
Former WWE Star Recalls Vince McMahon Changing Post-WrestleMania 39 Raw

Vince McMahon with moustache

A former WWE star has recalled the chaos backstage when Vince McMahon decided to change the Raw After WrestleMania 39.

The Raw after WrestleMania is always a big one, but this year was even wilder than usual because that morning was when Endeavor announced they would acquire WWE. That deal became official earlier this month.

As for the April 3rd edition of Raw, it was criticized by fans for being a bad show while there were many reports that WWE’s Executive Chairman Vince McMahon changed a lot of the content that WWE’s Chief Content Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque had booked for the show.

Mansoor was part of the Maximum Male Models team along with Mace. That duo was released by WWE last week. Since then, they have commented on their time spent in the company.

Vince McMahon made changes to Raw one hour before the show on the night after WrestleMania

During a Twitch stream recently, Mansoor & Mace were sharing some memories about their WWE days. Mansoor recalled the time back in April when Vince McMahon changed whatever was planned on the Raw After WrestleMania, which included putting Omos in a squash match.

“Raw after Mania. Card is up, show is rehearsed. Hunter [Triple H] has been running the show for a while. Mania was a huge success. We weren’t on it because we were told we were being taken off TV right before. We’re sitting backstage and in catering with Omos. He’s got some disgusting slop on his plate. He gets a call, answers the phone, gets up and runs out. We’re looking at him, we’re with Tyson Kidd [TJ Wilson].”

“Ten minutes later we’re like, ‘did [Omos] just leave his pile of food here?’ It was a call saying, ‘Omos, you’re booked for Raw in an hour, you need to go get your gear.’ He didn’t bring his gear because he wasn’t supposed to work the show. He had to run back to his hotel and get his gear from when he worked Mania. Vince came through and just changed the whole show an hour before. Suddenly, the first match after WrestleMania was Omos squashing Elias, for no reason.”

What’s interesting about that Omos win over Elias is that was the last singles match that Elias had on WWE TV. Elias was released by WWE last week as well. Meanwhile, Vince McMahon still has the ability to change things on WWE programming and will continue to do so as he sees fit.

H/T Fightful