The John Report: WWE Smackdown Live 06/18/19 Review
Live from Ontario, California, this is Smackdown Live for episode #1035. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top. This review is sponsored by ICOPRO. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present.
The show began with a shot of the crowd as The New Day’s Big E did the introduction (he said “Cali” rather than the city of Ontario) for the New Day trio. Kofi Kingston, the WWE Champion, tossed some pancakes into the crowd, Xavier Woods had the trombone and Big E was doing his gyrations that he loves to do. The announce team of Tom Phillips, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton talked about Kingston’s WWE Title match against Dolph Ziggler at Stomping Grounds on Sunday.
Let’s Hear from The New Day
Kingston welcomed us to Smackdown Live with the crowd giving them a good ovation. Woods said that this Sunday at Stomping Grounds, he will see Kofi Kingston (cheers) going up against Dolph Ziggler (boos) inside of a Steel Cage, but that’s only if Ziggler makes it through Woods later tonight. Woods said they like to keep the show fresh. Big E claimed he had a pitch to make the last hour of Smackdown the “Freaky Hour” and claimed there was a slip ‘n slide, but here comes Ziggler.
Dolph Ziggler did a promo on the ramp saying that New Day was distracting the people again. Ziggler said that Kofi didn’t deserve to be WWE Champion. Ziggler claimed that without the New Day, Kofi would be nothing. Ziggler said that on Sunday, they won’t be there for Kofi and he’ll be unable to stand on his own. Ziggler said that the next time Kofi goes to Ghana, it won’t be a celebration, it will be an apology tour. Ziggler told Kofi he’ll have to look them in the eye and tell them that he failed. The fans booed leading to a “Kofi” chant. Ziggler said that at Stomping Grounds, it will be Ziggler slamming his body into that steel and grinding him into the cage. Ziggler said it will be him kicking ass and taking names…it will be him.
Kingston reminded Ziggler of where this WWE Championship journey began in a different cage, the Elimination Chamber. Kingston said he’s good with the match in the cage. Kingston said whether he pins him in the ring, climbs out of the cage or walks out the door, it will happen and Kofi will beat Dolph at Stomping Grounds to remain…Woods joined in to say it…the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Kingston told Ziggler he needs to be worried about tonight because Woods has been itching to pop him in the mouth just like he did at Super Showdown.
Ziggler told Kingston that he wants him to pay attention and claimed if it wasn’t for Woods, he would be WWE Champion right now. Ziggler claimed that after tonight, Woods will never be able to help Kingston again. Ziggler said that Sunday at Stomping Grounds, all the positivity, all the bad jokes, all the laughs and all the pretending to be something you’re not, comes crumbling down when Kofi is locked inside a steel cage with Ziggler. Ziggler said that at Stomping Grounds, Kofi will no longer be WWE Champion because “it should have been me.” Ziggler said that phrase two more times and claimed that “on Sunday, it will be me.” Ziggler’s music played to end it. They had a staredown. It lasted about ten minutes.
Analysis: It was good promo work from everybody involved. They did their job in terms of emphasizing the point that Kingston will have to win on his own because he won’t be able to get help from his New Day buddies inside the Steel Cage at Stomping Grounds. Ziggler’s promo style over the last month has been interesting because he’s more of an over the top style heel character instead of just being the cocky guy that he has been for over a decade. Does that mean I’m picking Ziggler to become WWE Champion at Stomping Grounds? Nope.
Bayley was shown walking backstage and she saw some photo of herself. Bayley’s on the “Moment of Bliss” talk show with Alexa Bliss later.
The Woods vs. Ziggler match starts after a break.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Xavier Woods (w/Kofi Kingston and Big E)
They did some mat wrestling for the first minute leading to some nearfalls. Woods with a drop toe hold that sent Ziggler into the middle ropes followed by a dropkick to the back of the neck for two. Ziggler kicked the leg of Woods followed by an eye rake across the top rope and a neckbreaker got two. Woods charged into the corner, but Ziggler got a boot up. Ziggler whipped Woods into the turnbuckle, Woods with a kick to the face and the honor roll clothesline. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn showed up from ringside to attack Kingston and Big E at ringside. The referee ejected Owens and Zayn from ringside, which led to Woods hitting a cross body block onto Owens and Zayn on the floor. When Woods went back into the ring, Ziggler hit a leaping DDT for a two count.
