The John Report: WWE NXT Deadline 2024 Review
This is WWE NXT Deadline featuring two huge Iron Survivor Challenge matches and Trick Williams facing Ridge Holland for the NXT Title.
NXT Deadline is the sixth WWE NXT PLE of 2024 and the last WWE PLE of the year. It’s also the last PLE of the WWE Network for many of us that are moving on to Netflix for PLE shows. That’s how it is for me in Canada. Those of you in the US will still be watching PLE’s on Peacock until mid-2026 at least.
Before the show, NXT GM Ava announced that Eddy Thorpe was out of the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match due to the mystery attack on NXT TV this past Tuesday. There will be a replacement. Let’s get to it.
Here are the rules for the Iron Survivor Challenge matches.
NXT Deadline
From The Armory in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Saturday, December 7, 2024
There was a video package that set up the show. Very good as usual.
The commentary team of Vic Joseph and Booker T were at ringside. It was Mike Rome in the ring doing the introduction for the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge match to open the show.
Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge to Determine the #1 Contender for the NXT Championship: Je’Von Evans vs. Wes Lee vs. Nathan Frazer vs. Ethan Page vs. ???
It’s a 25 minute match with Je’Von Page and Wes Lee starting the match. Evans hit a sunset flip on Lee for a two count. Evans hit a forearm and a standing SSP for two. Lee kicked Evans followed by a half-n-half suplex onto the head/neck and a senton splash for two. Lee got a bridging pin attempt for two. Evans got bouncy with a hurricanrana, then Lee avoided a dropkick and Lee jumped onto the back. Lee hit a suicide dive onto Evans on the floor. Evans came back with a slam for two. Evans jumped off the middle ropes for a Cutter, but Lee caught him and Evans hit a Stunner-like move. Lee tripped up Evans by the ropes and Lee put his feet on the ropes for the cheap pin. The referee didn’t see the feet on the ropes. Wes Lee has 1 point. Evans was in the penalty box for 90 seconds.
The third man was Nathan Frazer who was on fire against Lee with reverse DDT. Lee went up top and hit a Frog Splash for two. Frazer sent a charging Lee into the turnbuckle. They left the ring where Lee hit a rolling kick on Frazer. Evans was out of the penalty box and Evans hit a somersault dive over the turnbuckle onto Lee & Frazer on the floor. That was a great leap! Frazer hit a spinning kick on Evans, but then Evans came back with a spinning kick of his own. Lee hit a senton splash on Frazer. Evans picked up Lee leading to a side slam for two. Evans punched Lee off the turnbuckle and knocked him down to the floor. Frazer countered Evans for a Slingblade that got a two count. Evans and Frazer exchanged two counts a few times. Frazer clotheslined Evans over the top to the floor where Lee did a hurricanrana that sent Evans into the ring apron. Frazer hit a running suicide dive onto both guys on the floor and I think Frazer’s legs hit the middle rope, but he was able to land it. The clock counted down for the next entrant.
It’s the former NXT Champion Ethan Page as the fourth man in the match. Page nailed kicks and clotheslines on the three guys already in the match. They went into the ring where Frazer got an inside cradle on Page for a three count. Nathan Frazer has 1 point. Page was sent to the penalty box for 90 seconds.
Lee tried a rollup on Frazer that got a two count. Evans kicked Lee. Frazer ran the ropes leading to a clothesline while Lee hit Trick with a DDT and Frazer covered Evans for two. Frazer hit a lifting neckbreaker on Lee. Page got out of the penalty box as Frazer hit a spinning splash on Lee. Page went into the ring and hooked Frazer in a pinfall. Ethan Page has 1 point. Frazer has a bloody nose and is in the penalty box for 90 seconds.
The match continued with Lee hitting a springboard kick on Evans. Page had Evans on his shoulders on the floor leading to Lee hitting a suicide dive, so it was like a Doomsday Device on Evans on the floor. That was a great spot. It was about 30 seconds later when Page and Lee were fighting on the floor, so Evans hit a dive over the top onto Page and Lee on the floor. The four guys all stood in the ring exchanged strikes and then they did a four-way kick at the same time to knock eachother down.
The surprise fifth and final entrant is former NXT North American Champion Oba Femi, who has been off for a couple of months and is now back as a huge threat. Femi hit running uppercuts on the four opponents. Evans hit a forearm off the top rope, but it barely fazed Evans and then Femi hit an uppercut on Evans for a pinfall. Oba Femi has 1 point. Everybody has 1 point except Evans with 0 points.

