The John Report: WWE WrestleMania 39 Review
WrestleMania 39 was a two-night event in Los Angeles with Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens facing The Usos in the Saturday main event while Roman Reigns battled Cody Rhodes on Sunday night.
What you will see below are my reviews of WWE WrestleMania 39 Saturday and WrestleMania 39 Sunday which were both written live right here on TJRWrestling. I think combining them into one post is the best thing to do. The combined length of both nights of WrestleMania was just under eight hours of content.
In case you missed my other reviews from WrestleMania weekend shows, here’s my WWE Hall of Fame 2023 recap. I also reviewed NXT Stand & Deliver earlier on Saturday. I’m on Twitter @johnreport as usual. Let’s rock.

WWE WrestleMania 39 – Night One
From SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles (Inglewood), California
April 1, 2023
A woman named Becky G sang America The Beautiful. That’s not a very creative name for her. Almost as creative as a guy using The John Report. Wait a second! Anyway, she did well.
The cold open to the show featured Kevin Hart narrating a video of some WWE highlights.
Let’s Hear from The Miz and Snoop Dogg
The Miz and Snoop Dogg were in the ring as the hosts for the show. They went over their credentials with Snoop having way better credentials than Miz, who thinks starring in The Marine movies is a big deal. Snoop Dogg said it’s not about them, it’s about the fans. The Miz was hyping up the crowd by mentioning the matches on the show. Snoop ended it by saying it was time to start the show.
Analysis: It is weird how they hyped up The Miz as a host, yet they also had Snoop Dogg as the host. They didn’t mention Snoop Dogg in the role prior to this.

It was Austin Theory, the United States Champion, up first wearing his title. The commentary team was Michael Cole and Corey Graves as usual for WWE PLE events. Graves congratulated Cole for calling his 22nd WrestleMania, which is the most of any announcer in WWE history. The Spanish language announcers were shown at ringside.
A video aired about WWE’s work with the Make-A-Wish kids.
There were a bunch of Make-A-Wish kids on the stage who all shared a dream of going to WrestleMania. That’s right when John Cena’s music hit! The kids loved it.
John Cena greeted the kids that were on the stage. Cena talked to them, talked to the camera, told the kids to have some fun and said it was time to go to work. Cena ran down to the ring to have his match. Cena had a new shirt on and tossed it into the crowd. Huge pop for Cena as usual. It took 17 minutes for the bell to ring, so let’s begin WrestleMania with the first match.
Analysis: That crowd reaction for Cena was huge. I have watched and written so much about him over the last 20 years. It’s cool to see him getting that respect and love from the fans considering how legendary of a performer he is.

United States Championship: Austin Theory vs. John Cena
Cena with a shoulder tackle knockdown. After they locked up, Cena got another shoulder tackle knockdown. I am sure there will be memes about Cena’s bald spot again, but the man is 45 years old and that’s life. Theory pushed Cena into the turnbuckle and looked like he was biting Cena’s left arm. Cena shoved Theory out of the ring, then Theory went back in while Cena was complaining to the referee and Theory knocked him down with a forearm. Theory hit a suplex followed by another suplex for two. Cena countered Theory into his own suplex. Cena charged, Theory with a back elbow and a neckbreaker by Theory got two. Theory hit a somersault into a dropkick for a two count. Theory tried the same move, Cena avoided it and Cena applied the STF submission, but he wasn’t able to lock it in fully. Theory bit Cena’s hand to get out of it. Theory decked Cena with a running clothesline. I could hear Cena calling spots as usually does while Theory hit a snapmare followed by a stomp to the chest. Cena blocked a stomp to the chest, he tried for the Attitude Adjustment, Theory got out of it and Theory hit a DDT for two. Cena avoided a charging Theory, I could hear Cena say “sleeper” and Theory grabbed a sleeper. Cena got out of it with the two shoulder tackles, then the spinning slam and Cena did the “you can’t see me” hand gesture with the fans chanting it right on cue. Cena picked up Theory on his shoulders for the AA, but Theory’s feet hit referee Chad Patton to knock him down. Cena put Theory in the STF and Theory tapped out, but the referee didn’t see it. Theory with the low blow uppercut to Cena that the referee didn’t see. Theory picked up Cena and hit the A-Town Down onto the knee for the pinfall win at 11:20.
Winner by pinfall: Austin Theory
Analysis: **3/4 It was a decent match, but I wouldn’t say it was Cena at his best. The crowd was into it, so that helped a lot. Theory winning was the expected result since he’s a full-timer while Cena barely wrestles at this point. The finish was actually similar to the Carmelo Hayes-Bron Breakker match that I watched about five hours earlier when Hayes tapped out while a referee was knocked down, but then Hayes came back to win. It’s a classic wrestling booking finish.

Austin Theory celebrated with the US Title while the announcers put it over as a big win for him.
There were some commercials promoting various products including WWE Shop.
A video package aired from Smackdown showing highlights of the four-way match to promote the four-way tag team match that’s coming at WrestleMania.
The WWE Global Ambassador Titus O’Neil joined commentary for this next match. Braun Strowman & Ricochet were up first. The Viking Raiders were next joined by the barefoot Valhalla. The Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable & Otis were next followed by The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins. The Street Profits were cheered loudly while Strowman & Ricochet were as well.

Braun Strowman & Ricochet vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) (w/Valhalla) vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis) vs. The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins)
The rules for the match are two guys are legal in the ring while the other six guys are on the apron. The first fall wins the match.
Gable started with Ricochet doing some basic holds until Otis tagged in and Otis ran over Ricochet with a clothesline. Titus mentioned that Otis is always sweating. Gable tagged in back, Ricochet tagged in Strowman and then all eight guys went into the ring. It turned into a brawl as Erik hit Strowman with a knee, Ivar with a heel kick and the VR guys took care of Gable as well as a double team springboard clothesline on Ricochet. Viking Raiders hit the Ragnarök double-team spinebuster on Ford. Strowman was back in with a double shoulder tackle to knock the VR guys down. Strowman fought out of Gable’s German Suplex attempt, but then Gable managed to hit a rolling German Suplex for two. That was great. The fans cheered, so Gable shouted “thank you” to them. That was funny. Gable missed a dive, Dawkins missed his own dive off the top and Ivar went up top for a moonsault attempt, but Dawkins avoided that. Strowman went up top and jumped off with a Superfly Splash on Ivar for a two count, but everybody else broke it up. That was great by Braun with the fans cheering it big time. Otis picked up Braun with the World’s Strongest Slam on Braun. Ford hit a jumping kick on Otis, Ricochet tagged in, Ford kicked Ricochet, Gable knocked Ford down there was a pile of guys by the turnbuckle. They did a crazy spot with Ricochet jumping off the top to knock down about four guys doing a double suplex spot. The fans popped for it huge. Strowman did the Strowman Express shoulder tackles on three guys on the floor including Otis. Strowman ran over more guys, but Dawkins jumped up with a Pounce on Strowman. Ricochet jumped off the top with a Shooting Star Press on Dawkins/Erik on the floor. Wow! Ricochet kicked Dawkins to knock him down. Ricochet jumped off the top with a Shooting Star Press, but Dawkins got the knees up. Ford hit a Frog Splash on Ricochet’s back while Dawkins held Ricochet! That was great. Dawkins pinned Ricochet for the pinfall win at 8:35.
Winners by pinfall: The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins)
Analysis: ***1/4 There wasn’t much of a story going into the match, but that’s okay in this case because they made the most of the time they were given. It was a very entertaining match for the most part with some huge moves like Strowman’s splash, Ricochet’s SSP to the floor, Gable’s German Suplex on Strowman, that combo cross body block off the top spot by Ricochet, Dawkins hitting the Pounce on Strowman and the finish with Ford hitting the Frog Splash while Dawkins was holding Ricochet. I liked the fast-paced action. There was some chaos with random people going into the ring to do spots, which I don’t like. It happens in multi-person matches a lot. The fans were really into the match, so that’s what matters. I’d like to see The Street Profits get a push at some point soon.

A video package aired for Brock Lesnar facing Omos. That match is on Sunday.
Xavier Woods was backstage on the set of UpUpDownDown with Tyler Breeze, Butch, Ridge Holland, Liv Morgan and another guy I don’t know. They showed WWE 2K23 highlights of a Rollins/Paul match stipulation with Rollins winning. Woods said that during a simulation of the match, Rollins won 58% of the time.
There was a video package to build up the Seth “Freakin” Rollins-Logan Paul match that started at the Royal Rumble when Paul eliminated Rollins from the match. It escalated from there.
The camera was on Logan Paul’s face as he asked the City of Angels if they missed him. The fans booed. Logan was on a zipline that he used to head toward the ring. Logan turns 28 years old today, so happy birthday to him. There was a Prime Energy mascot on the ramp which is the energy drink that Logan is a part of. Some of Logan’s friends from his podcast and his crew were at ringside.
There was an orchestra conductor on the stage for the entrance of Seth “Freakin” Rollins. The conductor was aiming toward the crowd while a tape played of people humming Seth’s theme song. Seth “Freakin” Rollins made his entrance to a huge ovation as he wore a long red robe. Rollins was wrestling in some pink/red gear as the fans continued to sing the song.

Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Logan Paul
They did a spot running the ropes leading to Rollins hitting a shoulder tackle. Rollins with a kick to the gut, but Logan got up quickly to avoid a Stomp attempt. Logan tossed a running Rollins over the top to the floor. Back in the ring, Logan did a necksnap across the top rope followed by the Maverick Lariat (Buckshot Lariat as some of us know it) by Logan. When Rollins got back up, Logan punched Rollins in the ribs. Logan punched Rollins a few times more. Logan hit a left knee to the ribs. Logan stomped on the chest, Rollins missed a corner attack and Logan jumped off the top with a cross body block for two. Rollins with two forearms to the head, but Logan did a legsweep leading to a submission move with Logan’s left leg against the head. Rollins got out of it with a series of chops. Logan hit a gutwrench suplex for a two count. Logan jumped to the top rope, then he jumped off and went for a moonsault, but Rollins moved out of the way. Rollins with punches, then two clotheslines and Rollins sent Logan over the top to the floor. Rollins with a suicide dive, then back in with another suicide dive and Rollins hit a third suicide dive. Logan was near the Prime mascot as Rollins stomped on Logan’s right hand on the steel steps. Back in the ring, Rollins wanted a Pedigree, but Logan powered out of it. They exchanged into some pin attempts with multiple two counts. Logan was back up with the right-handed punch with Cole screaming about Logan having a titanium screw in the hand. Logan was slow to cover, so Rollins kicked out at two.
Logan charged, Rollins caught him and hit a sitout Powerbomb for two. The Prime mascot was a guy named KSI that is Logan’s buddy and YouTube phenomenon. KSI is also a boxer. I have no idea who KSI is. Logan sent Rollins into the ring post. Logan went up top, Logan looked up and Rollins pulled KSI onto the table. Logan jumped off the top rope and gave KSI a Frog Splash through the table. Rollins sent Logan back into the ring and hit a Pedigree for a two count. Great nearfall there with the fans chanting “this is awesome” for them. The crowd was really into it. Rollins hit Logan with a forearm to the back. Rollins charged, Logan caught him and Logan hit a Go To Sleep knee to the face. Logan jumped off the top with a Frog Splash, you could see Seth staring at the referee and Rollins kicked out at two. Logan stomped on Rollins a few times. Logan went for a leap across the ring, but Rollins hit him with a superkick. Rollins hit The Stomp for the one…two…and three. It went 16:15.
Winner by pinfall: Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Analysis: **** It was excellent like Rollins tends to do at WrestleMania nearly every year. Logan Paul continues to impress as a part-timer that knows how to put an entertaining match every time he’s out there. It looked like Logan had outsmarted Rollins by using his mascot friend, but Rollins ended up countering it by putting KSI on the table and Logan put his own buddy through the table. The key spot also was Logan going for the leap across the ring, but Rollins was ready and hit that superkick. It was all over from there with Rollins hitting The Stomp for the win. Rollins winning was the right call since Logan got the advantage going into the match, so it made sense for Rollins to get the win here. Plus, we don’t know how often Logan is going to wrestle in the future and Rollins is always around. Rollins winning was the right decision.

Seth “Freakin” Rollins celebrated the win while the announcers put it over as a great match as they should. Logan checked on his buddy KSI at ringside.
Next Sunday on A&E Biography it’s all about Dusty Rhodes. Plus, The Undertaker’s rivalry with Randy Orton is featured as well.
There was a video package for the six-woman tag team match with Becky Lynch, Lita & Trish Stratus teaming up against Damage CTRL’s Bayley, IYO SKY and Dakota Kai.
Damage CTRL’s Bayley, IYO SKY and Dakota were up first. I liked their gear.
There was this quick video to introduce us to the babyface trio. They had a black and white movie star style entrance. Lita was out first, then Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch as they all walked out to the ring together. Lynch and Lita are the Women’s Tag Team Champions. Trish has my favorite gear of anybody on the show so far. She’s the greatest.

Becky Lynch, Lita & Trish Stratus vs. Damage CTRL – Bayley, IYO SKY & Dakota Kai
The heels worked over Lynch in their corner with Sky hitting a springboard dropkick. Damage CTRL worked together for a triple-team neckbreaker/slam on Lynch with Kai getting a two count. Kai hit a running kick against the turnbuckle for a two count. Bayley tagged in, she mocked Lita’s old hand motions, Kai tagged in and Lynch knocked Kai down with a kick. Bayley tripped up Trish on the apron to prevent a tag. Lynch kicked Kai and Lynch hit a forearm on Sky. Lynch sent Kai over the top to the apron. Lita finally got the tag with clotheslines and Lita hit a headscissors on Sky. Lita used her legs to send Sky face-first into the turnbuckle. Lita with a running knee to the back on Sky. Lita with a neckbreaker driver-type move sending Sky into the mat. Lita used her legs drop Sky to the mat. Sky distracted the referee, so Kai did a cheap shot kick on Lita and Sky got a two count. Bayley tagged in leading to a triple team kick on Lita for a two count. Bayley mocked Trish on the apron as the heels isolated Lita in their corner. Bayley and Sky tried a double-team move, but Lita countered it and hit a double DDT. Stratus finally got the tag as unloaded on Kai with punches and Trish hit a Thesz Press on Kai along with punches. Cole said Trish’s gear was paying tribute to what Trish wore at WrestleMania 21 also in LA. Trish hit a bulldog/headscissors combo and a neckbreaker on Kai for a two count. Stratus charged, Kai with an elbow to the face and Kai blocked Trish’s headscissors attempt. Lita and Lynch hit dives onto Bayley and Sky on the floor. Trish got an assist from her team leading to a headscissors on Kai sending Kai onto her teammates. Back in the ring, Stratus hit a spinebuster on Kai for two. Lita tagged in for a Poetry in Motion splash on Kai. Lynch tagged in and hit a leg drop off the top for two on Kai. Lynch went for the Disarm-her, but Bayley stopped that with a running knee.
Bayley got the tag for a showdown against Lynch, who slapped Bayley in the face. Bayley with a running clothesline to the back of the neck. Lynch hit a belly-to-back suplex, Bayley sent Lynch into the ropes, Sky with a punch and Bayley hit the Roseplant for two with Lita breaking up the pin. Sky, Lita, Kai and Trish hit moves (Stratusfaction by Trish) and took moves leading to them going out of the ring. Lynch rolled up Bayley for two. Lynch tackled Bayley out of the ring. Sky went up top and hit a moonsault onto the five women on the floor. The referee counted the six women down, but Lynch and Bayley got back in before ten. It was almost like the match reset as both sides made quick tags so everybody was legal for an extended period. Lita hit a Twist of Fate on Sky. Stratus with a Chick Kick to Kai. Lita jumped off the top with a moonsault on Sky and Kai at the same time. Bayley tried a Bayley to Belly off the middle rope, but Lynch countered that and Lynch hit a Manhandle Slam on Bayley for the pinfall win at 14:40.
Winners by pinfall: Becky Lynch, Lita & Trish Stratus
Analysis: ***1/4 It was a good match that had some fun and creative moments. They ignored tag team rules a bit at times, but that tends to happen in tag team matches in this era of wrestling. Trish looked amazing when she was in there, Lita did pretty well too and the heels worked well together as usual. Lynch pinning Bayley after a Manhandle Slam was a great way to end it since it was a big move off the ropes. I went with Damage CTRL winning just because they have looked inferior so much in the feud. I thought maybe the faces would have a communication issue, but there was nothing like that.
Becky Lynch and Lita celebrated with their Women’s Tag Team Titles while Stratus pointed at the fans.
Analysis: I know there were rumors of a Trish Stratus heel turn. Maybe it’s coming at some point in the future, but not here.

There was a video package for the Bianca Belair-Asuka match that takes place on Sunday.
Next up is Rey Mysterio facing his son Dominik Mysterio. The Rey Mysterio-Dominik Mysterio video package was outstanding. I know a lot of WWE video packages are great, but this one really covers the story well. For a non-regular viewer, I’m sure it’s helpful too.
Bad Bunny was on hand for this match. Bad Bunny joined Spanish language commentary for the match.
They aired a Prison Dominik video and he was in the prison in his wrestling gear. They showed Dominik with his hands cuffed and being put into a squad car.
Dominik Mysterio made his entrance in the back part of the building in a police squad car with guys dressed as police officers, but I know at least two of them as indy wrestlers. Anyway, Dominik was wearing a lucha mask. Cole was screaming about Dominik being disrespectful. They showed Dominik’s mom Angie and sister Aalyah at ringside. Cole continued to complain about Dominik while Graves tried to defend Dominik.
The WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio was driven into the stadium by Snoop Dogg in a low rider as “Nothing But A G Thang” played. They also played Eddie Guerrero’s “Lie, Cheat, Steal” theme song. Loved that. They played Rey’s song after that. When Rey made his way down to ringside, he shook hands with Bad Bunny at ringside.

Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio
Dominik took down his dad after a lock up. Dominik did a waist lock takedown, which led to Rey using his technique to send Dominik out of the ring. Back in the ring, Dominik hit a shoulder tackle and Rey hit a hurricanrana to send Dominik out of the ring. Rey with a headscissors sending Dominik into the second turnbuckle. Rey took his belt off and whipped Dominik in his ass with the fans cheering for that. Dominik complained about it to his mom and sister. Dominik threw Aalyah’s drink in her face! Rey went to Aalyah, so Dominik cheap shotted Rey with a punch. Dominik sent Rey into the ring post. Back in the ring, Dominik hit a senton splash over the top onto Rey’s back. Dominik whipped Rey hard into the turnbuckle. Rey got some momentum going with a hiptoss, then Dominik got an arm drag and slammed Rey down. Dominik hit a Michinoku Driver for two. Dominik sent Rey throat-first across the top rope. Dominik pulled Rey out of the ring to the floor. Dominik argued with his mother Angie, Dominik told her to shut up and Angie slapped Dominik to a big pop. Rey kissed his wife. Back in the ring, Rey hit a seated senton on Dominik followed by a springboard cross body block for two. Rey hit a Code Red out of the corner for a two count. Rey wanted to do an Eddie Guerrero tribute, but Dominik blocked it. Damian Priest and Finn Balor showed up at ringside to support Dominik. Rey charged and Dominik flipped his dad over leading to Rey hitting the turnbuckle hard. The referee checked on Rey, who appeared to be okay. That was a great bump. Dominik did a vertical suplex, Rey countered a second attempt and Rey used his legs to send Dominik into the ropes. Rey hit a 619 kick on Dominik. Balor distracted the referee, Priest pulled Rey off the top rope and Dominik hit Rey with a forearm. Dominik sent Rey into the turnbuckle. Rey was on Dominik’s shoulders, then Rey punched Dominik and they went tumbling to the floor. The Legado Del Fantasma guys in the Latino World Order (Santos Escobar, Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde) with Rey showed up to fight with Damian Priest and Finn Balor to take them out. Escobar hit a suicide dive on Priest. Back in the ring, Dominik hit a clothesline and a catapult into the ropes. Dominik hit a 619 kick on Rey against the ropes. Dominik went up top and hit a Frog Splash for one…two…no! Rey kicked out. The fans popped for that two count. Dominik took the top turnbuckle pad off, but the referee saw it. Dominik grabbed something that was in Priest’s jacket, so Dominik grabbed the steel chain and Bad Bunny took the chain! Rey hit a dropkick on Dominik, then a 619 kick by Rey. Rey went up top and hit a splash off the top on Dominik for the pinfall win at 16:17.
Winner by pinfall: Rey Mysterio
Analysis: ***1/2 That was a fun match that was heavy in storyline going into it. A lot of guys got involved in the match, but Rey had backup with the LWO taking out The Judgment Day guys and Bad Bunny stopping Dominik from using the steel chain. They worked well together, which isn’t a surprise since Rey trained Dominik to wrestle. Dominik continues to get better every time we see him and knows how to get heat. I know there will be people saying that Dominik should have won since he’s the younger guy, but story-wise I think it made sense for Rey to shut his son up. Plus, Rey got all that help to neutralize Dominik’s cheating attempts, so I think it fits the story for Rey to win.
Rey Mysterio celebrated with Angie and Aalyah in the ring while Dominik looked on with Priest & Balor from a distance.
Analysis: We know Bad Bunny is at Backlash, so that could lead to a match against Dominik or some sort of angle anyway. Maybe a tag team match with Rey and Bad Bunny against Dominik and one of the J-Day guys. There are a lot of options.

A video aired about the WWE Backlash PLE on May 6th in Puerto Rico. Bad Bunny is the host.
They showed some fans reacting to the Rey-Dominik match in Germany. They showed some fans in England reacting earlier in the night.
There was a video package to set up the Charlotte Flair-Rhea Ripley match.
They showed George Kittle of the NFL’s San Francisco 49ers watching from ringside.
Rhea Ripley was up first followed by the Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair. I admit I didn’t watch the entrances. Sometimes a man needs to go to a bathroom, stretch the legs and get a drink. Ring announcer Samantha Irvin did the championship introductions.

Smackdown Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley
Flair got the first advantage with a clothesline that sent Ripley over the top to the floor. Flair was on the apron, she hit a boot to the face and a cross body block off the top. Flair tried a move to the knee, but Ripley caught Flair on her shoulders and Ripley sent Flair face-first into the turnbuckle. Flair tried to fight back, but Ripley sent Flair into the middle turnbuckle. Ripley with a body scissors around Flair’s waist, Flair powered out of it with punches and a rollup for two. Ripley with two forearms to the spine. I think I heard Flair say “do it again” so Ripley hit another forearm to the back. Flair with a back elbow, but Ripley hit a German Suplex for two. Flair kicked the arm, then drove Ripley back-first into the knee and Flair hit two clotheslines. Flair chopped Ripley repeatedly in the chest followed by Flair doing a knee drop to the back of the knee. Flair sent Ripley into the turnbuckle. Flair jumped off the top with a cross body block, Ripley rolled through and Flair countered a Riptide attempt into a DDT for two! That was a great spot about ten minutes into this match.
Flair was going for the Figure Eight, Ripley kicked herself free and Ripley got an inside cradle. They did a double running boot to the face. They exchanged forearms, Ripley drove Flair’s head into the knee and Flair came back with an overhead suplex across the ring. Flair kipped up leading to a mix of cheers and boos. Flair went up top, Ripely went after her, Flair knocked her back, Ripley went after Flair again and Ripley hit a German suplex with Flair doing a moonsault bump into the ring. Ripley got a two count. Flair with a chop block to the knee and the Natural Selection neckbreaker for two. Ripley was on the floor, Flair charged, Ripley avoided that and Flair went hard into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Ripley slammed Flair hard into the mat for a two count. Ripley wanted Riptide, Flair got out of that and Flair hit a German Suplex. Flair hit another German Suplex. Ripley with an elbow to the head and Ripley hit another German Suplex with Flair doing a moonsault bump again. That was a dangerous spot with Flair landing on her head/face instead of her hands. Flair came back with a running boot to the face for two. Ripley was on the apron, so Flair hit a running boot to knock Ripley down to the floor. Flair went up top and hit the moonsault onto a standing Ripley on the floor. It was mostly Charlotte’s left arm that hit Ripley. Flair went for a Spear, Ripley avoided it, Flair nearly hit the referee and Ripley hit a headbutt. Ripley hit a Riptide for one…two…and no! Flair got her right shoulder up. You could see Charlotte staring at the referee so she could time it perfectly. Ripley was frustrated by that. Flair managed to get an inside cradle for two. Ripley came back with the submission move tying up Flair’s knees, but Flair got to the ropes. Flair sent Ripley into the turnbuckle and the referee was nearly hit, but she was not. Flair hit a Spear for one…two…and no! Ripley kicked out. The crowd was coming alive for this as the women exchanged forearms with Ripley getting more cheers even though she’s a heel. Ripley with a kick to the head, but Flair hit a boot to the head again. Flair with a Figure Four Leglock, but they were near the ropes so Ripley held the ropes to break free. The fans were mostly standing at this point. Flair sent Ripley into the ring post. Flair was on the middle rope going for a move, but Ripley fought out of it. Ripley sent Flair face first into the top of the ring post. Ripley went up top, Flair was on the ropes and Ripley picked her up with Ripley hitting the Riptide slam off the middle ropes for one…two…and three! It went 23:36.
Winner by pinfall AND NEW Smackdown Women’s Champion: Rhea Ripley
Analysis: ****1/2 This ended up being an outstanding match. The first half of the match wasn’t that interesting, but then it got really good after Flair countered the Riptide with a DDT and they each hit some huge moves after that. From there it was a barrage of big moves throughout the match with each woman kicking out of big moves. I thought they could have had Charlotte go for the Figure Eight some more. Anyway, Ripley getting the win was the right move and hitting the Riptide off the middle rope was a great way to end it. Their styles work well together because they are both talented athletes that are also powerful women, so they can do it all in the ring. Ripley winning seemed like an easy prediction. It just made sense for her to win and I think she’ll have a long title reign too.
Rhea Ripley celebrated with the Smackdown Women’s Championship. Charlotte Flair looked up at her with a bit of a smile on her face. They showed some fans watching in Australia and they were celebrating. Ripley continued to celebrate.
Analysis: That looked like a smile from Charlotte letting us know she was proud of that match. She should be.

A video package aired for the Intercontinental Title match on WrestleMania Sunday: Gunther defending the title against Sheamus and Drew McIntyre in a triple threat match.
Austin Theory, the United States Champion, was interviewed by Byron Saxton. Theory said he made John Cena believe. Theory looked into the camera: “Do you believe in Theory now?” Theory laughed and left.
Let’s Hear from The Miz and Snoop Dogg
The Miz and Snoop Dogg were in the ring again. The Miz announced the attendance was 80,497 people. That’s the entertainment that WWE announces.
Snoop said that this would be even better if The Miz had a match. The Miz claimed he put out an open challenge for a match (he lied about that) and did his usual promo about being awesome.
Pat McAfee made his entrance as a surprise with Cole screaming about how he can’t believe McAfee is here.
Pat went into the ring saying that none of us saw The Miz’s alleged open challenge. Pat said that he was wearing this WrestleMania tank top. Pat said that if The Miz wanted a match then Pat could beat his ass right here, right now. The Miz asked if you wanted to see this match with Cole screaming “oh yeah” repeatedly. The Miz said that he’s the host of WrestleMania and he can’t make matches officials. Pat said Miz’s tiny balls are showing. There was a “tiny balls” chant. Pat said somebody can make the match and Snoop said he can make the match, so it’s on.
Analysis: Welcome Pat to WrestleMania without being advertised.

