
Incoming WWE Star Loses Title

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A WWE-bound star has lost her gold as she finishes up commitments with other promotions.

Giulia is one of the biggest female stars in Japan, where she is currently part of the Stardom roster. However, it has been confirmed that Giulia will be leaving Stardom at the end of March and she is likely heading for WWE.

Before then, though, the star has other commitments to finish up, first with Stardom and then she is said to have plans to join a new promotion being created by Rossy Ogawa. While Ogawa was the founder of Stardom, he was recently fired by parent company Bushiroad following allegations of talent poaching.

On March 10th, the former Donna del Mondo leader took another step towards exiting Stardom on the second night of the Cinderella Tournament when she defended her NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship against CMLL’s Stephanie Vaquer.

While the Dangerous Queen seemed to have the upper hand towards the end of the match, Vaquer was able to escape a Northern Lights Driver and pin the star to capture the gold, ending Giulia’s reign at 243 days.

Giulia Expected In WWE After AEW Declined To Make An Offer

Since the creation of All Elite Wrestling, competition for free agents in the US has reached a high not seen since the days of WCW. In the current climate, it was expected that AEW would try to sign Giulia, who is widely seen as one of the best female wrestlers in the world.

However, to the surprise of many, AEW did not even make an offer for Giulia, with it being reported there were no conversations between the two parties.