The match returned with Woods hitting a spinning forearm to the face. Kingston and Big E were no longer at ringside, so they were ejected as well. Woods sent Ziggler to the floor with Woods hitting a dropkick between the ropes that sent Ziggler into the announce table. Woods picked up Ziggler over his head and hit the knees to the ribs for a gutbuster. They went to the apron, Ziggler shoved Woods back first into the turnbuckle and hit a superkick with Woods bumping to the floor. That was a good bump. Woods sold it very well. Back in the ring, Ziggler hit the Zig Zag and said that was not good enough. Ziggler hooked Woods into the ropes and did an armbar on the left arm. With Woods trapped against the ropes, Ziggler hit a superkick and got the pinfall win after about 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
Analysis: ***1/4 That was a fun match. The obvious result was a Ziggler win, so it’s no surprise that he got the victory. Woods was really impressive, which is not a surprise. It’s a reminder of how good Woods could be on his own if he was ever given a shot although I don’t want to see New Day split up any time soon. Ziggler’s offense in the last few minutes was creative and very aggressive including the moves on the apron as well as the superkick while Woods was tied up in the ropes. Good showing by both guys. They did well.
The announcers were shown on camera for the first time. There was a video recap of the Seth Rollins/Baron Corbin storyline from Raw. It showed clips of Rollins beating people up with a steel chair. At the end of the show, Corbin beat on Rollins with a steel chair to end Raw.
Analysis: Why are they spending several minutes giving us Raw recaps? I know the brand extension is basically ignored at this point, but I don’t need to see a Raw recap. I doubt most fans want to see it. Get some fresh content on Smackdown, please.
Baron Corbin’s locker room was shown. The trio of Shelton Benjamin, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel were hanging outside of Corbin’s door. Dallas and Axel were excited about possibly being the referee. Benjamin told them that Corbin wants to use someone, anyone to win a title. Matt Hardy walked out of Corbin’s room with Hardy calling him “Senior Benjamin” saying that he was next and Benjamin said “that’s Mr. Benjamin.” Benjamin went into the room.
Analysis: Corbin wasn’t shown on camera all night, so I doubt he was there.
Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were shown backstage looking at some notes in her hand because she is up next.
A Moment of Bliss Hosted by Alexa Bliss with Bayley
The lovely Alexa Bliss made her entrance for her talk show on the stage. There were two white chairs on the stage. Bliss was joined by her friend Nikki Cross, who stood beside the chair. Bliss said her guest is the Smackdown Women’s Champion that she’s going to face at Stomping Grounds. Bliss asked for her coffee, but Bayley made her entrance.
Bayley entered with a cup of coffee that was intended for Bliss, a Rey Mysterio shirt and the Smackdown Women’s Title on her shoulder. Bliss said that Bayley was selfish because she was drinking the coffee. Bayley said that she has never said anything bad about Cross. Bliss wondered if Bayley was sorry that she crushed the dreams of Nikki to win the Tag Team Titles. Bayley told Cross that Alexa is just using her.
Bayley said that she is tired of Alexa talking behind her back and behind everyone’s back. Bayley said she dared Bliss to say it to her face. Bliss stood up and said she will say it. Bliss said she saw right through Bayley when they were in NXT while every woman was rude to her. Bliss said that Bayley was not nice to her and the only person that was nice to her was Charlotte. Bliss said Bayley looks like she works at Forever 21, she’s not an innocent act, she’s a liar. Bayley told Bliss she’s making things up and Bliss is doing the same thing she did to Nia Jax and Mickie James. Bayley told Bliss she’s not a goddess, she’s an entitled little princess that doesn’t deserve a damn thing. Bliss said that she’s better than her and she’s a natural at this. Bayley said that she never needed anybody but herself and she is the Smackdown Women’s Champion. Bliss told Bayley she’s a placeholder because she peaked in NXT. That drew an “ooohhh” reaction from the crowd. Bliss said that the one person that Bayley thought was so undeserving is the one person living the career that Bayley always wanted.
Bayley tackled Bliss on the stage and they were rolling around when Cross pulled Bayley off. Bayley looked at Cross, so Bliss capitalized with a forearm shot to the face of Bayley. Bayley was down as Bliss left with Cross.
