
WWE Hall Of Famer Never Wanted Match With Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan poses for the crowd WWE

Hulk Hogan might be one of the biggest wrestling stars of all time but one WWE Hall of Famer never had any interest in getting in the ring with the icon.

Hogan rose to the top of WWE in the eighties as he spearheaded Vince McMahon’s global expansion and was at the forefront of WrestleMania’s creation. By the time Hulkamania was all but dead in the nineties, the savvy star reinvented himself as Hollywood Hogan and led the NWO in their fight against WCW and in turn WCW’s fight against WWE.

While Hulk Hogan may have shared the ring with everyone from The Rock to Jackie Fargo, one star he never mixed it up with is Booker T. The two men were both part of three-ring battle royals at World War 3 in both 1995 and 1997, but they never had a one-on-one or even a tag team match. Despite an infamous promo from Booker T forever linking the two men as he told Hulk Hogan he wanted the gold once upon a time.

Speaking on his Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T explained why he never wanted to share the ring with Hogan, noting that he doesn’t think the two would have worked well because of their differing styles:

“I never wrestled Hogan, but I never really wanted to wrestle Hogan. I just never thought Hogan and I would have great chemistry … I didn’t see our styles working well together at all. I didn’t see that match being a classic or anything like that just because Hogan, at that time especially, didn’t do anything but punches … I could maybe be in a tag team [match with him and a partner against Harlem Heat].

“That might have worked because we would have been the heels and he would have been the babyface. All he would have to do was sell and make a comeback. Leg drop go home. That might have worked.”

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h/t Wrestling Inc.