
What Happened After NXT Cut To Black During Sickening Attack

Bron Breakker NXT

Unseen photos have emerged after one of the most sickening moments in NXT history.

On the 5th of September edition of NXT television, former NXT Champion Bron Breakker took on Von Wagner in a No Disqualification match. Breakker picked up the win but he did not stop there.

After the match Bron Breakker continued the attack on Wagner, targetting his head which has been an integral part of Wagner’s development in NXT. Wagner has revealed in recent months that a medical condition caused him to require surgery on his skull when he was just fifteen months old. It was that surgery that caused a prominent forehead that led to years of childhood bullying.

Bron Breakker took things further than bullying, however, as Breakker put Wagner’s head on the bottom set of steel steps before crashing down the top half onto Wagner’s head. However, before he struck the brutal blow, WWE cut to black, just leaving the audio of the incident with the commentary team selling the drama.

Aftermath of Bron Breakker’s sick attack on NXT emerge

Some fans in attendance shared photos from inside the Performance Center of the aftermath of the attack with Shawn Michaels coming to the ring to check on a bloodied Von Wagner before he was stretchered out of the arena.