody would touch us, like the Coca-Colas and the Ford Motor Company. Those big brands wouldn’t touch us because we were so edgy. Once we went to PG, we started getting more mainline sponsorship.

The Undertaker explained. Despite his personal preference for the pre-PG era, The Undertaker acknowledged that the transition was a necessary evolution for WWE from a business perspective. He emphasised its importance for the company’s financial success and sustainability.

Pre-PG was obviously my favourite, but as a business model, the PG era is what it is. It’s about the business and the bottom line.

The Undertaker also addressed the possibility of WWE reintroducing edgier elements into its programming under Triple H’s leadership. He suggested that WWE might be experimenting to see how far they can push the boundaries towards more mature content. However, he recognised the challenges associated with such a shift, including the influence of sponsors and TV networks, and the need to balance different audience demographics with the nostalgia for edgier content.

Which WWE Legend Did The Undertaker Wish He Could Have Faced At WrestleMania?

The Undertaker spoke about how he wished he could have had a match with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin at WrestleMania. The Deadman believes that if he had faced Austin at Mania however the streak may have been broken earlier than it did.

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