TNA Final Resolution 2024 Review
TNA Final Resolution saw Nic Nemeth defend the TNA World Championship against AJ Francis and the main event for January’s Genesis PPV was set in stone.
I try not to get my hopes up too much during these filler monthly shows. There are usually not too many events that are noteworthy as TNA bide time to the next PPV. My main hope is that the show is actually watchable and not a visual mess like Turning Point a fortnight ago. Yikes.
The Final Resolution card was very solid but I didn’t expect any title changes heading in. The match results seemed pretty obvious. However, just as I write that JDC defeated Leon Slater in an upset on the pre-show and Frankie Kazarian beat Jonathan Gresham by submission in the other match. I didn’t bother with the pre-show as the main show is long enough and I watch far too much wrestling as it is.
TNA Final Resolution Main Card from Centre Stage: Atlanta, Georgia
Match #1: TNA X-Division Championship: Moose (c) vs Kushida
This has the potential to be match of the evening. Kushida is tremendous and I wish he would book more TNA shows. Moose was dominant from the outset, with some hard Irish Whips. He missed a spear in the corner and tumbled into the ring post. Kushida targeted the left arm. Moose missed a clothesline and went over the top rope. Kushida tried a hurricanrana from inside the ring to outside but Moose caught him and smashed him into the steel steps. Ouch. Moose gave Kushida a powerbomb on the ring apron. They weren’t missing around in this match. Kushida was down on the outside so Moose went to bring him back into the ring. He charged at Kushida and went shoulder-first into the steps. Kushida slammed Moose’s left shoulder hard into the steps. He tossed Moose back into the ring and kicked the left arm hard. Kushida wrenched at the fingers of Moose and then raked them along the top rope. Moose raked his eyes to break Kushida’s momentum. He hit the Go to Hell from the top rope for 2. Moose nailed a Uranage with his good right arm for 2. He strutted around the ring. Kushida kicked his legs out from under him. He went for the Hoverboard Lock but Moose tossed him over his head. Kushida hit a Flatliner against the bottom turnbuckle. Kushida hit Back to the Future for 2. Moose chopped the wind out of Kushida’s chest. He had very interesting facial expressions. Kushida fought back with a bunch of kicks to the injured arm of Moose. Moose tried to fight back with some chops but ran into a Tanaka Punch. He ran the ropes and tried for a crossbody but Kushida caught him on the mat with the Hoverboard Lock. Moose was trapped in the centre of the ring and in a lot of pain. He slowly tried to crawl towards the bottom rope. Kushida held on tight and prevented him from reaching out but he eventually got there with his fingertips. Moose sent Kushida face-first into the middle turnbuckle. He set up for the spear but Kushida used a small package for 2. Kushida turned a Uranage attempt into a pin for 2. He nailed the Pele kick and went for a handspring elbow but Moose dropkicked him in the back. Moose hit a weak-looking spear to retain the title after 11 minutes.
Winner by pinfall and STILL TNA X-Division Champion: Moose
Analysis: ***1/4 It was okay but never hit the heights that it should’ve. Moose’s spear is terrible. How does flipping in the air do more damage? Dumb.
AJ Francis cut a promo about becoming TNA World Champion tonight. Sure.
