
“Strong Chance” Of WrestleMania In The UK According To WWE Star

WWE WrestleMania Logo over London

WWE Women’s Champion Bayley thinks there’s a good chance the UK will hold a future WrestleMania.

Ever since John Cena told the UK he wanted to see WWE hold WrestleMania in London, the idea has been gaining traction. In April, the thought even gained political support as London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced he wants the city to host the first international WrestleMania.

Triple H responded to Sadiq Khan, saying that if the mayor, or any other leader, is serious about WWE coming to his area, he should reach out to the company.

For its latest international event, WWE is in Glasgow, Scotland for Clash at the Castle. ahead of the show, Bayley spoke to Cultaholic about the company bringing their biggest show to UK shores. The Women’s Champion thinks that, based on the growth of international events, there’s now a “strong chance” of it happening.

“Yeah, man. I hope it happens. And I really do think there’s a strong chance. I mean, look at all that we’ve been doing in the last year. Triple H wants to take over the whole world. We’re piece-by-piece doing it with these shows out here and our first PLE here in Scotland.”

WWE Women’s Champion Bayley Wants To Wrestle In New Japanese Promotion

During the same interview, Bayley revealed her international ambition to wrestle in Japanese promotion Marigold. The promotion was recently launched by Stardom founder Rossy Ogawa, and its roster includes future WWE star Giulia. Bayley has a good chance of achieving her goal, as fellow WWE star IYO SKY has already been announced for a match in Marigold.

H/T to for the above transcription.