Analysis: I enjoyed that. I thought it was better than the normal women’s promo we get because they tried to make it more personal by talking about their NXT history and Bliss claiming that she’s better than Bayley while adding that she is living the life Bayley wished she was living. Since Bliss has won more Women’s Titles on the main roster, it’s a statement that has some credibility. Bliss and Bayley have good chemistry together.
Zelina Vega was shown looking at herself in a mirror when Apollo Crews showed up. Crews said that he has been looking for Andrade. She asked if he was really looking for Andrade or did he want to flirt with her? Crews was not interested. Andrade showed up from behind Crews, threw him into some equipment case and beat him up. Andrade left with Vega. Meanwhile, Chad Gable was in the background taking notes on a notepad.
Analysis: I’m glad that they are trying to build a storyline for Crews, who definitely needs something to do. The Gable thing could lead to him teaming up with Crews. Gable also wrestled on 205 Live last week.
Daniel Bryan and Rowan were shown backstage because they are up next to watch Heavy Machinery vs. The B Team.
Daniel Bryan and Rowan were on commentary for this match. It was announced that they are defending the Smackdown Tag Team Titles against Heavy Machinery at Stomping Grounds. Bryan and Graves mocked Heavy Machinery for imitating the Bushwhackers and said that they should be more like the Sheepherders, which was the Bushwhackers gimmick before WWE.
Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis) vs. B Team (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel)
The B Team was in control of Tucker early with Axel hitting a DDT on Tucker. Bryan put over the credentials of Tucker and Otis by talking about their pre-WWE accomplishments. Tucker avoided a slam and hit a clothesline on Axel. Otis got the hot tag against Dallas with a running shoulder tackle, splash on Axel and a spinning slam on Dallas. Otis with a clothesline that sent Axel over the top to the floor. When Dallas punched, Otis did some hip thrusting to fire up and he hit an overhead slam. Otis with a splash on Dallas and Axel against the turnbuckle. Otis did the Caterpillar into an elbow drop and Bryan said that he would just move. Tucker got the tag, then they did the double team slam known as The Compactor and a Tucker splash won it for the team after about four minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis)
Analysis: * It was an easy win to put over Heavy Machinery ahead of their SD Tag Team Title match after Smackdown. The offense that Otis does really fires up the crowd, so it’s nice to see them get a bit of a push.
Heavy Machinery celebrated the win and stared at Bryan and Rowan on commentary. Bryan did all the talking for the team on commentary. Rowan didn’t say a word.
After the match, Seth Rollins showed up with a steel chair in his hands. Rollins attacked Axel and Dallas with repeated chair shots to the back. I didn’t count, but it was probably about eight chair shots to the back of each guy. The fans cheered Rollins and chanted “Burn it Down” for him.
There was a limo that pulled up to the arena. Shane McMahon exited the limo on his own and he walked into the arena. Shane was greeted by Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens in the parking lot. Zayn complained about Seth Rollins doing another attack and he said he’s a guest as a Wild Card from Raw. Owens said that Seth is a bad person. They said that WWE Champion Kofi Kingston is also a bad person. Sami and Kevin said that Kofi and Seth are bad people. Shane put Zayn and Owens against Rollins and Kingston in a 2/3 Falls match later in the show.
Analysis: There’s the main event for Smackdown this week. I’m not sure why we need another 2/3 Falls match like we saw on Raw, but here we are. It’s not a complaint because it’s going to be a good match. It’s just an observation.
Aleister Black spoke in a darkened room saying he’s not surprised that nobody has stepped up to pick a fight with him. Black said that this is not a “woe is me” story, it’s a “woe my opponent” story because somebody will knock on his door, they will pick a fight with him and when they fight their fight, he will change the essence of that man. Black stared straight into the camera to end it.
Analysis: It’s been nearly two months of it. I’m not sure who his rivalry will be, but I miss seeing Black in matches because he’s a very good in-ring performer.
Let’s Hear from Shane McMahon and Friends
Shane McMahon made his entrance with his buddies Elias (with guitar) and Drew McIntyre by his side. Shane said he didn’t need the special introduction from Greg Hamilton because everybody knows he is the best in the world. Shane said we need to put the spotlight on Drew McIntyre, who is going to kick ass and take names when he beats Roman Reigns at Stomping Grounds.
