
TNA Emergence 2024 Review

TNA Emergence 2024 Review

The main event of TNA Emergence saw Nic Nemeth defend the TNA World Championship against Josh Alexander in a 60-minute Ironman match.

This was another sold-out show for TNA. I did not watch the pre-show in great detail. Frankie Kazarian defeated Kushida by pinfall after using the bottom rope to hit a low blow and then hit the Fade to Black for the 3 count.

With Rich Swann out of action, AJ Francis was granted a choice of partner for his Tag Team Championship match, KC Navarro. Shera was the disappointing choice of ‘monster’ by Matt Cardona for the match against PCO. PCO got the win with the PCO Sault.

With the main event going a full hour, I will be providing a condensed summary of each match rather than play-by-play. Let’s get to it!

TNA Emergence from Old Forester’s Paristown Hall: Louisville, Kentucky

Match #1: Ultimate-X for the TNA X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs Zachary Wentz vs Jason Hotch vs Laredo Kid vs Hammerstone vs NXT’s Riley Osborne

The 52nd Ultimate X match is going to be crazy and hard to cover. Everyone is a high-flier and then there’s the 300-pound mountain of muscle, Hammerstone. Osborne got a very good reaction, despite Tom Hannifan saying he was in ‘hostile territory’. There’s no reason for Bailey to lose this, unless they want Wentz to defend the title against Wes Lee tomorrow at NXT’s No Mercy, to add even more interest to that personal rivalry. The early goings saw everyone going after Hammerstone. He even took a triple superkick. Hammerstone was able to recover and toss Hotch hard off the top rope onto the apron. He hit a pump kick on Laredo Kid and brushed off some kicks from Bailey to land a German suplex. Bailey was caught in mid-air by Hammerstone who tossed him back into the ring from the outside. They did a crazy spot where Osborne hit a sunset flip powerbomb on Kid and Hotch, who suplexed Bailey on top of Hammerstone on the outside. Wentz and Bailey brawled as they climbed the scaffolding. Wentz kicked Bailey off, but he turned it into a moonsault which took out the other 4 wrestlers. Wentz started to climb the cables but Kid, Osborne and Hotch started climbing from the other corners. Hammerstone started to climb and kicked everyone off the cables. He couldn’t reach the championship so the other wrestlers pulled him down from the cables. The smaller wrestlers realised that they needed to take Hammerstone out so Bailey started targeting him with some kicks. He and Wentz exchanged superkicks. Wentz hit a springboard knee but Hammerstone tossed him from the ring. Hammerstone hit an overhead suplex on Osborne out of the ring. He cut Kid off at the scaffolding and tossed him off using a press slam. Wow. Hammerstone went back to the corner to climb but Hotch nailed a low blow because there’s no disqualifications. Hotch hit an impressive Torture Rack Bomb on Hammerstone. He started to climb the scaffold but Kid went ahead of him and nailed a hurricanrana from the cable. Osborne tried his luck next but Kid grabbed him by the legs and tried to swing him off, however Osborne turned it into a Shooting Star Press which wiped out 3 other stars. Bailey nailed Osborne with Ultima Weapon as he was getting to his feet. Bailey and Wentz started scaling the cable from opposite corners. They met in the middle and exchanged chops. Wentz was getting the upper hand with some kicks but Bailey got himself upright and tried a kick of his own. Wentz was able to recover and kick Bailey’s hands to break his grip. He unhooked the championship to win the match 11 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND NEW TNA X-Division Champion: Zachary Wentz

Analysis: ***1/2 These matches are always a lot of fun. I found that the ending can be pretty flat unless a big move knocks one of the combatants off the top of the cables. This didn’t happen here but the match wasn’t hurt by it. Good for Wentz. He has proven himself as a much-improved wrestler on his return to TNA.

There was a video promo for Alexander vs Nemeth. It should be terrific.