The Miz vs. Pat McAfee
Pat was on offense to start the match with punches. They went to the turnbuckle. Pat tried a superplex, Miz stopped that and Pat did a backflip off the ropes. Pat superkicked Miz to knock him out of the ring. Graves encouraged The Miz that he could do this. Miz walked over to George Kittle at ringside and Miz shoved him. Kittle jumped over the barricade and knocked down Miz with a clothesline at ringside. Pat went up to the ring post and hit a somersault onto Miz on the floor. The referee missed Kittle hitting Miz with a clothesline, I guess. Back in the ring, Pat hit the running punt kick to the chest for the pinfall win. It went 3:40.
Winner by pinfall: Pat McAfee
Analysis: * I wouldn’t call this a great match by any means. It was just a filler segment between the last match and what’s coming in the main event. Pat looked sharp while Miz looked like a jobber instead of a former WWE Champion. Kittle will wrestle in WWE some day, I’m sure, but maybe after he retires.
Pat McAfee and George Kittle celebrated the win together. NFL players stick together.

A video aired for WrestleMania 40 next April in Philadelphia. I might be going to that one, but I’ll decide that down the road.
The announcers did a rundown of the six matches that are advertised for WrestleMania Night Two on Sunday.
* Brock Lesnar vs. Omos
* Women’s Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match: Raquel Rodriguez & Liv Morgan vs. Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler vs. Natalya & Shotzi vs. Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green
* Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER (c) vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre
* Hell in a Cell Match: Edge vs. Finn Balor
* Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair (c) vs. Asuka
* Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Cody Rhodes
The Miz and Baron Corbin were part of some advertisement for WWE DraftKings contests.
A video aired to set up the WWE Tag Team Championship main event match between The Usos and Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn as the challengers. Terrific video package as usual.
Tonight’s main event is brought to you by Turbotax, so here’s a Turbotax commercial.
They had a singer named Lil Uzi Vert singing his song. Cole mentioned the song’s success. I have no idea about it, but it’s not up to me. The Usos made their entrance as the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions.
Kevin Owens made his entrance first with the fans popping big for him. Sami Zayn was next and he got a huge ovation as well. Kevin waited for Sami to get out there, so they walked down to the ring together. The ring announcer Mike Rome did the in-ring championship introductions.
Analysis: I love seeing the WWE Tag Team Titles in a WrestleMania main event for the first time ever. The second-ever tag team main event. Proud of The Usos as one of the best tag teams ever and also Kevin/Sami as best friends that worked so hard to get here. Congratulations to all four men.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos – Jimmy & Jey Uso vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn
This is for the Raw & Smackdown Tag Team Title held by The Usos. The Usos have been Smackdown Tag Team Champions for 622 days.
The Usos were dressed in all white wearing “We The Ones” tank tops as well. Jimmy was going to start, but then Jey decided to start against Sami instead. Jey knocked down Zayn with a shoulder tackle. Zayn hit a Thesz Press followed by punches to the head. Jimmy made a tag, pulled down the ropes and Zayn went over the top to the floor. Jimmy decked Zayn with a clothesline on the floor. Jimmy sent Zayn into the ring post. Jey tagged in with a suicide dive with a forearm that sent Zayn into the barricade. Jey suplexed Zayn on the floor. Jey worked over Zayn with forearms while Jimmy hit a boot to the face. The champions continued to work over Zayn until Zayn broke free and sent both Usos to the floor. Owens tagged in with a somersault off the top on both guys on the floor. Owens hit a Frog Splash on Jimmy from the apron to the floor. Owens went up top and hit a Frog Splash on Jey in the ring for a two count. Jey came back with a lifting neckbreaker for a two count. Owens was fighting out of the champions corner, he knocked Owens down and went for a Swanton Bomb, but Jey got the knees up. Jimmy had made a blind tag and Jimmy hit an Uso Splash off the top on Owens for two. Jimmy went for the hip attack, Owens moved out of the ring, Owens hit two superkicks and a cannonball attack in the corner. Owens went up top, Jey grabbed Owens and Zayn hit a brainbuster on Jey on the apron. Owens with a Swanton Bomb off the top on Jimmy for two. Zayn got the tag, he held one finger in the air like The Usos and Zayn hit an Uso Splash for a two count. The fans did “Ole Ole Ole” chants for Zayn with Cole mentioning that El Generico would be proud. Jimmy broke free of Zayn, then Jimmy superkicked Owens and Jey got the tag as Zayn hit a Blue Thunder Bomb. Jey was legal, so hit a superkick on Sami for two. Jey hit a superkick on Sami again. Jey threw his shirt at Sami. Jimmy tagged in, both Usos hit superkicks and then a double superkick got Jimmy a two count because Owens made the save. Jey superkicked Owens out of the ring. Jey tagged back in and The Usos hit a double superkick to Zayn’s head for one…two…no. Zayn got his right shoulder up. Jimmy tagged in as The Usos hit another double superkick, Jimmy covered and Zayn got his right shoulder up at two again. The Usos went for 1D, but Owens tripped up Jimmy and Zayn got a sunset flip on Jey for two. That was close. Owens took Jimmy to the Spanish commentary table. Jey saved his brother, Jimmy with a superkick to Owens and The Usos gave Owens (who was not legal) a double spinebuster through the English commentary table. Ouch. The referee was counting Jey out, but Jey got back in before ten.
Jimmy tagged back in, Zayn was stumbling to his feet and The Usos hit 1D on Zayn for one…two…and no! Zayn got a shoulder up again. Cole was screaming about how nobody has ever kicked out of the One And Done. Jey punched Zayn repeatedly while trash-talking him as well. Jey charged with a running kick to the head like Zayn’s Helluva Kick to the face. Jey trash-talked Zayn saying he never should have left The Bloodline, so Zayn gave Jey an Exploder Suplex into the turnbuckle. Owens was back on his feet with Zayn making the tag. Owens was on fire with a Popup Powerbomb on Jimmy, a Popup Powerbomb on Jey and Zayn hit a Helluva Kick on Jimmy. Owens hit a Stunner on Jey for the one…two…and no! Jey kicked out. That was one of the better nearfalls of the show for sure. The fans bought that as the finish and it was not. Owens helped Zayn back to his feet while The Usos slowly got back up as well. The fans were cheering them. They all started brawling. Jimmy knocked Zayn out of the ring, Owens with a superkick on Jimmy, a superkick on Jey and Jimmy made a blind tag. Both Usos hit superkicks and a double superkick on Owens. The Usos hit a double superkick on Zayn to knock him off the apron to the floor. Both Usos were on the top rope with a double Uso Splash! Jey covered Owens for one…two…and no! The crowd was standing. Owens talked to Jey and the cameras picked up on it, but I’m not sure what it was. The Usos hit a double superkick on Owens in the corner. The Usos tried a double team move, but Zayn pulled Jimmy out of the ring. Owens hit a cradle suplex off the turnbuckle on Jey. Zayn was on the apron he wanted the tag, the crowd was going WILD and Zayn got the tag. Zayn hit Jey Uso with a Helluva Kick with Jey crumbling into Sami’s arms. Zayn put Jey back into the turnbuckle and Zayn hit a second Helluva Kick. Jimmy back in, so Owens hit him with a Stunner! Zayn hit Jey with a Helluva Kick for the third time! Zayn covered Jey for the one…two…and three! It’s over! Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens are the new Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions! It went 24:15.
Winners by pinfall AND NEW Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions: Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens
Analysis: ***** It was an excellent tag team match. It really was one of the best tag team matches I’ve ever seen in WWE, at a WrestleMania and anywhere else. These four guys worked so well together. A lot of the match was The Usos in control with Zayn getting his ass kicked and then the comeback was glorious leading to the hot finish. There were so many superkicks in the match. I lost count. I think it worked in the sense that The Usos just kept wearing down Zayn throughout the match, then they put Owens through the table. There were so many moments where it looked like The Usos were going to win, but deep down watching this you knew that Zayn and Owens just had to win. We got the happy ending, but it was done in a way where the story was so important. Zayn had to put Jey away with the Helluva Kick three times because The Usos are so tough to beat, so that puts over The Usos as an incredible team. These four guys put on an outstanding match. Listen to the crowd. They loved it. I did too.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens celebrated with the Raw & Smackdown Tag Team Titles. The fans were exploding in cheers. Zayn and Owens shared a big hug in the middle of the ring with the fans cheering loudly for that. They showed replays…sponsored by TurboTax.
Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were presented the Raw & Smackdown Tag Team Titles as pyro went off on the stage. Cole wondered if Roman Reigns would be losing too and how this would affect The Bloodline. Zayn and Owens hugged. They were so genuinely happy as Sami’s music played. The fans were so happy too.
Analysis: A happy ending to end WrestleMania. That’s what we like to see.
There was a post-show video package with highlights of the show.
This event had a runtime of 4:01:44 on WWE Network.
Five Stars of the Show
- Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn
- The Usos
- Rhea Ripley/Charlotte Flair
- Seth Rollins
- Rey Mysterio
Final Thoughts
I’m going with a 9 out of 10 for this show.
It was an outstanding WrestleMania 39 Night 1 from top to bottom. The standout matches were Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens beating The Usos for WWE Tag Team Titles in the main event. I rated it five stars out of five in my review and it’s one of the best tag team matches in WWE that I’ve ever seen. Rhea Ripley’s win over Charlotte Flair was outstanding as well after a slow start to the match, but the second half of the match was terrific. That match is one of the better women’s matches at a WrestleMania. So when you have matches like those two on top that’s pretty awesome.
There were some other fun matches like Seth Rollins beating Logan Paul. I continue to be impressed with Paul while Rollins was great as usual. The Rey-Dominik Mysterio match was a lot of fun as well. The Austin Theory-John Cena match was just okay, but that’s fine since Cena barely wrestles anymore. The crowd made it feel like a bigger deal.
The crowd was so into most of the show. Some of the matches that were lacking in terms of story had weaker crowd reactions, but for the most part, LA was hot for the entire night. I think if you watch for surprises you might be disappointed because there was only really Pat McAfee leading to a bad match with him and Miz as filler before the main event. Maybe we’ll get more surprises on night two. Watch and find out. I think overall Night 1 was a huge success.