Match #2: The Rascalz vs Jake Something vs PCO & Sami Callihan
Hammerstone is injured so Something is going at it alone rather than find a partner. Hammerstone looked like he hurt his knee or ankle at Turning Point but finished the match there. Hopefully, he’s only out for a short while as he’s had some bad luck recently. I have absolutely no interest in this match whatsoever. Why don’t they make it a #1 Contender match? Callihan and Wentz started the match. Sami hit a big clothesline but Wentz backed him in the corner, which allowed Something to tag himself in. Wentz blocked a corner attack and hit a head scissors. Something swatted away a dropkick attempt. He did his shoulder tackle barrage and hit an Avalanche. Wentz avoided a scoop slam and tagged Miguel in. Something ran through Miguel but the Rascalz used some double team moves from a former TNA tag team to great effect. Something tagged in PCO and then PCO punched him in the face. That was good. The Rascalz double-teamed PCO with kicks. PCO didn’t stay down long. He hit a double clothesline. PCO gave individual clotheslines to Wentz and Miguel. He tagged in Callihan who hit a slingshot against the top rope. Callihan nailed the Air Raid Crash for 2. He trapped Miguel on the mat with an arm stretch submission. Callihan smashed Miguel in the head with a forearm and tagged in PCO. PCO nailed some clubbing blows to the back of Miguel then a backbreaker. He nailed the World’s Slowest Legdrop for a 2 count. Callihan tagged in again. They raked the back and front of Miguel. The crowd chanted for The Rascalz. Miguel did the splits to avoid a clothesline and PCO and Callihan were so slow on the spot that they had time to look at each other before they ran into a clothesline. That was terrible. Miguel hit a springboard moonsault to take them both out. Wentz and Something tagged in. Something tried for a powerbomb on the ramp but Wentz gave him a hurricanrana back into the ring. I wasn’t a fan of that camera angle on the ramp. Wentz nailed a nice German suplex. He hit a running upper cut in the corner and tagged in Miguel. Wentz nailed a superkick into a Crucifix Bomb for Miguel but Callihan broke up the pin. PCO and Wentz spilled over the top rope. Callihan wanted a dive over the top but Miguel cut him off with a superkick. Miguel took out PCO with a dive against the guard rail. Callihan launched Wentz over the top rope onto the other 3 wrestlers. Callihan still wanted to take everyone out but he instead instructed PCO to do that which is of course very dangerous. PCO likes to almost-die during matches so he obliged and took everyone out with the PCO-Sault to the floor. Callihan nailed Something with a stunner in the ring. PCO hit a Michinoku Driver on Miguel. Wentz took down PCO with a kick and a running SSP. Something powerbombed Wentz. He went for one on Miguel and did it on top of Wentz. Something powerbombed Callihan, too! He couldn’t powerbomb PCO too? Yes! But PCO sat up straight away. They slugged it out in the middle of the ring. PCO went for a reverse DDT but Miguel ran the ramp and hit a springboard kick to take out PCO. That was cool. Wentz hit a UFO cutter on PCO from outside the ring back in. The Rascalz hit a double superkick on Callihan on the ramp. Miguel nailed Something with a spinebuster. They used the double-team superkick/double stomp on Something for the win after 11:30.
Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz
Analysis: ***1/2 There were no expectations there from me and that’s probably why I enjoyed it so much. I just would’ve liked a stipulation or a reason for the match. I don’t like Something taking the pin, but it was the right team that won the match. PCO and Callihan are a very slow team and some of their offense looks awful. They need to clean up some of their work.
The ‘23’ video played again at the end of the match. The fans chanted ‘What was that?’. It’s a decent crowd so far tonight. There was a child of probably 3 or 4 years of age sitting behind the commentators chanting for PCO after the match. Start them young!
Match #3: Ace Austin vs Trent Seven
I like how TNA are structuring the match card tonight. For me, you should have the (perceived) least important matches at the start of the show and work towards the bigger matches. WWE often start the night with a big match and then there’s a bit of a lull in the middle of the show but I prefer it this way. This match has a little bit of intensity to it, so I’m looking forward to it. There was a lot of striking early on. A dropkick from Austin sent Seven out of the ring to regroup. Austin hit a single-leg dropkick and then a superkick from the apron. He kicked Seven a bunch of times against the ring then tossed him back into the ring. Austin was a bit slow on the springboard so Seven knocked him off the ropes. Seven scoop slammed Austin hard into the ring ropes. He whipped him into the top turnbuckle and mocked Austin with hand signals. Seven hit a spinning driver but Austin kicked out at 1. He chopped Austin down to the mat for another 1 count. Seven continued the pressure with another nearfall. Austin challenged Seven to take him down with chops but Seven went low and hit a DDT. Austin escaped the Burning Hammer and sent Seven into the turnbuckle. He hit a Helluva Kick but missed a second one so Seven hit a modified powerbomb. Seven turned up the heel heat by ripping a Chris Bey shirt and tossing it into the crowd. Austin saw this and kicked him into the corner. Austin went nuts with clotheslines in the corner. He hit a springboard enziguiri for 2. Austin hammered Seven with chops in the corner. He put him on the top turnbuckle and chopped him again. Austin joined him on the top rope. He flipped out of a Burning Hammer attempt and hit a kick to Seven’s head. Austin ran the ring apron and hit a head scissors on Seven back into the ring. That was nice. Austin hit a running double stomp for 2. He mounted Seven with hard right hands. Austin wanted a moonsault but Seven chopped his legs out from under him. Seven hit the Burning Hammer on the ring apron! He tossed Austin back into the ring and covered him but Austin got his foot onto the ropes just before 3. Seven snapped the fingers of Austin then hit a modified Pumphandle slam for 2. He chopped Austin viciously across the back. Austin blocked the Seven Star Lariat and hit a few kicks to the face. He tried to get Seven back to his feet but got jabbed under the throat by Seven. Seven blocked the Art of Finesse with a chop to the back. He smashed Austin with the Seven Star Lariat and a twisting piledriver for the win but Austin kicked out at 1! I’m not sure I like that. Austin had Bey’s bandana. Seven tried the Burning Hammer but Austin landed on his feet. He tried for another Pumphandle but Austin turned it into a DDT in mid-air. Austin nailed the Art of Finesse and The Fold for the win after 13 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Ace Austin
Analysis: ***1/2 That was great. I probably took a little bit of the end score because of the silly kick out of a piledriver at 1. I would’ve preferred Seven to win but if this leads to an Austin singles push, then I’m all for that. These two worked very well together.