Match #2: Eric Young vs Steve Maclin

This was probably the only match that I didn’t have any real interest in, just because I really don’t find Young interesting at all since returning to TNA from WWE. This was a really even match all the way through. Maclin got the win after reversing the piledriver into a jacknife cover after 9 minutes. Young teased attacking Maclin after the match but instead offered a handshake.

Winner by pinfall: Steve Maclin

Match Rating: **3/4

Nic Nemeth cut a fired-up promo backstage with Gia Miller. He said it’s time for him to cement himself at the top of the TNA ladder.

Match #3: Jordynne Grace & Spitfire vs The Militia & Ash-by-Elegance

The feud between Ash and Grace really should’ve ended last night after their 2nd title match but this 6-woman match had already been set. All 6 women started brawling to kick off the contest. The face team got the advantage and tossed Threat over the top to take all 3 heels out. Luna did a dive to the outside too, then there was a very awkward spot where they all stood over Alisha and then just walked away from her. I’m not sure if anyone knew what was going on there. Grace covered Ash in the ring but there was no referee. Then Ash and Grace spoke to each other so it was a really convoluted start to the match. The medical staff were checking out Alisha on the outside and she looked concussed. Grace tagged in Threat who went to work on Ash in the corner with clotheslines. She hit an Exploder suplex for a 2 count. The medicos carried Alisha to the back so it’s a legitimate injury which is disappointing. Luna hit an assisted-powerbomb on Ash for a 2 count. Luna missed a spear in the corner so Ash could finally have some time to recover. Slamovich nailed a cheap shot on Luna and tossed her back into the ring for Ash to get a nearfall. Slamovich tagged in and nailed a suplex for another 2 count. She hit her multiple snapmares and a running punt for 2 again. Ash tagged in again and chopped Luna a few times in the corner. She hit a handspring elbow in the opposite corner. Luna blocked and reversed a suplex, then made the tag to Grace. Ash made it to Slamovich for the tag in her corner. Grace took down Masha with a clothesline and a scoop slam. She hit a hard backfist in the corner and the Muscle Buster but Ash broke up the pin. Grace tossed Ash to the floor. Masha wanted a tag but Ash wasn’t on the apron. Threat tagged in for her team. She nailed a pump kick and her running knee strike against the middle rope. Threat hit a German suplex that wasn’t very clean and covered Slamovich for 2. Slamovich fought back with a suplex into the corner and tagged in Ash. Ash hit a suplex but missed Rarefied Air. Threat hit Pop Shove It on Ash for the win after 8 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Jordynne Grace & Spitfire

Analysis: **1/4 Obviously, they had a tough start and then some plans went out the window with Alisha taken out of the match. It took a while for the match to recover but they did fine after that. I thought it would probably be a better idea for them to stretcher Alisha out, so seeing her carried made me thought that perhaps it wasn’t a concussion. The match result was as expected. On watching it back, Threat flies over the top rope and catches Alisha but the force of her arm knocks Alisha’s head hard on the ramp and she’s instantly out. She sits in an almost-frozen position which indicates a nasty concussion straight away. I hope she has a swift recovery.

Match #4: TNA World Tag Team Championships: ABC vs First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)