McIntyre said that he did a favor because Shane wanted Drew to end Roman’s career tonight, but they are better than that. McIntyre complained about how Reigns sucker punched them during their private function. McIntyre said that at Stomping Grounds, he wants Reigns at 100% and he wants no excuses.
The Miz made his entrance to a pretty good pop. McMahon wondered what’s going on around there. Miz said he needs Shane, Drew and the hairy guy with the guitar to watch this.
A clip aired from Raw that showed Roman Reigns beating up The Revival, Drew McIntyre (by putting him through a table) and then Reigns hit a Superman Punch/Spear combo on Shane in the ring.
The Miz said that’s not funny that funny compared to this. They showed a slow-motion clip of Shane running backstage on Raw and then a slow-motion highlight of Reigns hitting his two big moves on Shane.
Miz said he didn’t know it was possible to sweat faster in slow motion referring to Shane. Shane said if anybody in the production truck airs more footage than they will lose their jobs. Miz said Shane is like the kid that has his dad as the little league coach that starts him all the time. Miz told McIntyre he’s going to be happy when Reigns kicks his ass. Shane ripped on Miz dad saying that it’s not his fault that Shane’s dad is a billionaire and Miz dad looks like a baked potato.
Miz did a fired-up promo about how Smackdown used to be the land of opportunity because of Shane, but now Shane is an egomaniac. Miz talked about how he blamed himself for it because it started when Shane won the World Cup trophy when Miz was hurt, then they became a tag team and it continued from there. Miz said we are all sick of Shane being on every show and running things. Miz said that he was the one that sent Shane down this ego trip and he’s going to be the one that will end it.
Shane said that Miz didn’t give him anything. Shane said that Miz didn’t get the job done while Shane claimed that he became best in the world. Shane set up the obvious tag team match with Drew McIntyre and Elias against The Miz and a partner of his choosing. Shane told Miz that he had to pick a partner in the next ten seconds. R-Truth showed up at ringside with the 24/7 Title around his waist, so Miz told R-Truth that he is his partner: “Awesome Truth is back in Ontario!” The crowd cheered. Shane said that the match is official. Shane said this is now a Tag Team Elimination Match and that match is next.
Analysis: The promos were solid with Miz doing an excellent job of getting fired up at the right time and making the point that people are sick of Shane. The fans loved hearing that because there’s a lot of truth to it. It was the second time in about 15 minutes where Shane made an obvious tag team match too. I think WWE needs to do a better job of setting up some of these matches because it gets so repetitive when you do that twice in such a sport span of time.
The Authors of Pain were shown leaving Baron Corbin’s locker room. They said they were glad they caught him before he left. The IIconics walked up to them and Authors of Pain left. The IIconics duo of Peyton Royce and Billie Kay walked up to the Kabuki Warriors group of Asuka, Kairi Sane and Paige. Peyton Royce mocked Sane’s pirate gimmick. Paige wanted to set up a title match, then said that they will have a match at a live event in Tokyo, then if the Kabuki Warriors win they will get a Women’s Tag Team Title match. Royce and Kay didn’t like it, then Paige and her group mocked the “iconic” pose to end it.
Analysis: It’s nice of WWE to remember this feud started, then was stopped and now it is back.
Tag Team Elimination Match: The Miz and R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre and Elias (w/Shane McMahon)
Elias with a shoulder tackle on Miz and Miz came back with a knee to the ribs. Elias had his ribs taped up to sell Seth Rollins attacking him with a chair. Truth’s 24/7 Title was not on the line while he was in a sanctioned match, which is a weird rule, but it’s a rule. Truth with a leg drop on Elias. Truth hit a jumping side kick on Elias and McIntyre tagged in. McIntyre avoided a scissors kick by Truth and he hit an overhead suplex across the ring. McIntyre with a suplex on Truth for two. Elias tagged in, Truth with punches, Elias with a kick and Truth sent Elias over the top to the floor. McIntyre rolled Elias back in the ring, then McIntyre distracted the referee and Shane pulled Miz off the apron. Elias with a running knee on Truth for a three count, so Truth has been eliminated.
