
AEW Star Accidentally Choked Out Indy Wrestler

AEW Jericho Appreciation Society

An independent talent has recalled an unfortunate meeting with an AEW star.

Daniel Garcia may be a sports entertainer at heart but behind the Kangol cap and the dance that is sweeping AEW, Garcia is one of the most proficient technical professional wrestlers in the game.

Speaking on the Indied podcast, independent wrestler Myung-Jae Lee, Daniel Garcia’s wrestling skills followed him outside of the ring all the way to a restaurant:

“One time, the original Buffalo Brothers went to a CoreLife Eatery. Kevin Bennett dragged along this guy named Vinnie Moon and Puf dragged along me. We go and eat our food, and Dan [Daniel Garcia] started to put a little chokehold on me. I know to just tap.

“I’m not dumb, I’m not going to fight it. I tap immediately, but he doesn’t let go. When he finally lets go, I literally pass out and fall to the ground in this CoreLife Eatery. It was crazy. I’m surprised it didn’t make headlines.”

Daniel Garcia at a crossroads in AEW

Daniel Garcia could very well find himself with decisions to make in the near future with The Jericho Appreciation Society – the group he has called home for the last 15 months – falling apart on the 9th of August edition of Dynamite.

With the rest of the group growing increasingly unhappy over Chris Jericho’s relationship with Don Callis, one by one they walked out on Jericho during a mandatory meeting with Daniel Garcia getting the ball rolling. Whether or not his team with Sammy Guevara stays the course after the JAS or whether Garcia sheds off the sports entertainment excesses instilled in him by Jericho remains to be seen.

h/t Fightful