Match #4: Rosemary vs Jordynne Grace
Grace has lost 3 matches in a row so probably needs the win here. They had a surprisingly good match a few months back when Grace was the champion. Grace was aggressive early on and hit a diving clothesline for a 2 count. She sent Rosemary into the corner and went for a superplex. Rosemary tried for a Sunset Flip Bomb but Grace held onto the ropes. She started biting Grace’s leg to break her hold on the ropes. Rosemary choked Grace out with the Upside Down against the ring ropes. She ducked a clothesline and wrenched down on Grace’s arm against the top rope. Rosemary scored a 1 count. She started beating Grace down with right hands against the mat. Rosemary targeted the left shoulder and sent Grace into the middle turnbuckle. She hit a running forearm in the corner. Grace blocked a second attempt. Rosemary kicked her against the middle rope. Their timing was a bit off so far. Rosemary covered for 1. Rosemary was targeting the left arm but changed to the right but stretching Grace’s arm against the bottom rope. She hit a clothesline against the bottom rope. Grace escaped the Upside Down again but Rosemary chopped her hard against the ring. Rosemary avoided a whip into the steps but hitting a diving forearm. She wanted a count out win but Grace made it back into the ring at 9. Grace ran right into a chin lock. She got to her feet but Rosemary jumped on her back. Grace sent her into the turnbuckle. There was another awkward spot where Grace was waiting for Rosemary to turn around. She tried a backslide for 2. Grace hit a hard open-palm strike. Rosemary sat up and nailed one of her own. Grace nailed the Air Raid Crash for 2. She hit the World’s Strongest Slam but Rosemary avoided the Vader Bomb. Rosemary went for a spear but Grace rolled through and nailed a back fist for a close 2 count. Nice counter there from Grace. Rosemary rolled out to the entrance ramp. Grace followed her but Rosemary locked in a sleeper hold. The referee started to count. Grace got to her feet and slammed Rosemary down hard on the ramp. I don’t know why the referee started the count again. Rosemary nailed a spear through the ropes for 2. That looked great. Grace countered Rosemary’s finisher with a back body drop. She put Rosemary on the top rope and hit the Muscle Buster but someone pulled the referee out of the ring and nailed her with a hard right hand. The masked person sent Grace into the ring post. She nailed Grace with right hands on the mat. The masked woman nailed a devastating looking DDT. She took off her mask and it was Tessa Blanchard back in TNA! The commentators were stunned. The crowd sounded shocked and then there were a lot of boos because TNA love Grace. The match ended there.
Match Result: No Contest
Analysis: **3/4 They worked hard but there were a few spots that just didn’t work. Rosemary isn’t the best worker anymore and it affected Grace’s performance too. The big talking point is obviously Blanchard returning. That was one of the biggest moments in TNA this year. Blanchard was TNA World Champion in 2020 but then was stripped of her title and left TNA due to accusations of bullying and racism. She instantly becomes the top Knockout in TNA on her return and I am happy that they’ve worked out a way to get her back. Obviously, she has been forgiven or paid her dues.
They cut to a camera backstage with Gia Miller trying to get a word from Blanchard. She said she was back and is taking what’s hers. Then Blanchard shoved Miller to the ground. She’s obviously going to be a heel going forward. Blanchard left the arena.