R-Truth has been eliminated by Elias
As soon as the bell rang, several midcard wrestlers ran down to ringside and Shelton Benjamin grabbed the 24/7 Title from ringside. A referee explained that he had to pin Truth, so then Truth showed up, grabbed the title and ran away through the crowd.
Analysis: So we are to believe that Shelton Benjamin, who has wrestled for nearly 20 years, doesn’t know rules? Poor guy is barely on the show and gets booked like an idiot. I know I shouldn’t get worked up about it since it’s only a comedy title. Don’t use common sense when talking about the 24/7 Title. It’s easier that way.
The match returned with Miz alone in a handicap match situation. Miz was on the floor, Miz sent McIntyre into the barricade and then Elias shoved Miz into the barricade. Back in the ring, Elias went up top, missed whatever he was doing and Miz kicked him in the ribs. Miz worked over Elias with kicks to the ribs, two double knee attacks to the chest and the corner clothesline. Miz with a DDT on Elias for two. Elias evaded a roundhouse kick to the head, Miz got a rollup, Elias shoved him into the ropes and McIntyre hit a Glasgow Kiss headbutt to put Miz down. McIntyre tagged in and set up in the corner for the Claymore Kick that put Miz down for good. That looked great. McIntyre covered Miz for the pinfall win at around ten minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Drew McIntyre and Elias
Analysis: **3/4 The only guy in this match that is wrestling at Stomping Grounds (as of now) is Drew McIntyre, so of course, he was the one that got the win. That was the right way to book it. Miz has lost far too many matches since he turned face, so I hope they start booking him better soon.
Post match, they picked up Miz and McIntyre hit another Claymore Kick to the head of Miz. McIntyre wanted one more, Shane held Miz on his knees and McIntyre hit another Claymore Kick to put Miz down.
Analysis: It put over McIntyre in a big way ahead of his match against Roman Reigns at Stomping Grounds. Reigns was not on Smackdown this week.
The announcers went over the Stomping Grounds lineup. It’s at the bottom of my review here. Also, I’ll have a preview up on TJRWrestling on Friday.
Ember Moon was shown walking backstage as Carmella went running by looking for R-Truth. Moon walked up to Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville, who were eating donuts because they have a “Damandyz Donuts” Youtube channel. Moon said she’s sick and tired of them. Deville had a weak apology for breaking her video game. Moon was sick of them being meant to her, so they got into a brawl. Moon knocked down Rose and then got into a brawl with Deville. Referees showed up to break it up.
Analysis: The storyline was building for a few weeks with short segments week after week, so it was nice to see Moon stand up for herself a bit more this week. I like all three women, so I’m glad they have a storyline now.
Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston were shown talking backstage prior to their main event match.
The Firefly Fun House segment with Bray Wyatt was shown. It was the same segment that was on Raw. I think it might be the end of the Fun House segments and he might be in the ring next week, but that’s just a guess on my part.
R-Truth was shown in the parking lot trying to leave. He was yelling for Carmella. A referee drove up in a car and Truth asked if he was a referee and an Uber driver. The referee nodded as if to say yes. Drake Maverick was dressed as Carmella, Truth said she had shrunk. Drake took off his outfit, Truth punched him, but then Drake did the ROLLUP OF DEATH~! while putting his feet on the side of the car and the referee counted the pinfall.
Winner and New WWE 24/7 Champion: Drake Maverick
Analysis: The ROLLUP OF DEATH~! strikes again. That’s all I got.
Maverick got in the car and drove off with the title. Maverick said he was getting married. Truth said Carmella never told him she was getting married, so the idea was that Truth still thought it was Carmella. At least he makes me laugh.
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn were shown talking strategy backstage.
Kofi Kingston entered with the WWE Championship without his New Day buddies. Seth Rollins joined Kingston with the Universal Championship and Rollins had a steel chair with him.
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn made their entrance separately. Owens ripped up a “Pancake Power” sign from a fan at ringside. Owens is great.
Two out of Three Falls Match: Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn
The bell rang, Kingston charged at Zayn and Kingston hit a Trouble in Paradise kick on Zayn for the first pinfall about five seconds into this match. Rollins knocked Owens off the apron to prevent a save.
