
Bryan Danielson Comments On “Risky” Moves After Scary Forbidden Door Spot

Bryan Danielson

Wrestling has never been without risk but now Bryan Danielson has had his say on the lengths some of his colleagues are willing to go to after Kenny Omega got dumped directly on top of his head at Forbidden Door.

Bryan Danielson stood tall at the end of Forbidden Door as he forced NJPW icon Kazuchika Okada to tap out to bring an end to their epic encounter. But arguably earlier in the night Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay stole the show as they went to war over the IWGP US Championship.

Will Ospreay won the match and the title after he took out Omega with a Storm Breaker but prior to that the English star hoisted his opponent up and nailed him a Tiger Driver that saw Omega come down hard on the top of his head, leaving him lucky to have avoided a major injury.

Speaking at the media scrum after Forbidden Door, Bryan Danielson gave his take on risky moves and reflected on his time in WWE when John Cena got seriously injured receiving a fairly innocuous move:

“I remember when I was in WWE and John Cena tore his pec taking a hip toss. And so there are these things, and I go and talk to our doctors legitimately, before matches and I say, ‘What do you think about this? Can I do this?’ and they are very frank with me. ‘No you can’t do that’ or ‘Yes, you can do this, but only under certain circumstances.’

“And I think for the safety of the performers, it’s the best thing for AEW to do that same kind of thing.”

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As for the Tiger Driver delivered from Ospreay to Omega, Bryan Danielson admitted that moves like that do scare him but says it’s not his place to decide if those risks are worth the potential rewards:

“I saw the Tiger Driver ’98, whatever you want to call it — that stuff does scare me because the potential for injury is so great. And I know specifically from a Kenny Omega — him and Will Ospreay are just fantastic — was it worth it? Did it actually make the match better, or is it just risky and part of their career? I don’t have the answer for that.

“We all did things, I did things to get noticed that I wouldn’t do today. You have to balance those things and those are two very driven men about wanting to put on the best pro wrestling matches they can.

“I don’t think it’s my responsibility to say who should do what because I’ve done some pretty stupid things in my career, but I think we should be working with our medical staff to approve certain things.”

Bryan Danielson was the perfect example of how seemingly straightforward things can go wrong as he suffered a broken arm following a diving elbow drop from Okada.

That elbow drop wasn’t the only one on the night to raise an eyebrow with Satoshi Kojima apologizing after getting a direct hit on a part of CM Punk’s anatomy that wasn’t built for it.

h/t Wrestlezone