Match #5: #1 Contender Match for the TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry vs Steve Maclin vs Josh Alexander vs Mike Santana
Please, just let Hendry win. Maclin or Santana wouldn’t be a bad choice but they have to pull the trigger on Hendry at some point don’t they? Eric Young joined commentary to keep an eye on the match and ensure a fair winner. The winner of this match fights for the TNA title at Genesis. Santana and Alexander paired off early. Santana was aggressive with chops in the corner. He ducked a clothesline but Alexander tossed him to the outside. Maclin came back in with clotheslines. Alexander kicked him out of the ring. Hendry came back in with right hands and a few clotheslines. Santana was in again with an uppercut on Alexander. Hendry hit a pop-up powerbomb on Alexander. The 3 faces faced off. They exchanged strikes. Santana hit Maclin with an enziguiri in the corner. Maclin fought back with a lariat but ran into a Hendry cutter. The fans were right behind him. Hendry nailed the stalling suplex on Maclin. Alexander grabbed Hendry from the ring and tossed him into the steel steps. Maclin hit a running dive on Alexander. Santana chopped Maclin so hard that the guard rail gave way. The good citizen Santana put it back into place. He went for a springboard dive but Alexander pulled him down and slammed him on the ring apron. Alexander went to work on Maclin with German suplexes. He nailed about 8. Maclin fought back with right hands. He clubbed Alexander with forearms in the corner then set him up for the diving spear in the corner. Alexander rolled out of the way so Maclin spilled to the floor and ran into a clothesline from Hendry. Hendry went back into the right but Alexander caught him with a dragon screw. Alexander nailed a clothesline then sent Santana off the ring apron. He focused on the left knee of Hendry. Alexander kicked Maclin off the ring apron, too. There were duelling chants for Alexander and Hendry. Alexander missed a drop kick. He popped Hendry with a forearm for 2. Alexander prevented Santana from getting back into the ring. He beat Hendry around the ring with forearm shots to the back. Hendry hulked up and fought back with right hands. Alexander tossed him from the ring. Santana faced off with Alexander. That would be a good singles match. They brawled with forearms. Santana avoided a suplex and escaped to the ring apron but Alexander steam-rolled him with a running crossbody. Alexander went around the ring attacking anyone that moved. Back in the ring, he smashed Santana with a chop in the corner and a rolling DVD. Alexander hit a diving knee to the neck of Santana for 2. Hendry tried to get back into the match up but Alexander tossed him from the ring. Alexander nailed Santana with a back suplex. Maclin tried to suplex Alexander on the ramp but Alexander nailed a German suplex. Alexander went back into the ring and wanted the C4 on Santana. Santana avoided it but Alexander jabbed him in the jaw. Santana recovered and nailed a rolling cutter for 2. Alexander avoided Spin the Block and tossed Santana onto the top rope. He wanted a superplex but Santana blocked it. They fought on the top rope with strikes. Alexander bit Santana. Hendry and Maclin put Alexander on their shoulders and Santana hit a diving blockbuster on Alexander! A very contrived but fun spot there. Santana and Hendry faced off. Hendry fired up with some clotheslines. He nailed the Fallaway slam and kipped up but ran into Maclin’s Busaiku knee. Santana broke up the pinfall. Santana missed a kick on Maclin but caught him on his shoulders with a Death Valley Driver for 2. Alexander returned to the fray. He blocked a rolling cutter with a forearm to the neck on Santana. Alexander nailed the Torture Rack Bomb for 2. He went to the top rope but Hendry cut him off. Alexander headbutted Hendry down. Hendry recovered quickly and hit a Fallaway slam off the top rope. While he was still down, Maclin hit a diving headbutt. Santana flew through the air with a perfect Frog Splash. He went for the cover but Alexander dragged him off with an ankle lock. Maclin broke it up so Alexander slammed him on the ring apron. Santana hit a diving senton through the ropes to wipe out Alexander. Henry did a high-jump type dive over the top rope to take out all 3 opponents. He doesn’t do much stuff like that so it was fun. The fans chanted about the match quality and I agreed. Maclin blocked the Standing Ovation and they clotheslined each other. I always appreciated how crisp that looks. Alexander zip-tied Santana to a table at ringside. Well he tried, but it took a long time and the camera probably should’ve focused on something else. Alexander wrenched at Santana’s faced and clubbed him with forearms. The fans chanted “You can’t zip tie” at Alexander! Maclin nailed his corner spear on Hendry. Alexander’s head gear was ripped off by Santana, so he went back into the ring to low-blow Maclin. Alexander abused Santana as he set up Maclin for the C4 Spike. He took too long so Hendry nailed the Standing Ovation on Alexander to win the match after 18 ½ minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Joe Hendry
Analysis: ****1/4 That was an excellent match that really should’ve been the main event of the show. It was non-stop fury from the opening bell. The great thing about this match is that it highlighted a few singles matches that we could see in 2025. I don’t recall Hendry vs Maclin or Santana, as well as Alexander vs Santana, so they could be possibilities. Alexander taking the pin again probably shows he’s on the way out when he’s out of contract in February.