WWE WrestleMania 39 – Night Two
From SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, California
April 2, 2023
America The Beautiful was performed by singer Jimmie Allen, who was on the stage. He did a great job.
There was another WrestleMania 39 cold open video featuring Kevin Hart talking about the show. They had some highlights of last night’s WrestleMania event in there while also hyping up what’s coming up tonight.
The Miz and Snoop Dogg Welcome Us To WrestleMania
The Miz and Snoop Dogg were in the ring to welcome us to WrestleMania for the second night in a row. The Miz summarized some of the results from Saturday night while three titles are on the night. Snoop told them to fire it up and we begin.
Omos was up first with Montel Vontavious Porter by his side. MVP still has the cane with him.
The commentary team was Michael Cole and Corey Graves once again. The Spanish announce team was at ringside as well.
Brock Lesnar received a huge ovation from the crowd. Cole mentioned it was Lesnar’s 12th WrestleMania. Brock main evented his first WrestleMania 20 years ago at WrestleMania 19. Lesnar marched around the ring. Cole mentioned Lesnar was 286 pounds, but Omos towers over him. It took 13 minutes for the bell to ring for this first match.

Brock Lesnar vs. Omos (w/MVP)
Omos picked up Lesnar with a waistlock and tossed him down. Lesnar tried a German Suplex, but Omos elbowed him. Omos headbutted Lesnar followed by a body slam. Omos hit another body slam. Omos with two forearms to the back followed by Omos applying a bearhug. Omos sent Lesnar to the turnbuckle along with another forearm to the back. Omos with another body slam. Omos applied another bearhug, the fans were cheering for Brock and Brock got out of it leading to Omos hitting a Chokeslam for two. Omos sent Lesnar into the turnbuckle. Omos charged, Lesnar moved and Lesnar hit a German Suplex. The fans popped huge as Lesnar hit another German Suplex. Lesnar hit a third German Suplex with the fans cheering it. Lesnar tried a lift, but Lesnar sold the back injury, so he let Omos go. Omos went for the Double Choke Bomb, Lesnar lifted up Omos and Lesnar hit the F5 for the pinfall win at 4:55.
Winner by pinfall: Brock Lesnar
Analysis: ** It was pretty much what I expected it to be and what I wrote in the preview. Omos was in control for about 80% of it, Lesnar hit the German Suplexes to get the crowd going. Lesnar sold the back well, Omos tried his finish, Lesnar avoided it and an F5 finished it. Every match doesn’t need suicide dives and dozens of superkicks. A little variety is okay. Brock may not wrestle that much longer, so good for him having fun out there. He’s a legend. The fans liked it and it was kept short, so it’s simple enough.
Brock Lesnar celebrated the win with the fans cheering him. They respect him as the legend that he is.

There were some commercials including one for the WWE 2K3 video game.
The Women’s 4-Way match was next. Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez were first followed by Natalya & Shotzi. Natalya is competing in her 11th WrestleMania match. Shotzi did not get to use her tank for the entrance. Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville were next after qualifying this past Monday. The team of Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler were last with Rousey getting the biggest reaction.
Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler vs. Raquel Rodriguez & Liv Morgan vs. Natalya & Shotzi vs. Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville
Two wrestlers are legal in the match while the other six women are on the apron.
Morgan with double knees to Deville. Sonya tried a move off the turnbuckle, but Morgan hit knees to the face again. Natalya tagged in, slammed Liv and Natalya hit a basement dropkick on Morgan. Morgan hit a headscissors on Natalya and Raquel tagged in with a splash. Raquel kicked Natalya in the arm, so Natalya brought Green into the match, who was scared of Raquel. Chelsea tried a missile dropkick, Raquel didn’t sell it and Green pulled Raquel’s hair while Raquel had Sonya in her arms. Shotzi used her legs for a takedown on Green followed by a senton splash on Green’s back. Baszler was attacked by Raquel, Natalya, Liv and Natalya, so they hit a triple Powerbomb on Baszler. Green and Deville cleared the ring, but Shotzi was on the top rope and Shotzi hit a cross body block off the top on Green/Deville. Shotzi sent Green and Deville out of the ring. Shotzi hit a suicide dive on a few women on the floor. Green knocked Natalya out of the ring. Green avoided Raquel by jumping off the top onto some women on the floor. Raquel launched Liv over the top onto four women on the floor. The fans popped for that. Raquel was legal against Shotzi with Raquel hitting a fallaway slam. Raquel hit the corkscrew elbow off the middle ropes. Deville tagged herself in with a running knee on Raquel leading to Green kicking Raquel out of the ring. Shotzi and Natalya were in the ring leading to a double team neckbreaker by Shotzi on Green/Shotzi. Hart Attack clothesline by Natalya & Shotzi leading to a two count after it was broken up. Natalya slammed Green onto Deville. Natalya applied a double Sharpshooter on Deville & Green at the same time leading to a big pop from the crowd. Morgan broke it up by jumping off the top with knees to the face of Natalya. Morgan tagged in against Shotzi, who hit a Tiger Suplex, a knee and Morgan hit double knees again. Morgan hit Oblivion on Shotzi, but Baszler made the tag. Baszler knocked Morgan out of the ring. Baszler hurt her right foot because she took her boot off at some point during the match. Rousey tagged in and Rousey applied an armbar on Shotzi for the tapout win. It went 8:27.
Winners by submission: Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler
Analysis: **1/2 It was an average match. There were some good parts, but it’s tough when there’s not much of a story going into a match. A woman would hit a move and then they would leave the ring so others could do spots. The men’s 4-way match on Saturday was better, but there were some good things here too. I loved the double Sharsphooter by Natalya. Rousey didn’t take a bump and only tagged in to get the submission win since she has an arm injury. I am not surprised by the match result. It was the obvious outcome.

A video aired about The Judgment Day.
They showed highlights of the Andre The Giant Battle Royal that took place on Smackdown that was won by Bobby Lashley.
Bobby Lashley appeared on the stage to pose with the trophy. Lashley waved at the fans. That was it.
Analysis: I feel like WWE did Lashley wrong by not putting him in a match. He could have beaten somebody like LA Knight or The Miz in a quick match. He deserves a WrestleMania match.
The Up Up Down Down video game crew was shown promoting the WWE 2K23 video game. They showed a simulation of the GUNTHER-Sheamus-Drew McIntyre match. Woods said in the simulations, Drew McIntyre won 42% of the time.
There was a video package for the GUNTHER-Sheamus-Drew McIntyre match. It’s sponsored by Mike’s Harder Lemonade.
WWE Global Ambassador Titus O’Neil was out on commentary again just like last night for one match.
Drew McIntyre made his entrance first with Angela the sword. Drew got a big ovation from the crowd as you would expect. Drew was wearing white trunks, which is a different look for him. Sheamus was cheered as well with the Brawling Brutes (Butch & Ridge Holland) joining him on the stage. Ridge and Butch went to the back while Sheamus made his way down to the ring. The Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER was next with Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci on hand to join the Imperium leader. Kaiser did the introduction for Gunther as well. Gunther made his way down to the ring alone for his first WrestleMania match.

Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre
The first fall wins in a triple threat match. There are no countouts or disqualifications.
Drew kicked Gunther out of the ring to start the match. Drew and his best friend Sheamus exchanged punches, Drew hit some chops and Drew hit a clothesline. Sheamus hit his backbreaker. Sheamus set up Drew for ten beats, but Gunther was back in with hard chops on Sheamus and Drew. Titus: “Call the police!” Gunther tried a sleeper on Sheamus, but Sheamus got out of it and Gunther chopped Sheamus to the mat. Gunther pulled Drew’s arm to send him into the ring post. Gunther with a running kick to Sheamus followed by a hard chop to the chest. Gunther delivered loud chops along with a kick. Gunther with a backbreaker leading to a Boston Crab submission. Drew with a boot and slap to the face. Gunther with hard chops, Drew with a chop back, Gunther with chops, Drew with chops and they just kept going while the fans were chanting “WOO” for it Drew won that chop battle with Gunther as the fans were cheering. Sheamus worked over Gunther with uppercuts. The three guys stood there exchanging forearms and chops. Gunther with a two-handed chop to the throat of Drew and he kicked Sheamus to the apron. The fans were cheering. Sheamus snapped Gunther’s neck across the top rope. Sheamus and Drew took turns doing ten beats on Gunther with forearms by Sheamus and Drew delivering chops. Drew hit Sheamus with a forearm to knock him out of the ring. Back in the ring, Sheamus sent Drew to the apron leading to the ten forearms to the chest with the fans chanting along. Sheamus actually hit about 29 forearms with the fans chanting. Sheamus got a standing ovation for that. The fans were loving it!
Gunther was back in with a German Suplex on Sheamus followed by a clothesline for two. When Sheamus got up again, Gunther hit an even harder clothesline for two. Drew got back into it with a top rope clothesline followed by a neckbreaker. Drew gave Sheamus a belly-to-belly suplex onto Gunther against the turnbuckle. Drew hit a Future Shock DDT on Gunther leading to a kip up. Drew went for a Claymore Kick, Gunther ducked it and Gunther dropkicked Drew into the turnbuckle. Gunther hit a Powerbomb on Drew for two. Gunther went up top, Sheamus met him there with some chops and Sheamus hit a White Noise slam off the middle ropes. Sheamus hit the Celtic Cross (Razor’s Edge) for one…two…and no! The fans bought that nearfall. Sheamus went for the Texas Cloverleaf submission, Gunther got to the ropes and there was no break since it’s not allowed in this match and Sheamus reapplied the hold. Drew broke up the hold with a chinlock, but Sheamus knocked Drew out of the ring. Sheamus hit a running knee lift on Gunther. The fans were behind Sheamus, who pounded his chest with the fans chanting “Brogue” and Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick. Sheamus covered for one…two…and no because Drew pulled Sheamus out of the ring. Sheamus was angry about it, but it was legal in the match. The fans were chanting “this is awesome” for them. Drew headbutted Sheamus out of the ring. Drew ran the ropes leading to a somersault dive over the top onto Sheamus on the floor. Drew went for the Claymore Kick, but Sheamus hit him with a Brogue Kick for one…two…and Drew got his left shoulder up. After they were down selling, Drew hit a headbutt, Sheamus with a knee, Drew ran the ropes and Drew hit a Claymore Kick for one…two…and no because Sheamus got his right shoulder up! The fans were stunned. They were going wild. A lot of the fans were standing.
Sheamus and Drew exchanged punches while on their knees, then they got back up to their feet and turned into a slugfest. They exchanged short clotheslines, Sheamus bounced off the ropes and hit a Brogue Kick. Sheamus was slow to cover for two as Gunther jumped off the top with a splash. Gunther gave Sheamus a Powerbomb onto Drew’s back. Gunther hit a Powerbomb on Drew for the one…two…and three! Gunther wins! It went 16:40.
Winner by pinfall: Gunther
Analysis: ***** That was an amazing IC Title match. It’s five stars from me just like the last time Gunther faced off with Sheamus in a PLE match and this time they brought along Drew McIntyre, who perfectly fit in with them. All three guys had moments where it looked like they were going to win. The dramatic spot was when Drew pulled Sheamus out of the after a Brogue Kick, so Drew stopped his best friend from winning. That led to more nearfalls with Drew & Sheamus kicking out of their finishers. Gunther was out of the ring for a few minutes there, but I loved the pin breakup. Having Gunther hit a Powerbomb on Sheamus onto Drew’s back and then hit a Powerbomb on Drew was a terrific way to end the match. The fans were so into this match with the striking these guys did that looked like they were beating the shit out of eachother because they probably were. It just showed how willing they were to put their bodies on the line to entertain us. As Sheamus says, it was a “banger” and one of the best IC Title matches in WrestleMania history. I loved it. Amazing match.

The three announcers for the match were standing and giving them a standing ovation.
Gunther celebrated as the champion with Cole noting that he has been the champion for 296 days and counting.
Analysis: I picked Sheamus to win, but I don’t mind Gunther remaining the champion. He’s an incredible performer.
Funny tweet by Sheamus showing him and McIntyre after the match. They have earned that beer together.
One word… PINTS!! #BangerMania💥
— Sheamus (@WWESheamus) April 3, 2023
A video package aired for the Bianca Belair-Asuka match.
Asuka made her entrance with some other women on the stage wearing similar attire. Asuka took off her mask and stared into the camera with the fans popping for it.
Bianca Belair’s entrance was next. They had a stage full of black girls dancing while wearing Belair shirts and they did a great job while Belair’s music was playing. One of the smaller girls an impressive dance move to end it. Belair danced with some girls on the stage. The dance group was introduced as the Divas of Compton. Great job by them!
Bianca Belair, the Raw Women’s Champion, made her entrance to the ring with the girls posing on the ramp behind her. It’s 365 days since Belair won the Raw Women’s Title at last year’s WrestleMania.

Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair vs. Asuka
They both have cool-looking gear. I like Asuka’s face paint look along with the red-blue hair too. Belair was in control early leading to a dropkick into the corner. Asuka got some offense going with strikes like a spinning back fist, a kick, a bulldog and a sliding knee for two. They battled by the turnbuckle, Belair did a backflip and a spinebuster for two. Belair did a handstand off the ropes leading to a moonsault, but Asuka caught her in an armbar. Asuka went for an Asuka Lock submission, but Belair was able to roll out of the ring to get out of it. They battled on the floor with Asuka getting an armbar takedown, but Belair gave Asuka a Powerbomb on the floor. Ouch. Back in the ring, Belair got a two count. Asuka avoided a charging Belair, who went shoulder-first into the ring post. Belair tried a lifting move, Asuka got out of it and went for an ankle lock. Belair came back with a belly to back suplex. Belair went for a move off the ropes, but Asuka tripped her up with an Ankle Lock submission. Belair got out of it so Asuka went to the middle rope and hit a missile dropkick for two. I think Belair said “Kawada kicks” so Asuka hit some kicks to the body that would count as that. Asuka kicked Belair to the apron. Belair blocked a kick by catching the leg and Asuka dropkicked Belair into the ring post. Belair with a forearm and then she sent Asuka into the ring post. Belair stood on the middle rope while Asuka was on the apron and Belair suplexed Asuka into the ring for a two count. An impressive display of power there. They exchanged forearms, Belair hit a running forearm and they each got two counts followed by Asuka getting a backslide pin for two. Asuka with two roundhouse kicks to the head for two. Belair blocked a move that Asuka was trying and Belair hit a blockbuster neckbreaker. Belair with a handstand moonsault off the ropes for a two count. Asuka with a rising knee while Belair bounced off the ropes with a shoulder tackle as both women were down.
Belair kicked Asuka to keep her down. Belair went up top, Asuka with a punch and Belair tried a lift by the turnbuckle. Asuka pulled Belair by the hair followed by Asuka hitting a Codebreaker double knees for two. Asuka charged, Belair caught her and Belair launched Belair face first into the turnbuckle. Asuka was down in the corner, you could tell she was getting the mist in her mouth, then Belair nearly hit the referee and Asuka went for the blue mist, but Belair ducked it. Belair went for her finisher, Asuka got out of it and Asuka went for an armbar. Belair managed to power out of it. Belair slowly got back up and Belair hit the KOD (Kiss of Death) slam for the pinfall win at 16:05.
Winner by pinfall: Bianca Belair
Analysis: ***1/2 They had a very good, competitive match with Asuka coming close to dethroning the champion, but she couldn’t get it done. The key spot was Asuka going for the blue mist spit, Belair managed to duck it and Belair got out of the submission attempt. Belair showed off her power really well throughout the match, especially with the slow lift leading to the KOD slam for the win. I picked Belair to retain, so I got that one right also. This booking team likes really long title reigns as we have seen over the last year. Asuka put up a fight, but Belair was too much for her. Maybe they need to find a stronger heel to take down Belair in the coming months.

There were some commercials including Chad Gable & Otis promoting Snickers.
There was George Kittle of the NFL’s San Francisco 49ers at ringside. Legendary sports announcer Al Michaels was at ringside too.
Highlights were shown of Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens beating The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania 39 Saturday.
Let’s Hear from The Miz and Snoop Dogg
The Miz announced the attendance at 81,395 people. The two-night total was 161,892 people.
The Miz said that they are supposed to be friends, but last night Snoop put him in a match against Pat McAfee while Miz was wearing a $10,000 suit. Snoop asked Miz if he wants to do it again? Miz said no. Miz said he was not ready and then George Kittle made it a 2-on-1 handicap match. Miz said Snoop ruined his suit and tried to embarrass him. Snoop said, “my bad.” Miz said it’s his city, his ring and his WrestleMania. Snoop said that this is our city, our WrestleMania and Snoop had a surprise…it’s Shane McMahon!
Here comes the money! Shane McMahon made his way down to the ring wearing one of his Shane-O-Mac jerseys, pants and sneakers. Shane thanked the fans for the reception. Snoop told a referee to get in there to have a match. Referee Jessika Carr made her way down to the ring to start the match.
Shane McMahon vs. The Miz
Shane delivered some punches. Shane tried a leapfrog and then his left knee gave out as Shane collapsed to the mat. The trainer checked on Shane in the ring. Snoop went into the ring and punched Miz in the face. The referee left the ring, so the match was done. Snoop punched Miz to knock him down. Snoop teased doing a People’s Elbow, he threw his sunglasses into the crowd and Snoop hit an Elbow Drop. Snoop covered Miz for the pinfall win after 2:05.
Winner by pinfall: Snoop Dogg
Analysis: -* I will give Snoop credit for improvising there. It worked to at least finish this atrocity. Poor Shane McMahon getting hurt. It was not a good match obviously, but it filled a few minutes of time.
UPDATE: On the post-WrestleMania press conference, Triple H said his brother-in-law Shane McMahon suffered a torn quad injury. That’s something Triple H and Vince McMahon both suffered from in their careers. It was not a worked injury.