Femi gave Page a backbreaker for two because Lee broke up the pin. Femi caught Lee and hit a spinning Powerbomb for two because Frazer broke up the pin. Femi caught Frazer and hit a sitout Powerbomb for just two because Page pulled the referee out of the ring to stop the count. Femi threw Lee and Page into the penalty box, so Evans couldn’t get out of the penalty box for some reason. That led to Evans climbing to the top of the penalty box and Evans hit a somersault dive onto two guys. Back in the ring, Evans jumped off the top with a Cutter on Lee for a successful pin. Je’Von Evans has 1 point. All five guys have 1 point.
Evans battled Femi in the ring with strikes. Frazer dropkicked Femi leading to Evans and Frazer attacking Femi against the turnbuckle. There were only five minutes left in the match. Femi punched Frazer while he was on the top rope. Lee was out of the penalty box and he superkicked Femi. The trio of Evans, Frazer and Lee took turns kicking Femi, but Femi came back with clotheslines to knock them down. Femi hit a popup Powerbomb on Evans and Page snuck up behind Femi with a ROLLUP OF DEATH~ to pin Femi. It worked. Ethan Page has 2 points.
Frazer superkicked Page into a pin on Evans and then Evans did a crucifix pin on Page and it worked. Je’Von Evans has 2 points. Page was scared to go into the penalty box with Femi. There was some comical crying from Page while Femi beat up Page for about 20 seconds.
Femi’s time was done so he was out of the penalty box. There were less than two minutes. Femi tossed Lee over the top to the floor. Evans hit a suicide dive onto Femi on the floor. Femi tossed Evans into the penalty box door. There was one minute left. Femi launched Lee over the top into the ring. Lee jumped on Femi’s back, but Femi back him into the turnbuckle. Frazer hit a jumping kick on Femi. Femi did a Chokeslam on Frazer and Lee leading to a double cover. Oba Femi got two falls, so Oba Femi has 3 points.
Je’Von Evans jumped off the top with a Cutter on Femi, but there was no time to make a cover. Oba Femi wins! It went 25:00.
The final scores were Oba Femi 3, Ethan Page 2, Je’Von Evans 2, Wes Lee 1, Nathan Frazer 1.
Winner: Oba Femi
Analysis: ***3/4 It’s a chaotic match with a lot of action going on, especially in those final ten minutes with all five guys out there. Femi was in the match for the least amount of time out of the five men, yet he was still able to win. I liked the double Chokeslam spot for the final pin because it’s a unique way to have Femi get the win. Femi wasn’t advertised for the match, but as soon as I saw him out there I figured he was going to win. I thought Wes Lee might do better in the match, but he only got one fall and he was in there the longest. Evans winning would have been cool because he really stood out in the match. I didn’t really think Frazer had a shot to win while Page has already been NXT Champion, so I assumed it would be somebody else.

Oba Femi celebrated the win as the new #1 Contender for the NXT Championship.
There was a commercial for the Raw debut on Netflix on January 6th.
A video aired showing Cody Rhodes career highlights.
Lexis King was shown walking the streets of freezing cold Minneapolis. King said this city has a place in his heart because this is the city where he was left out on the side of the road in the freezing cold and no role model to speak of. King said he’s trying to prove he’s not the same and he’s different and he’ll exceed beyond everything he did (referring to his late father Brian Pillman). King said he still struggles, but it’s a fight worth fighting for and it’s worth it to be out here feeling that cold chill on his skin. King said that nothing feels better than that warm air of satisfaction. That was it.
Analysis: I like King, but they haven’t given him any kind of sustained push during his NXT run yet. At some point, we need to see him break out a bit more than he has in the past.
They showed the No Quarter Catch Crew group getting ready. Zaria was shown getting ready by lifting a guard rail as a warm up routine.
A video package aired about the Jaida Parker-Lola Vice rivalry that has been going on for a couple of months.

NXT Underground Match: Jaida Parker vs. Lola Vice
There are no ropes. The ring is surrounded by some random people in black shirts and pants. They are on three of the four sides of the ring so they aren’t blocking the camera shot of the hard camera. No counts, no pinfalls and the only way to win is by knockout, TKO, or submission.
