
LA Knight Thinks His WWE Rise Is “Quickest Climb In The History Of The Business”

LA Knight WWE SummerSlam

Has anyone captivated the WWE Universe as quickly as LA Knight?

In less than a year The Megastar has gone from being known as Bray Wyatt’s first return opponent to one of the most popular babyfaces on the main roster.

Knight is getting reactions that veterans of the industry could only dream of, with some of the biggest names of previous eras taking years to get a similar reaction when their music played.

Speaking with Breakfast Television, the winner of the SummerSlam Battle Royal believes that no one has risen to the top quicker than he has, stating he won’t stop until he is the top performer in WWE:

“I don’t want to toot my own, but toot toot. I’ll go ahead and say that is probably the quickest climb in the history of the business. Maybe I’m off base if someone on Twitter wants to correct me. Just looking at the way things have moved, only being on the SmackDown roster since October and having this explosive growth like this. it’s been huge, it’s been enormous, I didn’t plan on it. How could you plan for it? At the same time, I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing because, obviously, that’s working one way or another. whether they want to boo me or cheer me, doesn’t make a difference to me. I’m going to go out there, do my thing and keep pushing and I’m going to get myself to the top,”

Knight continued, admitting that he was never meant to be in this position, but is proud of the organic growth he has been a part of:

“Never before, again, I don’t want to blow smoke, but I have to be honest. I wasn’t positioned to be there. I wasn’t positioned for this to happen. For it to happen that quickly, that strong, and with none of that extra push or support, and now we’re making that happen. It’s a whole other level. With that, the people have jumped on the gravy train, yeah, and we’re going to ride it all the way to the top.”

Could LA Knight Dethrone Roman Reigns?

With LA Knight being one of the top stars on SmackDown, many fans want to see The Megastar get an opportunity at the most prestigious accolade in wrestling, being the one to defeat Roman Reigns and become the new Undisputed Champion. Following SummerSlam, Reigns appears to be dealing with an injury and is not scheduled for any title defences in the near future.

H/t to Fightful