Match #6: TNA Knockouts Championship: Falls Count Anywhere: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Tasha Steelz w/ Alisha
I’m not sure when they changed the match but it’s probably just away to allow Alisha to interfere legally. This is Slamovich’s third defense in the last month. The match introductions were about to take place but Director of Authority, Santino Marella, came out to address Alisha. He reminded her that she was ejected from ringside at Turning Point and then returned later on, defying authority. Marella banned Alisha from the arena. Then he got some security to come down to the ring to ensure that The System didn’t interfere. Marella said if Alisha comes back into the arena then she’s fire and he carried her to the back. He was shilling TNA Plus as the match already began, which looked funny. The match finally started with Steelz attacking Slamovich from behind. Slamovich fought back with a hard clothesline for 2. She hit a few snapmares and a kick to the back. Slamovich nailed a punt to the chest for 2. She did a running dive to the outside which took out Steelz and 2 security guards. Slamovich covered Steelz on the floor for 2. She wanted a suplex on the steel steps but Tasha blocked it and nailed one of her own. That was nasty. Steelz covered for a close 2 count. Slamovich rammed Steelz into the ring a few times. Steelz fought back with a knee strike to the face. She rolled into the ring for a breather. Steelz hit a PK for 2. She tried for a sleeper but Masha broke free. Slamovich sent her to the ring apron and nailed a big boot that sent Steelz out of the ring. Steelz caught her leg and slammed her face-first into the ring apron. Steelz hit a DDT from the apron to the floor for 2. The security were still down behind them after taking a gentle bump 5 minutes ago. Steelz talked trash at ringside. She punched Slamovich around the ringside area then went to the top rope after tossing her back into the ring. Slamovich cut her off with right hands. She nailed a rough-looking superplex which didn’t look great. Slamovich blocked a corner attack and hit a running knee. She nailed a big boot and a rolling heel kick for 2. Steelz thumbed Slamovich in the eyes. She wanted a DDT on the ramp but Slamovich rammed her into the ring post. The camera angle outside the ring was not good. Steelz bit the thigh of Slamovich to avoid a piledriver then hit a cutter on the ramp. She took a long time to cover the champ and only got a 2 count. They battled up the entrance ramp. Slamovich avoided going into the railing of the tunnel. Steelz used the scaffolding to hit an assisted bulldog and crawled over for a close 2 count. She tried another pin but only got 2 again. Slamovich fired up with a headbutt. She spun out of the Blackout. Slamovich hit a hard knee strike and the piledriver on the entrance ramp to win the match after 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall AND STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Masha Slamovich
Analysis: **3/4 It was just okay. It felt like they had to tick this match off the checklist as there are not that many other Knockouts that are close to Slamovich’s level. Who else can she fight now that she’s done with Grace and Steelz? Maybe Ash? They didn’t use the stipulation a great deal but the ending was well done.