Vice nailed Parker with a knee to start the match. Parker came back with a spinebuster. Vice kicked Parker in the back so Parker landed on some of the people outside the ring. Vice jumped on Parker, but Parker tackled Vice into the side of the ring apron. Parker gave Vice three body slams. Vice countered a Parker move by going for a Triangle Choke, but Parker powered out of it with a slam into the mat. Vice worked over Parker with kicks, but then Parker caught a kick and Parker hit a back elbow on Vice to knock Lola down. Vice applied Ankle Lock and Parker crawled over to a guy who she grabbed, so Vice kicked the guy down. Vice kicked Parker out of the ring to the floor. Vice went for a spinning back fist, Parker moved and Vice’s right hand hit the LED ring post. Parker hit a running hip attack onto the right hand against the ring apron. Parker had Vice trapped on the mat in the ring and Parker took off the glove that was on Vice’s right hand. Parker put the glove on her right hand. Parker punched Vice in the body a few times along with a punch to the jaw. Parker hit a gentle knee drop on Vice’s right arm. Parker grabbed Vice’s black belt, put it on Vice’s right arm and sent Vice’s right arm into the ring post. Vice pulled the belt to send Parker into the ring post. Vice came back with the black belt to the throat like a clothesline. Parker hit a headbutt. Parker hit a Samoan Drop on Vice. Parker chopped Vice and put her onto the bottom half of the steel steps. Parker did a tear drop butt splash onto Vice’s right arm on the steps. Back in the ring, Parker wanted a pin and the referee waved it off since there are no pins in this match. Parker went for an armbar on the mat, but Vice got out of it and Vice jumped on Parker’s back with a sleeper. Parker dropped back to send Vice into the mat. Parker grabbed a brick from under the ring, when she went into the ring, Vice hit a big kick to the head. Vice applied a sleeper on the mat and Vice kicked the brick away. Vice hit a suplex and then Parker hit a German Suplex. Parker picked up the brick and Vice hit a spinning back fist to the face. Vice trapped Parker with a head/neck choke and Parker passed out. Vic called it an Anaconda Vice style submission. Vice got the win. It went 11:05.
Winner by submission: Lola Vice
Analysis: ***1/4 It was a very good, competitive match the whole way. Vice winning made sense to me because Parker won their last match and Parker had the advantage on TV earlier this week so I figured Vice was going to win. Plus, Vice had a history of being undefeated in Underground Matches before this, so Vice winning was the outcome I expected in this match. Parker is very believable as a powerhouse who can beat you in a number of different ways, but this was Vice’s match. This wasn’t the best Underground Match I’ve seen in NXT although it was fine for the story they were trying to tell with Vice able to prevent Parker from using the brick and that was the key to victory.

The Elimination Chamber PLE is coming to Toronto on March 1. Tickets are on sale now. They are very expensive. I’ll probably be there.
A video aired about the end of Chase University. Try not to cry. At the end of it, somebody called out for Andre Chase and the video ended there.
Stephanie Vaquer was shown getting ready for the main event.
The NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom & Nathan Frazer were backstage talking about how they will be fine. Frazer had his ribs taped up and a bloody nose taped up. Axiom said he’ll carry the load and Frazer can do what he can.
A video aired about Nathan Frazer & Axiom defending the NXT Tag Team Titles against Myles Borne & Tavion Heights of the No Quarter Catch Crew. The team of Borne & Heights won a battle royal to earn this title shot. It wasn’t much of a story other than the tag team division has been chaotic of late.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. No Quarter Catch Crew – Myles Borne & Tavion Heights
Frazer started for his team and then he tagged out because he was selling the rib injury. Frazer had taped ribs. Axiom and Heights did some mat wrestling leading to Axiom pinning Heights for two. Heights took control of Axiom with a lifting headlock takeover. Axiom dropkicked Heights into the turnbuckle. Borne tagged in and Axiom held Borne while Frazer ran the ropes leading to a running kick on Borne. Frazer was selling his injuries after hitting a move. OTM was in the aisle watching the match. Borne hit Frazer in the ribs. Heights tagged in and hit Frazer with shoulder tackles. Axiom dropkicked Borne out of the ring. Axiom and Frazer each hit suicide dives. Axiom hit another suicide dive, but Frazer was too hurt to do it again. Heights knocked down Axiom with a clothesline. Heights gave Frazer an overhead belly-to-belly suplex over the top onto OTM on the floor. Other referees made OTM go to the back. Borne nailed Frazer with a snap powerslam for two. Borne applied a chinlock, Frazer broke free with a jawbreaker and Borne hit a spinning slam on Frazer for a two count. Heights hit a powerslam on Frazer. Heights charged, Frazer caught him and sent him into the turnbuckle. Heights came back with an overhead suplex on Frazer. Heights hit a Dominator slam for a two count. Heights went for a suplex, Frazer elbowed Borne off the apron and Borne made the tag, so Frazer kicked him. Axiom finally got the tag against Heights with a top rope cross body block. Axiom went Borne into Heights and Axiom hit a clothesline on Heights. Axiom hit a running kick on Heights for two. Axiom kicked Heights a few times, Heights avoided a kick and Axiom trapped him going for a submission, but Heights powered out of that. Heights picked up Axiom for a Powerbomb and then turned it into a spinning slam for two. Heights rolled through with Axiom on his shoulders leading to a fireman’s carry slam for a two count. Borne was back in, Axiom kicked him away and Heights tagged back in, so Axiom sent Borne onto Heights on the floor. Frazer was back up and hit a somersault dive onto both opponents on the floor.