There was a video package for the Hell in a Cell match between Edge and Finn Balor.
They have the Hell in a Cell structure that is silver instead of red like WWE had been using for a few years. This is better. They had some movie tie-in for The Pope’s Excorcist with Russell Crowe featured in the promo as well.
A graphic was shown on the screen saying “Brood Edge” as Edge emerged from under the stage and had a steel mask on his head while there was also fire. They didn’t play the classic Brood theme, but it was some rock song. Edge raised his arms and it was some cape-like jacket that he had on. The rock song stopped playing. That led to the classic Edge theme song playing as the pyro went off, Edge was free of the steel mask look and he made his entrance. Graves mentioned it was a Slayer song so that’s cool. Graves shouted that Edge was ready for war.
Analysis: There were rumors of Gangrel joining Edge for his entrance, but there was no sign of him. It was Edge all alone.
Finn Balor made his entrance as “Demon” Finn Balor and he was introduced as “The Demon” Finn Balor. It looked pretty cool seeing Balor doing his Demon entrance on the WrestleMania stage.

Hell in a Cell Match: Edge vs. “Demon” Finn Balor
The first few minutes featured a lot of weapon shots with both guys using kendo sticks heavily. I missed a bit of it. When I came back, Edge trapped Balor against the cell with two kendo sticks keeping Balor trapped there. Edge hit a dropkick off the apron to smash Balor against the cell. Edge set up a table against the cell. Balor fought back with punches and he sent Edge into the steel steps. When they got back into the ring, Edge hit a flatliner followed by an Impaler DDT. Edge charged, but Balor hit a Slingblade neckbreaker. Balor dropkicked Edge off the apron and crashing into the cell. Balor hit a running dropkick to Edge that sent Edge crashing through table that was against the cell. Balor tossed three chairs at Edge, but Edge came back with a boot to the face. Edge hit a Killswitch/Unprettier that his best friend Christian has used as a finisher in his career. Edge charged, Balor with a kick and a cradle. Edge hit a sitout neckbreaker for just one with that move. Edge pulled out a ladder from under the ring and brought it into the ring. Edge tossed the ladder at Balor to knock him down. The camera didn’t show Balor with the blood on his head, so they just showed Edge fuming about it. Edge brought more kendo sticks into the ring. When Balor was cleaned up enough, Balor kicked him and wanted a Powerbomb, but Balor got out of that. Balor with a double foot stomp followed by an elbow drop slam. Balor jumped off the top with a Coup de Grace, but Edge moved and Edge ran into the ladder. Balor and Edge did a double clothesline spot. They were both down selling.
Balor with a Slingblade, a dropkick and a Coup de Grace off the top rope. That finisher got a two count because Edge got his right shoulder up. Balor climbed up the ladder, but Edge was there with a kendo stick to hit Balor with it. While they were both on the ladder, Edge hit an Edgecution DDT off the ladder for a two count. Edge brought a table into the ring, Balor beat him with kendo sticks and chairs. Edge was laying on the table. Balor went up to a platform that was on the side of the cell, he jumped off with a Coup de Grace, but Edge moved and Balor did the double foot stomp through the table. Balor was down selling for a few moments, then he got back up and Edge hit a Spear for one…two…and no! Edge used the red steel chair to hit Balor in the back repeatedly. Edge put a steel chair under Balor’s head and Edge brought in another chair for a Conchairto wit the two steel chairs. Edge flipped Balor over and covered for the pinfall win at 18:10.
Winner by pinfall: Edge
Analysis: ***3/4 A physical brawl within the confines of a Hell in a Cell match. They used a lot of weapons with the kendo sticks, the chairs, the tables and the ladder. When you have a Hell in a Cell match like that, it’s all about using weapons to settle the rivalry. The Conchairto finish was a definitive ending. The fact that they had to stop for a few minutes so Balor could get the blood cleaned up did hurt the match, but that’s how it is in PG WWE. I thought Edge winning was the right move. I know that people hate seeing “Demon” Balor lose and Edge is the older guy, but based on the story they have had for the past year, Edge should have got the win here to put an end to the rivalry. I don’t think this was as good as Edge’s last Hell in a Cell match with Seth Rollins. It’s still an entertaining match.

Edge slowly got back to his feet as the winner of the match while the announcers put it over as a great match.
Analysis: Since Rhea Ripley won the Smackdown Women’s Title, it could mean that The Judgment Day group is moving to Smackdown with her. That’s why this could have been a feud ender also.
There was a video showing clips of the WrestleMania Goes Hollywood movie parody videos that WWE aired over the last month.
Bianca Belair, the Raw Women’s Champion, was interviewed by Kayla Braxton. Belair talked about beating Asuka in a tough match for her third straight WrestleMania win. The girls that were part of Belair’s entrance joined her to chant “EST” as the scene ended there.
A commercial aired for the WWE Backlash Premium Live Event coming next month on May 6th.
They showed highlights of the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony from Friday night.
The Hall of Fame 2023 class was announced for some waving from the stage. Stacy Keibler was up first. The family of Andy Kaufman next. The Great Muta was there with a mask on. He did his green mist spit before the camera was on him. The Warrior Award recipient Tim White was represented by his brothers. Lastly, Rey Mysterio was introduced to the crowd. Rey got a big pop as usual. They showed the Hall of Famers again as they stood on the stage.
Analysis: It’s a WrestleMania tradition to have the Hall of Famers greet the crowd like that. It fills a few minutes and that’s fine.

A commercial aired promoting WrestleMania 40 in Philadelphia next April at Lincoln Financial Field, home of the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles. They showed some Philadelphia fans chanting “Mania” to get ready for it.
There was a video shown of Seth “Freakin” Rollins making his entrance on WrestleMania 38 Saturday.
Analysis: I have no idea why we needed to see that again other than WWE wanting to fill a few minutes to prepare for the main event.
A TurboTax commercial aired since it is sponsoring the main event.
The video package aired for the Roman Reigns-Cody Rhodes main event. It was excellent.
Cody Rhodes was up first with the fans cheering him while a lot of them were singing his song. Cody rose from the stage, he was wearing a robe and the fans shouted the “WHOA-OH” part of the song. Cody made his way down to the ring and greeted his family at ringside. Cody’s wife Brandi, daughter Liberty, sister Teil and his mother were there. Cody hugged his daughter and gave her back to mom. Cody presented the weight belt to Jon Huber’s son Brodie Jr. aka Luke Harper’s son. That’s very touching. Cody took his time getting into the ring, kissed the ring and posed for the crowd again.
The stage was full of six pianos with piano players that were performing the Roman Reigns theme song. After a bit of that, Roman’s music hit.
Roman Reigns made his entrance joined by the “Wise Man” Special Counsel Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa. Cole mentioned it has been 945 days for Roman Reigns as the champion. That’s the Universal Championship and one year for the WWE Championship. Reigns is main eventing WrestleMania for the seventh time and the first wrestler to defend the same World Title at three straight WrestleManias. It took a while, but Reigns made his way down to the ring. The announcers really put over Reigns in a big way, which is certainly fine because Reigns deserves it. Cole also mentioned some of the men that Reigns defeated to continue this historic title run. When Reigns got into the ring, he held up the WWE & Universal Titles as a pyro display went off in the stadium.
Cody Rhodes was introduced first by ring announcer Samantha Irvin, who really does a great job and gives her all when she does it. The fans popped big for Cody again. When Irvin introduced Reigns, Roman was smiling with his two titles in his hands and he held up the titles over his head.
Reigns called for the microphone: “WrestleMania, acknowledge me!” There were boos and cheers while Solo just stared at Cody. The bell rang at 11:00 p.m. and obviously, there’s no specific time ending for WWE PLE events.

