
WWE Hall Of Famer Claims LA Knight’s Rise Is Comparable To Steve Austin’s

la knight wwe promo smackdown

One wrestling veteran believes LA Knight is heading for his own ‘Stone Cold’ moment.

Back in June 1995, Eric Bischoff fired Steve Austin from WCW as he couldn’t see the star progressing beyond the mid-card. The move would go on to become part of the ‘Austin legend’ as the Texan rose to become one of the biggest stars professional wrestling has ever seen, carrying WWE to victory over WCW in the Monday Night Wars.

After his firing, Austin headed to ECW after being contacted by Paul Heyman, whom he had worked with while with WCW. It was here where Austin laid the foundations for his ‘Stone Cold’ character, reveling in being given total creative freedom.

By the end of 1995, Austin had been signed by WWE, but he had to struggle as The Ringmaster until mid-1996, before slowly morphing into the character that would make him a legend.

Speaking on 83 Weeks, Bischoff compared that journey to the journey currently being navigated by LA Knight. The former WCW boss said the organic rise of Austin can be seen in Knight’s own rise to the top of WWE.

“Steve Austin found the elements of what became ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin that were really elements of who he really was,” Bischoff stated on the show. “It was born almost organically. I like to believe that’s what’s happening with LA Knight. It’s not following anybody’s pattern; it’s just a natural progression of a very talented guy that’s finally found his footing.”

When Knight was called up to the main roster from NXT he was given the name Max Dupri and he served as manager of Maximum Male Models. Although the act was popular, they were presented firmly as comic relief and Knight wasn’t able to wrestle.

Eventually, the star broke away from the group and reverted back to being LA Knight. Since then his popularity has soared to incredible heights.

Bischoff compared this part of Knight’s career to Austin’s stint as The Ringmaster.

“The Ringmaster sh*t the bed and didn’t work,” he said, which opened the door for Steve to become ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin in WWE … I think perhaps some of the same thing is happening with LA Knight.”

Mark Henry Critical Of John Cena – LA Knight Segment

On the October 13th episode of SmackDown, John Cena held court in the ring before being interrupted by Roman Reigns. The Tribal Chief told Cena to leave, but before the 16-time World Champion bowed out he admitted he hadn’t earned the right to face Reigns, but knew someone who had — LA Knight. The star then made his way to the ring to confront Reigns.

While fans were happy to see Knight mix it up with Reigns, Mark Henry wasn’t impressed with how the segment got to the confrontation. Henry claimed that Cena’s antics drew attention to himself, rather than putting the shine on Knight.

H/t to Wrestling Inc