Navarro is now a member of First Class which I like because he’s a talented guy who isn’t featured enough. With Swann out indefinitely, TNA have done well to put a plan in place to keep First Class’ momentum going. It would be a shame to keep AJ off TV as he’s been such a great contributor since joining TNA. Francis and Ace Austin started the match. Austin tried a few forearms to no effect. He tried picking up Francis on his shoulders but AJ flattened him with a shoulder tackle. AJ called Bey to tag in, which he did. Bey tried a side headlock but Francis tossed him across the ring. Francis went for the Down Payment but Bey blocked it with a dropkick. He bounced off the ropes but Francis nailed a shoulder block. Navarro tagged in and whipped Bey into Francis for a big boot and a 2 count. Navarro talked a little too much trash so Bey chopped him hard in the corner a couple of times. Navarro hit a running head scissors and tripped Bey up against the middle rope. He hit a dropkick through the ropes, like a 619, and went to the top rope. Bey avoided a crossbody and hit a backbreaker, then a big clothesline for 2. Bey tagged in Austin. They hit a double suplex on Navarro for 2. Austin landed some knee strikes to the shoulder of Navarro, then tagged Bey back in. Austin hit a kick in the corner, then Bey used him as a springboard to nail a jumping upper cut. Bey hit a double stomp to the back of Navarro for 2. He ran the ropes but Francis grabbed him by the hair. Bey tossed Navarro over the top rope but Francis caught him. Bey went for a dive on Francis, who caught him and went for the Dow Payment on the ring apron but Bey blocked it with a kick. Navarro met him on the apron with a kick to the face. He mounted Bey with right hands and tagged in AJ. Louisville chanted “You can’t wrestle” at Francis, which is harsh. Francis whipped Bey into his corner but Bey took Navarro down off the apron. He went for a hurricanrana on Francis, who caught him and went for a powerbomb but Bey turned it into a DDT. Francis and Bey both made their corners for the tag. Austin beat Navarro to the punch with clotheslines. He hit a side Russian Legsweep and a jumping legdrop. Austin chopped Navarro hard against the ropes. Navarro sent Austin over the top to the ring apron. Austin nailed an interfering Francis with a kick. Back in the ring, Austin nailed a suplex on KC. Francis ran in but Austin caught him with a kick. AJ staggered off the ropes and Austin picked him up but buckled under the weight. He tried again and nailed a big Fireman Carry Takeover. Austin hit a Flatliner on Navarro for 2. He lifted Bey up for a back suplex and an incoming Bey nailed a clothesline for a double team and scored a 2 count. ABC tried double-teaming Francis, but he overpowered them with a double suplex. Francis dragged Navarro over to the corner and tagged himself in. Austin flew through the air and dropkicked Francis back to his corner. Navarro tagged in and Francis nailed Austin with a kick. Francis nailed an enormous Down Payment on Bey but went to cover and the referee told him he wasn’t the legal man! Francis didn’t realise that Navarro tagged himself in. Austin ran in with The Fold on Navarro. Bey used an inside cradle to pin Navarro and retain the titles after 12 minutes.

Winners by pinfall AND STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: ABC

Analysis: ***1/2 That was a really enjoyable tag team match to watch and it felt fresh with Navarro in there. The teams had good chemistry and I liked the finish where Francis thought he had the match won but his partner ended up costing him by making the tag. Hopefully we get another match between these teams soon, as there’s not many others in the division!

Match #5: 8-Man Tag Team Match: The System vs The Hardys, Mike Santana & Joe Hendry