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (w/Solo Sikoa & Paul Heyman) vs. Cody Rhodes
There was a staredown as the match began. The referee for the match is Dan Engler. Cody with a hammerlock leading to Reigns getting to the ropes to break the hold. Cody with a side headlock, then he was sent into the ropes, Cody dropped down and Cody punched Reigns in the jaw. Heyman reminded Reigns that all of the people are here to see Reigns and told Reigns to smash him. When Reigns got back into the ring, he managed to get some offense going including clotheslines against the turnbuckle. Cody fought back, sent Reigns into the ropes and hit a dropkick. Cody with punches, Cody went for a Disaster Kick off the ropes, but Reigns caught him and Reigns hit a Powerbomb for a two count. Reigns with punches along with choking across the middle rope. Reigns hit a suplex for just a one count leading to some laughing by the champion. Reigns suplexed Cody followed by some waving towards Cody’s family at ringside. Reigns sent Cody to the apron, Cody got back in the ring and sent Reigns out of the ring. Cody went for an attack on the apron, but Reigns grabbed the foot and Cody landed on the apron. Reigns tossed Cody on to the bottom of the ramp. Reigns gave Cody a body slam on the bottom of the ramp. When Reigns tried another body slam, Cody got out of it and Cody gave Reigns a body slam on the ramp. They were fighting around the ring. Both guys broke the referee’s count at different points when they were fighting on the floor. Cody sent Reigns into the ring, the referee was looking at Reigns and Solo hit Cody in the ribs with the steel chair. You could see Cody had to wait for it, so Solo was a bit slow with it. Reigns hit a Drive By kick on the floor and back in the ring for a two count. Cody fought back with punches. Cody bounced off the ropes, Solo grabbed his foot (the referee never saw it) and Reigns hit Cody with a clothesline leading to a flip bump by Cody. Reigns got a two count out of that.
Reigns whipped Cody hard into the turnbuckle leading to Cody selling the rib injury. Reigns tossed Cody out of the ring again. Reigns cleared off the English announce table. Reigns cleared off the Spanish announce table as well. Reigns broke the referee’s count, then back out again and Reigns wanted a Powerbomb. Cody blocked that and Cody gave Roman a back body drop from the Spanish table while sending Reigns through the English table. That was a big spot. Cody back in to stop the count. I guess we can say they don’t do DQ’s for breaking those tables since it’s part of the ringside area. They were back in the ring with Cody getting an uppercut punch followed by a powerslam. Cody jumped off the ropes with a springboard Cody Cutter for one…two…and no! Reigns kicked. Cole was shocked as he shouted “Oh my God, he kicked out at two.” That is not Cody’s finisher, but it’s a big move that is great for a nearfall. Cody stomped on Reigns, so Reigns left the ring. Reigns hit a suicide dive sending Reigns hard into the barricade. Cody sent Reigns into the ring, Solo got the weight belt and he hit Cody in the back with it. The referee didn’t see it, but he heard it enough. Referee Dan Engler ejected Solo from ringside leading to a huge pop from the crowd. The replay showed that Engler didn’t see it, but he reacted to the sound. Good spot to pop the crowd. Reigns wanted to use the weight belt as a weapon, the referee tried to stop it and Cody hit a superkick. Cody hit the Cross Rhodes for one…two…and no! Roman kicked out. Amazing nearfall there.
Reigns hit a jawbreaker, a headbutt and a forearm to the back. Reigns sent Cody over the top, Cody was selling his left injury, Cody tried to skin the cat back in and Reigns caught him. Reigns hit a uranage with Cole saying that and then calling it a Rock Bottom for a two count. It’s more of a uranage because a Rock Bottom is when you go down to the mat with your opponent. Reigns set up in the corner, he charged for a Superman Punch, Cody avoided it and Cody hit a Pedigree for one…two…and no! Just a two count. The majority of the crowd was standing and cheering for Cody. They both ran the ropes, Cody jumped off the ropes going for a Disaster Kick, but Roman got him with a Superman Punch. That got a two count. Reigns went for a Spear, Cody over a top and he hit a sunset flip for two. Cody applied the Figure Four Leglock with the announcers mentioned Dusty Rhodes looking down at his son Cody using a move that Dusty used a lot in his career. Reigns turned it over to put the pressure on Cody, who crawled to the bottom rope to break the hold. They both paused a bit for a breather with Cody on the apron while Reigns was in the ring. They exchanged punches, Cody with a necksnap across the top rope and Cody went up top. Cody jumped off the top, Reigns avoided it and Reigns charged with a Spear for one…two…no! Cody got his right shoulder up! Reigns was shocked by it as he complained to the referee about it.
Reigns mounted Cody and worked over him with punches. Reigns signaled as if to say “that’s it” as Reigns applied a Guillotine Choke hold. Cody was selling it like he was fading, Cody was down to a knee, but Cody kept his arm up because had some fight left in him. Reigns wrapped the legs around Cody’s waist, but Cody used his right arm to push Roman’s arm out and Cody broke the hold. Cody mounted Reigns leading to punches to the head. Cody went for a kick, Reigns moved and Cody kicked the referee Dan Engler to knock him out of the ring by accident. Reigns punched Cody, who bounced off the ropes and Cody hit a clothesline to knock Reigns down. They were both down selling again. The Usos went into the ring with a double superkick on Cody. The fans were booing loudly while Cole was complaining about it. The Usos hit 1D on Cody. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens showed up to fight off the Usos. Owens and Zayn sent The Usos out of the ring. Owens hit a Stunner on Reigns. Zayn hit a Helluva Kick on Reigns. The Usos and Zayn/Owens went fighting out of the ring and into the crowd. Cody crawled over to Reigns, put one arm on the chest, the referee Dan Engler did the slow count one…two….and no! It’s just a two count. The match continues. Wow. What drama there.
Analysis: Reigns won by cheating so many times without anybody else around to try to stop the cheating, but this time Zayn and Owens were there to nullify The Usos at least. It was a good way to pop the crowd and keep the match going.
Cody and Reigns were on their knees exchanging punches. They got back up to their feet. They threw some more punches, Reigns wanted a Superman Punch, but Cody hit some lefty jabs like Dusty along with a Dusty Bionic Elbow! Cody with the uppercut punch. Cody hit the Cross Rhodes. Cody hit Cross Rhodes again. Cody wanted to hit Cross Rhodes again, Heyman distracted the referee and Solo Sikoa hit Cody with the Samoan Spike. Reigns bounced off the ropes and hit the Spear on Cody for the one…two…and three! It went 34:35.
Winner: Roman Reigns
Analysis: ****1/2 It was an epic, outstanding main event level match. I don’t want to go five stars because of all the cheating and referee-bumping spots that they did, but it was an emotional match full of drama with both guys working really hard. There were so many spots in the match where Cody looked like he was going to get the win, but then Roman kept getting help as usual. Cody hitting the multiple Cross Rhodes and then just stopping against the turnbuckle made it clear that somebody was coming there and that was Solo making his presence felt yet again. I thought Cody was going to win the titles. I wrote it many times in the last two months and I thought this was the right time for Roman’s title reign to end, but I guess not.
Roman Reigns celebrated with the Undisputed WWE Universal Titles while Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa were by his side. They showed some replays of the finish.
Roman Reigns was on the ramp celebrating with the WWE & Universal Titles. Cody Rhodes sat up in the ring looking absolutely devastated. They continued to show Reigns celebrating with one finger in the air since he is The One and they are The Ones.
Analysis: Business is really strong with Roman Reigns on top, so I guess the WWE decision-makers want to keep things how they are now. The company is selling for like $9 billion or whatever it is, so if the people that run WWE want to keep the titles on Reigns then it’s easy to see why. Would I have had Reigns win? No. I thought it was Cody’s time. It’s not up to me, though. I’ll keep watching and see what comes next. That’s the beauty of pro wrestling. It just keeps coming at us.

A video package aired to sign us off.
This event had a runtime of 3:42:21 on WWE Network. That means it was about 20 minutes shorter than Night 1 was.
Five Stars of the Show
- Drew McIntyre/Sheamus
- Roman Reigns
- Cody Rhodes
- Edge/Finn Balor
Final Thoughts
I’m going with an 8.25 out of 10 for this show. I went with a 9 out of 10 for WrestleMania 39 Night One. Let’s call it 8.75 out of 10 as the total for WrestleMania 39.
I really liked it overall. The show wasn’t as good as Saturday, but there were still a lot of great things like the IC Title triple threat match between GUNTHER, Drew McIntyre & Sheamus. Those guys absolutely put on a classic, hard-hitting performance that we’re going to remember for a long time. The fans are going to remember that one. I rated it five stars like the Tag Team Title match on Saturday.
Edge-Finn Balor Hell in a Cell match was pretty good, but not at the level as the Edge-Rollins HIAC match from 2021. I liked Belair-Asuka too for the most part although it never got that intense. Belair put Asuka away rather easily. Brock Lesnar hitting Omos with an F5 was cool. Simple match, but got the big spot to end it.
There were some down points to the show like Shane McMahon returning and tearing his quad (Triple H said in the press conference) while he was trying to have a match with The Miz. At least Snoop Dogg improvised in that spot.
Lastly, the Roman Reigns-Cody Rhodes match was a tremendous main event level match with a finish that is going to anger a lot of people because they wanted Cody to win. Instead, Reigns cheated to win yet again as his long title reign continues. A lot of us thought Cody would be the guy to end it and I certainly thought it. Sometimes the bad guys win and, in this case, Roman keeps winning. As a match, they had great chemistry together. The referee bump and interference hurt a bit in terms of quality, but it also added to the drama. Maybe somebody is the guy to beat Reigns. It wasn’t Cody’s time I guess even though a lot of us thought it should be.
As a reminder, I have a listing of every WWE PPV that I reviewed in order by year. Thank you for supporting us at TJRWrestling. We appreciate you.
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Twitter: @johnreport