Match #7: TNA World Tag Team Championships: Tables Match: The Hardys (c) vs The System
The Hardys got the ovation of the night and it wasn’t even close. Just people screaming and going crazy. That included Tom Hannifan. Maybe the fans just love the entrance theme. Nah, these guys are as over as ever. I don’t love the tables stipulation generally, and especially here since they’ve already done Full Metal Mayhem in this feud. However, I do like the fact that in this match both team members have to go through a table to win the match. The 4 combatants started the match off with a brawl. There are no tags here. The Hardys hit Plot Twists on both members of The System. They did the Dudley Boyz ‘Get the tables’ spot. A table came into the ring and was set up. Matt nailed a Twist of Fate on Myers. He set Myers on the table and Jeff called for the Swanton but Edwards launched Jeff off the top and onto the ropes. Hopefully, Jeff already has enough kids. The crowd chanted non-PG things at The System. Edwards put Matt on the table. He fought off and knocked Myers off his standing position. Matt wanted a superplex on Myers but Edwards moved the table so he didn’t go through it. Edwards nailed the Boston Knee Party on Jeff. Matt tried to fight both heels off but ran into a spear from Myers. The System hit a Razor’s Edge on Matt through the table to get the first point. Edwards and Myers stalked Jeff around the ring. They stomped on him down on the floor. The System set up a table around the ring. Jeff tried to fight back but they slammed him into the ring. They tossed Jeff back into the ring, where there were no tables. Brilliant. Edwards threw Jeff on the entrance ramp. They were going to Razor’s Edge him down to the floor. Matt Hardy returned. Perhaps you don’t get eliminated even if you go through the table; it just counts as a fall. Matt hit the Twist of Fate on Edwards on the ramp. He nailed Myers with a Twist of Fate off the ramp, through the tables at ringside. It’s 1 apiece. When Jeff or Edwards go through the next table, the match will end. They brawled around the ring. Edwards chopped Jeff against the ring a few times. A fan got in Edwards’ face at ringside. Eddie knocked his drink out of his hand. He slapped Edwards lightly. Oh dear. Edwards pushed him back down into his seat. The referee called for some security and they ejected him. That was not a work. Eddie focused back on the match. He ran into an Atomic Drop from Jeff in the ring. Jeff nailed a dropkick and a splash in the corner. He blocked a corner attack and hit Whisper in the Wind. Matt and Myers were stirring at ringside. Myers sent Matt into the ring post and then nailed him with a low blow. He went back into the ring and stopped Jeff from hitting the Twist of Fate on Edwards. Myers sent Jeff to the outside. They carried Jeff into the crowd. Probably not wise after you just got assaulted by a fan. They brawled up the stairs and went backstage to retrieve another table. I think I know what’s coming here. The System beat Jeff down onto the table. Myers motioned to going up to the top of the aisle and diving down. Matt appeared and took both heels out with a steel chair. The table leg collapsed on Jeff but that doesn’t count as a fall. Matt tossed a chair into Myers’ face. The Hardys found a working table and set it up. Matt beat down Edwards and put him on the table. Jeff went to the top of the aisle way. The fans were going mad. Jeff hit an insane Swanton Bomb off the rail to retain the titles after 17 minutes.
Winners AND STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Hardys
Analysis: **** That was fantastic. Again, I didn’t have bloated expectations for this match but they delivered. I think making it a non-elimination match really worked. I like that far better than a tables match where you have to leave when you’re put through a table. It makes the match unpredictable. The only obvious part of the match was that Jeff was going to Swanton from the top there. That was crazy. He is mad! Great match that was helped by a rabid crowd (they chanted F*** The System for almost half of it).
Match #8: TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs AJ Francis w/ KC Navarro
AJ isn’t that much taller than Nemeth, which surprised me a bit. He got in the champ’s face as the bell rang but Nemeth hit a headbutt and a superkick! Nemeth covered but Francis powered out at 1. He jumped on Francis’ back but Francis shoved him off. Nemeth tried a scoop slam but Francis was too heavy. Francis hit a shoulder block. Frankie Kazarian and his trophy came down to ringside. He had a ridiculous snowman shirt on. Francis wanted a Vader Bomb but Nemeth bailed to the outside. Navarro distracted Nemeth so Francis knocked him down from behind. Nemeth fought back with right hands. Francis shoved him off and slammed him into the ring apron. He tossed Nemeth back into the ring and scored a 2 count. Francis talked to the referee so Navarro attacked Nemeth at ringside. He tossed Nemeth back into the ring. Francis wanted the Down Payment but Nemeth escaped. Nemeth almost hit a scoop slam but Francis fell down on top of him for a 2 count. Francis went back to the Vader Bomb but Nemeth held him by the leg to avoid it. Nemeth hit a superkick in the corner and a powerbomb