
CM Punk Non-Compete Clause Could Last Up To One Year

CM Punk

CM Punk is no longer a part of AEW while speculation continues about what kind of non-compete clause he might have.

A non-compete clause in pro wrestling is a part of contracts for wrestlers that depart a company. For example in WWE, if they release a wrestler from the main roster then that person usually has a 90-day (three months) non-compete clause that prevents them from appearing on another televised wrestling show. Once those three months are up, that person can do what they want.

The CM Punk situation is different because AEW fired Punk with cause last Saturday night prior to that week’s airing of Collision.

While some fans think there might be a long-term non-compete clause placed on Punk by AEW, there are also fans who would love to see CM Punk return to WWE. Potential shows for a CM Punk return include Survivor Series in his hometown in Chicago or at the 2024 Royal Rumble, which would be right around ten years since Punk walked out of WWE because he wasn’t happy.

There are certainly some people in wrestling who would welcome CM Punk back to WWE, but there are also likely people who have “heat” with Punk due to his controversial past.

Questions Remain About Non-Compete Clause For CM Punk

CM Punk was released from AEW on September 2nd, but what we don’t know for sure at this point is if there’s a non-compete clause, and if there is, how long is it for?

It was reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter by Dave Meltzer that AEW’s CEO & GM Tony Khan refused to say if there was a non-compete as part of Punk’s release, but if it was in WWE then there might be a long wait for Punk to be free.

“When asked if there would be a non-compete on Punk, he said he wouldn’t comment. For what it’s worth, it is standard in a WWE contract that if a party is terminated for just cause that they have a one-year non-compete.”

“My belief is that if such a thing was challenged in court it would be difficult to uphold for that long of a period of time unless the company would continue paying the person, particularly when you are talking about an independent contractor.”

It’s been six days since CM Punk was let go by WWE and up to this point, he hasn’t commented on it.