
Grayson Waller Wants WWE Hall Of Famer On His Show

grayson waller wwe ring

Grayson Waller has named a dream guest for his talk show.

Waller’s SmackDown segment has already welcomed social media star Logan Paul, Megastar LA Knight and Hall of Famer Edge to chat to the Australian Superstar.

While being interviewed by WWE’s German social media team for Die Woch, Waller admitted that while is show is excellent, it could have some Stratusfaction to take it to the next level:

“There’s so many options. I’ve ticked off a lot of boxes. I’ve had Hall of Famers, social media superstars. I had Logan Paul. He’s probably the biggest name in WWE, technically. But I think the one on the list that I need to get is Trish Stratus. I think Trish Stratus on the Grayson Waller Effect, that would be fantastic. I would love to say thank you to Trish. She has everyone wearing those shirts. I’ll wear one, no problem. Come on. I think Trish on the Grayson Waller Effect would be fantastic,”

Grayson Waller Targets WWE Legend The Rock

Despite only being on the main roster for a short period of time, Waller has started to make a name for himself by antagonising some of the biggest names in wrestling history. Following a series of insults directed at Edge, The Rated R Superstar defeated Waller in what was the Australian’s debut match on the main roster. After the bell, the Hall of Famer admitted that he was impressed by Waller’s performance.

At Money in the Bank, Waller took exception to John Cena pleading that a future WrestleMania be held in London, instead suggesting that the biggest show of the year should be held in Australia.

In what may be Waller’s boldest move yet, the Australian has decided to direct a series of insults at one of the biggest stars ever to compete in the company, Dwayne Johnson. With the exchange also referenced by the announcers, rumours have begun over a possible appearance by The Rock as SummerSlam.