
CM Punk “Super Happy” About WWE Return

CM Punk

CM Punk has expressed his delight over returning to WWE.

The Chicago native made a surprise return to WWE at Survivor Series 2023 despite years of apparent bad blood with the company he departed in 2014.

Punk’s incredible return also came less than three months after he was sensationally let go by Tony Khan’s AEW following a backstage altercation with Jack Perry at AEW All In, held at London’s Wembley Stadium on 27th August 2023.

The former WWE Champion reflected on his WWE return during a recent interview with TNT Sport, revealing his belief that time had healed his previous rift with the company:

“Timing is everything. You know, I wrestled for a very long time before I signed a WWE contract. And I was on the road for ten years. Zero time off. That takes its toll. I think one of the things that I never did before was trying to balance everything out.

And I think a lot of fighters, a lot of wrestlers do that, balance is kind of key. But when you’re young, and you want to go, and you have to take every opportunity that comes your way, you can’t say no. And then, after a while, you burn out.

So I burnt out 10 years ago, I left and did some other things. I got to do a lot of cool other stuff. Time heals all wounds.”

CM Punk Delighted With WWE Return

CM Punk would go on to reveal his delight at returning to WWE, noting that a change in management has helped the situation:

“You slowly start to realize that, like, a lot of this stuff that happened 10 years ago doesn’t matter. Different people come and go, different people are in charge now.

Maybe I can go back and, you know, it kind of fits like an old slipper, and it’s good to be back, and I’m super happy it happened, and the way I came back and how big it’s been never could have been what it was without all the other crap, right. So that’s just life like I woke up this morning. So it’s a good day.”

A torn triceps muscle suffered during the Royal Rumble has currently sidelined the 45 year-old, who recently revealed the expected timeline for his return.

H/T: WrestlingNews for the above transcription.