Rollins/Kingston lead 1-0
Owens and Rollins started the second fall with Rollins hitting a Slingblade neckbreaker. Kingston tagged in with a double axehandle to the arm of Owens. Rollins back in, Zayn with a distraction, Owens with a slam off the top and a DDT for a two count. They showed Paul Heyman watching on a TV backstage. Zayn worked over Rollins with a chinlock followed by punches to the ribs. The announcers mentioned how well Owens/Zayn known Rollins without mentioning they were all in ROH together before WWE. Owens tagged in, Rollins kicked him down and Rollins hit a blockbuster neckbreaker off the ropes. Kingston got the hot tag against Zayn with Kingston hitting a top rope clothesline. Kingston with a dropkick to the face of Zayn followed by a leaping clothesline and the Boom Drop legdrop. Zayn avoided the Trouble in Paradise kick this time, but Kingston came back with a springboard cross body block on Zayn for two. Zayn came back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count, which is one of the better two count moves in WWE. Owens got the tag, Kingston with a dropkick to send him out of the ring and Kingston sent Zayn out of the ring. Rollins tagged back in with a suicide dive on Zayn. Rollins also hit a suicide dive on Owens, who was the legal man. Rollins back in the ring with a springboard clothesline on Owens. Zayn held Seth’s foot, so Kingston hit a clothesline on Zayn and Owens got a rollup on Rollins for two. Owens with a superkick on Rollins. Rollins with a kick to the gut, Owens with a rollup, Rollins with a kick to the face and Rollins with an enziguri kick. Rollins with The Stomp on Owens for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston (2-0)
Analysis: *** It was a very good tag team match featuring four great workers that know what they are doing in a WWE main event tag match like this. Rollins and Kingston getting the win was the obvious result since they are booked strong all the time (as they should be) while Zayn and Owens have lost a lot of matches in the last two months. Just like on Raw, Kingston was the team that won 2-0 in a 2/3 Falls match. It was smart to have a Kingston get one fall and Rollins get the other fall.
Rollins and Kingston celebrated with their championships while Paul Heyman was shown watching on a TV backstage. The final shot was of Rollins and Kingston celebrating. That was it for Smackdown.
Analysis: I don’t expect a Brock Lesnar MITB cash-in on Sunday, but it’s nice to tease it. I think if it happens then it will be closer to SummerSlam in August or in October when Smackdown is on Fox.
Three Stars of the Show
- Dolph Ziggler
- Xavier Woods
- Kofi Kingston
The Scoreboard
7 out of 10
Last week: 5
2019 Average: 6.79 (Raw is 5.46)
Last 5 Weeks: 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 6.5
2019 High: 8.5 (February 26)
2019 Low: 5 (January 15, June 11)
Final Thoughts
I give this week’s Smackdown a 7 out of 10.
It was a pretty good Smackdown this week. Better than the last few weeks. It’s also the same score that I gave Raw on Monday – 7 out of 10.
I liked that there were three matches around the three-star level because they were all given around ten minutes or more. My favorite match was Ziggler/Woods and the main event tag team match was good too. None of the match results were a surprise, but that’s okay. The promos were also better than what we are used to seeing. Bliss and Bayley did well in making their rivalry feel more personal while Miz did well in talking back to Shane and Kingston/Ziggler was solid too.
As for the Wild Card Rule, it was above four Raw people again. There’s no point in counting or keeping track. I think WWE needs to just stop mentioning the “rule” if they are going to ignore it. Every time the announcers shout “Wild Card Rule in effect” it makes them look like idiots because the rule really doesn’t exist. Anyway, I guess it’s not a big deal. Just saying it could be better.

The next WWE pay-per-view is Stomping Grounds this Sunday on June 23 in Tacoma, WA. Here’s what we know so far.
Universal Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Baron Corbin (Corbin gets to pick the special referee – no name has been announced yet)
WWE Championship Steel Cage Match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre
Raw Women’s Championship: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Lacey Evans
Smackdown Women’s Championship: Bayley (c) vs. Alexa Bliss
United States Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Ricochet
Smackdown Tag Team Championships: Daniel Bryan and Rowan (c) vs. Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis)
Xavier Woods and Big E vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn
Cruiserweight Championship: Tony Nese (c) vs. Drew Gulak vs. Akira Tozawa
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport