
Erick Rowan Looks Back On Winning WWE Tag Titles Alongside Luke Harper

Erick Rowan The Bludgeon Brothers

Erick Rowan fondly remembers his first WWE Tag Team Championship reign on the main roster.

Following a split from The Wyatt Family and a brief singles run, Rowan would reunite with Luke Harper to form The Bludgeon Brothers, one of the most imposing tag teams on the SmackDown roster. The duo would defeat The New Day and The Usos in just over 5 minutes at WrestleMania 34 to become the new SmackDown Tag Team Champions.

Speaking on Counted Out With Mike and Tyler, Rowan recalled the crazy journey both he and Harper went on while in the WWE system, revealing how happy he was to win the titles with his close friend:

“It was the journey from FCW to NXT to the main roster to having singles runs to being put back together, to having singles run to being put back together and being repackaged, to finally be able to achieve what we both had tried to achieve what we had tried to achieve from the moment we got there, it meant a lot. So it was a moment that I’m glad we got to share, and I’m glad he got to share with me when he was still around. It’s one of those things that you get to look back at in pictures and whatever, but in the moment, it felt good,”

Erick Rowan Remembers Brodie Lee

Luke Harper was released from his WWE contract in December 2019. From that point on Harper would be known as Brodie Lee and debuted in March 2020 as the leader of The Dark Order. Lee tragically passed away in December of that year aged just 41 years old. A tribute show was arranged by AEW on December 30th, which Rowan was a part of.

Describing what it was like to be a part of the show, Rowan felt honoured to be a part of it and that he got his moment to say goodbye:

“It was in the middle of COVID, and everyone’s grieving. It was a big loss, and it’s one of those things where, if I wasn’t invited, I would have been devastated. I wanted to say goodbye, and that was the only way to do it at that time, to be around people that loved him and that love you. There’s no funeral. That’s your moment to say goodbye. Fortunately, the world got to see and hear from people he loved, and it was a public forum of a celebration of his life, not only in wrestling but as a person,”

Rowan was also present for the Bray Wyatt tribute show on SmackDown on January 25th.

H/t to Fightful.