I laughed during the entrances as Hendry had changed his theme to include “I Believe In Jeff Hardy” and “I Believe in Matt Hardy” and had their faces on the Tron clapping away. Fantastic. I don’t think Santana was up for the fun. There was an “I Believe in Ethan Page” sign in the audience so I’m glad that some TNA fans are watching NXT. The fans were chanting some unsavoury things at The System before the bell rang. They bailed and had a team huddle on the outside of the ring. This got them even more heat. Moose didn’t want anything to do with Santana so he tagged in JDC. Santana beat JDC up all over the ring early on. He hit a running uppercut in the corner and pummelled JDC with right hands. Edwards ran in and copped a clothesline. Santana knocked Myers and Moose off the ring apron. He hit a back suplex on JDC. Santana asked if the fans wanted Matt Hardy to tag in. Yes, they did. Santana whipped Hardy into the corner for a clothesline. Santana hit Poetry in Motion and then Jeff had a turn. Matt hit an elbow drop for a 2 count. JDC got to his feet and chopped Matt in the throat, then tagged in Edwards. Edwards nailed some head butts to Matt in the corner. Matt fought back with a flurry of right hands and tagged Jeff in to a big pop. They double-teamed Edwards in the corner and hit a double suplex. Myers and JDC ran in and got suplexed with Hendry lending the Hardys a hand. Moose tried running in but Santana clotheslined him to the outside. Hendry and the Hardys had a little fun with their back to the camera, then turned around and hit the Hendry pose. The crowd was easily the loudest it has been all night. Santana tagged in and chopped Edwards very hard against the ropes and again in the corner. The System ran in and took Hendry and The Hardys off the ring apron so they could beat down Santana 4-on-1. Santana avoided a Moose spear in the corner and tossed him to the outside. He blocked a corner attack from Myers and hit a dropkick on he and Edwards. Santana tossed JDC over the top and into Myers and Edwards. He took out the whole of The System with a senton to the outside. Back in the ring, Santana hit a facebuster and a dropkick on Edwards for a 2 count. All 8 men faced off in the ring and the brawl was back on. They paired off and went out of the ring. Back in the ring, Santana stomped away on Edwards in the corner. He tagged in Matt Hardy who hit an elbow off the top on Edwards. Edwards blocked a Twist of Fate and tagged in JDC. JDC took Matt down with some right hands. He tagged in Moose who beat down Matt quickly then tagged in Myers. Myers was too busy talking trash so Matt took him down with a Randy Orton-esque backbreaker. Jeff tagged in and hit a few elbow drops on Myers but Edwards broke the pin up. Jeff took out an incoming JDC and Edwards with Whisper in the Wind. He avoided Moose and sent him to the outside. Jeff hit the Twist of Fate on Myers and went to the top rope but JDC and Moose distracted him. Myers knocked Jeff off the top rope and to the floor. Jeff’s team mates helped him up and he got back into the ring. Myers tagged in Edwards, who hit some knee drops on Jeff and got a 2 count. Edwards tried another 2 quick pins, to no avail. Santana was getting frustrated and ran in to face Edwards, but risked disqualification. Moose tagged in next and wrenched at the face of Jeff. He tagged in JDC again quickly. JDC raked Jeff’s eyes and tagged Moose back in. Moose took Hendry and Matt off the apron. He knocked Santana down, too. Moose turned around and received a Twist of Fate from Jeff! Hendry was the only option to tag in and Jeff made it. Edwards tagged in and ran into a Fallaway Slam. JDC ran in and got one too. Myers went for the spear on Hendry, who sidestepped and Myers took out JDC. Moose ran in and nailed a pump kick on Hendry. He went for his top rope cutter but Hendry just sidestepped him, Samoa Joe-style. Hendry nailed the pop-up powerbomb on Edwards who was back in the ring. Hendry measured Edwards for the Standing Ovation but Eddie blocked it. They ran into each other with a clothesline. Matt tagged in and hit the Side Effect on Edwards. Moose ran in for a big spear on Matt. He ran the ropes again but Santana destroyed him with Spin the Block. Myers nailed the Roster Cut on Santana. Jeff continued the spot party with his front suplex. He hit the Swanton Bomb to the adulation of the fans. JDC took down Jeff with the Falcon Arrow. He turned around into a Standing Ovation from Hendry. Edwards nailed a Blue Thunder Bomb on Hendry. Matt Hardy came back in and hit the Twist of Fate on Edwards. Matt covered but Moose pulled him out of the ring just before the 3 count. Matt hit Moose with the Twist of Fate on the floor. He went back into the ring but Edwards kicked him low, with the referee still checking on Moose. Edwards nailed the Boston Knee Party for the win after 20 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The System

Analysis: ***3/4 That was a fantastic multi-man match that entertained the crowd with ease for 20 minutes. It was also easily the match of the night, thus far. There really weren’t any prolonged periods where the face team was in peril, which can be a flat spot for a tag team match. As fun as multiple 2-minute spots where finishers are hit are, that probably led to me scaling it down from a slightly higher rating as there were portions of the match that were just spot-after-spot. That was still very fun, but it takes away a little from the quality. I think The System needed that win.