off the top for 2. Nemeth did his elbow drop routine. He went to the top for an elbow drop but Francis caught him in mid-air. He sent him into the ropes and nailed a big boot for a 2 count. Francis cranked at the neck of Nemeth. Nemeth got to his feet but AJ shoved him into the corner. He avoided a splash and nailed one of his own. Nemeth tried clotheslining Francis but the big man wouldn’t go down. Nemeth nailed his jumping DDT. Francis stumbled off the ropes and into a scoop slam from Nemeth. Nemeth nailed a diving elbow for 2. Francis rolled out of the ring to regroup. Nemeth went to follow up but Navarro got in his face. Nemeth tried to get back in but KC held his leg and hung him up on the ropes. Nemeth turned around into a spear from Francis for 2. That’s 10x more impressive than Moose’s spear. Francis hit his knee strike in the corner. He went back to the top for the Vader Bomb and finally nailed it but Nemeth put his foot on the rope. Navarro knocked the foot off and the referee saw it so he ejected him from ringside. Nemeth escaped a back suplex and nailed the Danger Zone. Nemeth crawled to a cover but Francis kicked out at 2! That’s a surprise. Nemeth hit a splash in the corner. He tried a neckbreaker but Francis held onto the rope and Nemeth crashed to the mat. Francis tried a moonsault but Nemeth moved out of the way. That still looked very smooth, even though Francis missed. Nemeth hit the Fame Asser for 2. He set up for the superkick but Francis caught his foot. He tried for a Death Valley Driver but Nemeth landed on his feet and connected with the superkick. He bounced off the ropes into a neckbreaker from Francis. Francis covered for a 2 count. He wanted the Down Payment and nailed it! Nemeth bounced across the ring and rolled underneath the ropes. Nemeth was on the entrance ramp and Francis was frustrated. He followed Nemeth to the ramp. Francis put Nemeth on his shoulders and launched him back into the ring. Francis put one foot on Nemeth to pin him but the champion kicked out at 2. AJ told Nemeth that it was his time. He went for the Down Payment again but Nemeth turned it into a Fame Asser in mid-air. Wow. Nemeth hit a superkick. Francis bounced off the ropes into the Danger Zone to retain the gold after 15 minutes.
Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth
Analysis: ***1/2 That was a solid main event but at no stage did I think that Nemeth was losing the title. They could’ve had this match on TV but gave the spot to Francis who has performed very well in TNA in 2024. I like his character and his stable. He has improved a lot in the ring since his WWE run. Nemeth is so dependable right now. There’s no need for him to defend his title here as it’s just two weeks after the last show but he’s headlining again and put on another great showing. They worked well together and I enjoyed the match.
KC Navarro ran down after the match and beat Nemeth down. He stomped on Nemeth in the corner and took his title. Francis choked Nemeth out with his foot. Navarro told him to chokeslam Nemeth on the championship but Joe Hendry ran in for the save. He clotheslined Navarro and took Francis over the top rope. Hendry tossed Navarro over the top, too, but Francis caught him. Hendry picked up the championship to give to Nemeth but Nemeth picked it up at the same time. Nemeth grabbed it off Hendry and they had a tense showdown as Final Resolution went off the air.
Analysis: Nemeth vs Hendry Part 2 is set for Genesis. That should be another good match. I’m not sure when the next TNA show is because they’ll probably have a holiday break for now but I’m thinking they have to put the title on Joe at some point! But there’s still John Layfield and he could help Nemeth turn full-blown heel then Hendry could keep chasing. I think at some point, the Hendry steam will run out if they don’t give him his moment.
Final Rating: 7.25/10
I thought that was a great show. I went in with low expectations but hoped we would see some solid wrestling. I rated two matches over 4 stars, which is rare for these monthly shows. The Fatal-4-Way contender match was my match of the night. They all gelled well together and the action was fast-paced. Hendry winning was the right call. The tables tag team match was also a lot of fun. I liked the rules where you could still participate even if you had gone through a table. I’m not sure WWE is run it like that. And of course it’s always fun seeing Jeff Hardy do crazy stunts.
The main event was solid, with AJ Francis continuing to show why he’s wrestling most improved. The rest of the card was solid. The Knockouts Title match was just okay. That was probably a little disappointing as it was probably Tasha’s last shot for a while so Slamovich can move onto someone else. The biggest part of the night though was the return of Tessa Blanchard who goes straight into a program with Jordynne Grace. That’s exciting. It’s been over 4 years since Tessa left TNA. I’m happy she’s back.
That was the final TNA PPV/PLE of the year. Here are links to my reviews of the entire PPV/PLE collection from this year.
The next TNA PPV is Genesis on January 19th. Here’s the card so far:

* TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Joe Hendry
Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!