Match #6: Ironman Match for the TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Josh Alexander

There was no countdown clock on the Tron or the screen as the match began. I guess they’ll show that as the match progresses. And just as I type that, there’s the countdown clock showing 59:40 remaining. Nemeth went for a quick roll up inside the first minute and got a 1 count. Nemeth tried a body scissors and turned it into a pinfall for a 2 count. It was slow in the early going which is expected. Nemeth almost got a 3 with a roll up. Alexander was frustrated that Nemeth was dictating the pace. I think the crowd was chanting “We want tables” which doesn’t fit the match, folks. Alexander hit a throw, but Nemeth flipped him over for a 2 count. Alexander took a side headlock and leant on it for a nearfall. Nemeth reversed the momentum and got a 1 count but Alexander grabbed the ropes to break the count. Nemeth locked in a head scissors with Alexander on the mat. The challenger wriggled free but Nemeth sat on top for a 1 count. Alexander blocked a back suplex attempt and hit an arm drag. Nemeth was showing some nice technical wrestling ability early on; something he really didn’t get to show in WWE. Alexander had a standing arm bar and manipulated the fingers of the champion. He went back to targeting the left shoulder but Nemeth climbed onto his back and used his legs to lock Alexander’s shoulders to the mat for a 2 count. Alexander looked worried about Nemeth’s ability to come up with pinning combinations at will. He went for a side headlock and took Nemeth to the mat. Nemeth recovered and hit a dropkick. Alexander was only slightly rocked and went to the ankle lock. Nemeth found the ropes quickly but knew the urgency of the situation. Alexander hit another throw and scored a 1 count. He went back to the headlock with Nemeth still grounded on the mat. Alexander leant down on the mat and scored a 1 count. There was “I believe in Nic Nemeth” chants as the crowd was looking for a little bit more pace in the match. Alexander hit a shoulder tackle and then a chop block. Alexander went back to the ankle lock but Nemeth rolled through and sat down on the legs of Alexander for the first fall of the match.

Nic Nemeth leads 1-0 after 11:10

Alexander was incensed and beat down Nemeth in the corner. He bounced his head off the top turnbuckle in multiple corners. Alexander chopped Nemeth in the corner. He missed a second attempt and Nemeth took advantage with chops of his own. Nemeth mounted Alexander in the corner with right hands but Alexander was quick to turn it into a backbreaker over his knee for a close 2 count. Alexander nailed another backbreaker for 2. He whipped Nemeth hard into the turnbuckle. Nemeth blocked a suplex attempt and hit one of his own. Alexander went for a German suplex but Nemeth was holding on to the middle turnbuckle pad. Alexander overpowered him with the German but Nemeth removed the pad so there’s a spot coming later. The challenger went to a crossface with his knee in the small of Nemeth’s back. Alexander hit a number of knee strikes to the back of Nemeth and got a nearfall. He reversed an Irish Whip and sent Nemeth hard into the corner. Alexander hit a big stalling suplex for 2. The fans chanted “USA” at him so Nemeth rolled him up for 2. Nemeth ran into a big clothesline and Alexander got a 2 count. Alexander charged at Nemeth but got sent through the ropes to the floor. Nemeth chopped him against the guard rail but Alexander returned fire. We were at the 20-minute mark. Nemeth sent Alexander into the steel ring steps. They went back into the ring and Nemeth followed up with some clotheslines and a neckbreaker. He did his 10 elbow drop routine but Alexander popped up at the 10th one and ran into a scoop slam. Nemeth went for a big elbow drop from the top rope but Alexander used his momentum to trap him in a backslide for a very close nearfall. Nemeth blocked the C4 Spike. He went for the Fame Asser but Alexander caught him in mid-air. Nemeth flipped over the top and almost got a 3 count. They exchanged nearfalls back and forth. Nemeth hit the Fame Asser for 2. Alexander held the ropes to avoid the Danger Zone. He hit a big right hand that sent Nemeth into the ropes. Nemeth bounced off and still managed the Danger Zone! Nemeth covered for the 2nd fall.

Nic Nemeth leads 2-0 after 25:15

Nemeth went straight on the offense after landing the 2nd fall. He choked Alexander in the corner with his boot. Nemeth hit a snapmare and a jumping elbow for 2. Alexander caught the foot of Nemeth and went back to the anklelock. Nemeth rolled over and hit a hard kick to Alexander’s face. He got to his feet and nailed a dropkick for 2. Alexander rocked Nemeth with a right hand and went back to the ankle. Nemeth again broke free but Alexander landed a German suplex. We are now at the halfway point. Alexander hit 9 more German suplexes and relinquished the hold. They took their time to recover and then Nemeth went through the 10 German suplex routine! Alexander then landed one of his own. He missed a clothesline and Nemeth nailed an overhead suplex. Both men collapsed to the mat. They both made it to their feet at the count of 9. Nemeth fought out of a German suplex attempt and head-butted Alexander so hard that his headgear flew off. Nemeth was slow to follow up so Alexander trapped him in the ankle lock. The commentators wondered if Nemeth should submit so that he’s not too injured for the final 20 minutes of the match. Alexander stood on the back of Nemeth’s neck with the ankle lock still firmly in place. He pulled Nemeth back to the centre of the ring and locked in the move with his other leg trapping the champion. Nemeth slowly crawled his way to the bottom rope and broke the hold. We were now up to the 40-minute mark. Alexander whipped Nemeth into the corner and he almost crashed into the referee. Alexander followed through with a clothesline that sent Nemeth hard into the ref. He hit a T-Bone suplex on Nemeth across the ring. Alexander retrieved a table from underneath the ring. This was not a no-disqualification match. Alexander measured Nemeth for a C4 Spike through the table but Nemeth flipped him over and he went spine-first into the ring apron. Nemeth gave Alexander a headbutt and raked his eyes, as the referee was still recovering. Alexander sent him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Nemeth went for his jumping DDT but Alexander caught him in mid-air with a spinning Tombstone Piledriver. Alexander covered but Nemeth still kicked out! He was now more than frustrated. He took a steel chair from ringside and brought it into the ring. Alexander gave it to the referee who sent it out of the ring. Whilst this was going on, he took a foreign object out of his knee pad and clobbered Nemeth with it. Alexander nailed the C4 Spike to gain his first fall.

Nic Nemeth leads 2-1 after 44:20

Alexander picked up Nemeth again and dropped him with another C4 Spike to get his second fall.

We are tied 2-2 after 44:50

Shouldn’t the referee make Alexander wait until Nemeth is back on his feet or does that rule not count in an Ironman match? Alexander went back to the cover for a 3rd fall but Nemeth kicked out. Nemeth jumped on Alexander’s back with a sleeper hold. Alexander took him back to the corner but couldn’t break the hold. He dropped his weight and fell on top of Nemeth on the mat but Nemeth wouldn’t relinquish the sleeper. Alexander made it to his feet but Nemeth jumped on his back again. He tried to use the top turnbuckle to shake Nemeth off but Nic wouldn’t let go. Alexander climbed to the top rope with Nemeth on his back and then sacrificed himself over the top rope so that Nemeth would let go. That was unique and painful. Alexander picked up Nemeth in the Torture Rack position and dumped him on the floor. He rolled back in the ring in the hope of getting a count out fall. Nemeth stumbled at 8 but still made it back in. Nemeth fought out of a C4 Spike attempt and sent Alexander out of the ring, crashing through the table at ringside! The referee didn’t know who brought the table into play so he couldn’t DQ anyone. There was 10 minutes left in the match. Alexander made it back into the ring before 10. Alexander caught a superkick attempt and nailed a devastating C4 Spike but Nemeth got his foot on the bottom rope! The match went to the outside, with Alexander chopping Nemeth against the guard rail multiple times. Alexander tossed Nemeth back into the ring at the referee’s count of 7. Nemeth surprised him with a jumping DDT for 2. They battled on the top rope and Alexander got the advantage. Nemeth wouldn’t stay down and fought back with right hands then connected with a superplex. He crawled to the cover but Alexander kicked out at the last possible second. We were down to 5 minutes remaining. They exchanged right hands in the centre of the ring. Alexander took out Nemeth’s knee with a kick. He pulled down his straps but Nemeth took his head off with a superkick! Nemeth fell into the cover but again Alexander kicked out. Alexander nailed a release German suplex. Down to 3 minutes and we are still tied. Alexander picked up Nemeth and launched him into the exposed middle turnbuckle. What amazing selling by Nemeth. Alexander hit an awful version of the Danger Zone for a 2 count. That was so bad that I audibly laughed and probably woke up a child late at night. There was 90 seconds left. Alexander measured Nemeth for another C4 Spike. Nemeth took all his might to block it and then toss Alexander over his head. The arms remained clasped so Nemeth sat on top and almost scored the winning 3. Nemeth popped out of another C4 Spike attempt. He nailed a headbutt. Alexander wobbled off the ropes into the Danger Zone. Alexander wouldn’t stay down. Nemeth picked up Alexander and decimated him with his own C4 Spike move to take the lead.

Nic Nemeth leads 3-2 after 59:45

The crowd counted down the final few seconds and Alexander collapsed on the mat. Nemeth retains.

Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth

Analysis: **** Any 60-minute match is very hard to rate and you could argue that you could rate the different sections of the match separately. It was very slow for the first 15-20 minutes, however you can’t wrestle at an electric pace for a whole hour so that’s understandable. My main issue with the match is giving Nemeth, the babyface champion, a 2-0 lead for most of the match. No one in the crowd wanted Alexander to win, so to keep interest in the match it makes sense for the face to chase for the majority of the match, surely? And then you had Alexander throwing everything at Nemeth only to get frustrated that he couldn’t put him away, in almost a face manner, so that was also weird. The last 15 minutes were excellent, however. I enjoyed how they put some spots together cleverly. Nemeth winning with the C4 Spike will further incense the Canadian, too. But please, never do the Danger Zone again, Josh. In hindsight, an Ironman match looked amazing on paper, but the unpredictability of the match ending in the nature of a regular singles match might have been enough for me. Kudos to both men for wrestling at a high-level for 60 minutes.

John Bradshaw Layfield then walked down to the ring, with no music or entrance. He wiped his feet on the mat and confronted Nemeth. They were together at AAA recently and JBL also showed up on GCW the other day. JBL whispered something to Nemeth and they nodded. JBL left Nemeth in the ring to celebrate.

Analysis: That was unexpected but cool. JBL in TNA in 2024 is not something I would’ve put money on. I wonder if he will show up again? I wouldn’t be against it.

Final Rating: 6.75/10

The last two matches certainly made the show. Emergence was all about Nemeth vs Alexander and, whilst it wasn’t the 5-star classic that I had hoped for, they delivered a high-quality 60-minute bout. The 8-man tag was probably the most fun match to watch for the night, and I enjoyed the chaos of Ultimate X. Congratulations to Zachary Wentz on winning singles gold. Alisha Edwards getting injured in the Ko’s 6-woman tag was a shame, so here’s hoping she’s okay.

Hard to Kill: 8/10
No Surrender: 6.75/10
Sacrifice: 7/10
Rebellion: 7/10
Under Siege: 6/10
Against All Odds: 7.5/10
Slammiversary: 7.5/10
Emergence: 6.75/10

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!