Frazer went up top and hit a springboard 450 Splash on Heights for two. Frazer went up top, Borne grabbed the foot, Frazer elbowed Heights down and then Heights was back up for a German Suplex off the top so Frazer did a moonsault bump. Borne tagged in for a dropkick into a Powerbomb combo for two because Axiom broke up the pin. Axiom hit a jumping knee on Heights. Born dropkicked a springboard attempt by Axiom, who was not legal at that time. Frazer kicked Borne and Axiom tagged back in. Axiom hit a Spanish Fly on Borne while Frazer was legal and Frazer hit a Phoenix Splash off the top on Borne for two because Heights broke up the pin. Axiom hit a Golden Ratio kick on Heights and all four guys were down, so there were “NXT” chants. Axiom jumped off the top with a dropkick, but Borne moved and Axiom hit Frazer by accident. Borne clotheslined Axiom. Heights hit a spinning slam on Frazer on the apron. Heights got the tag and NQCC hit a spinning slam/DDT combo move. Heights covered Axiom for just a two count. Great nearfall. Axiom charged at Heights and Axiom hit a Canadian Destroyer. Borne tried a pin on Axiom, but Axiom got out of it and Axiom caught Borne with an inside cradle for the pinfall win! The champs retain. It went 15:30.
Winners by pinfall: Nathan Frazer & Axiom
Analysis: ***3/4 That was an excellent match. It’s the usual greatness by Axiom & Frazer as one of the best teams anywhere in the world, but the Borne & Heights team deserve their props as well because they put on an impressive showing. That spot where Axiom dropkicked Frazer by accident leading to Borne & Heights getting a double team nearfall was so perfect because it looked like the end of the match right there. That kickout by Axiom put the match into that next level. I don’t recall that many Borne & Heights matches on NXT TV, so kudos to those guys for stepping up and delivering. Heights in particular stands out with an impressive array of power moves while he also has a lot of speed. Frazer & Axiom really are my favorite team in all of wrestling. They are so much fun to watch and any time you give them more than 15 minutes it’s always going to be an amazing match.

The champions celebrated with a big hug. Frazer had a look on his face as if he was grateful to Axiom for saving their team.
A commercial aired promoting the Royal Rumble on February 1st in Indianapolis. My picks to win the Rumble matches at this point are…I don’t know yet. There’s plenty of time.
There was a commercial for NXT merchandise.
A clip was shown of CM Punk’s WWE return from Survivor Series 2023 last year in Chicago. There’s a full video on YouTube that was really cool. It was nice to see Punk interacting with a lot of big name WWE people in that moment before and after it happened.
Je’Von Evans was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber saying he need two more seconds to win the Iron Survivor Challenge. Wes Lee interrupted saying Evans was acting a fool after they lost to Oba Femi. Evans said that Lee was salty. Lee said one day you’ll be just like him, Evans said he didn’t think so and Lee punched Evans. Security showed up to break it up.
Analysis; That should set up an Evans-Lee match again. I don’t mind that.
A video package aired for NXT Champion Trick Williams facing off against Ridge Holland.
There wasn’t much of a reaction to Ridge Holland’s entrance. The crowd came alive for the entrance of Trick Williams with a lot of “WHOOP THAT TRICK” chants. It’s a fun thing to chant, so of course the fans were into it.

NXT Championship: Trick Williams vs. Ridge Holland
I forgot to mention it earlier, but the Diablo 4 video game logo is in the ring since that is a sponsor of this show. Trick has been NXT Champion for 67 days.
Ridge hit an overhead suplex early in the match. Ridge went for the Redeemer, but Trick got out of it and Trick unloaded on Ridge with punches. There were more strikes from both guys leading to Trick hitting a Spear long with punches. Ridge punched Trick followed by a clothesline to the back of the neck. Trick hit a leaping clothesline and then Trick was selling a neck injury. Trick sent a charging Ridge out of the ring. They were out on the floor where Ridge clotheslined Trick on the floor. Trick fought back with a headbutt followed by Trick sending Ridge into the ring post. Trick sent Ridge into the top rope followed by a jumping neckbreaker for two. Trick hit a belly-to-back suplex. Trick hit a corner splash, but Ridge avoided another splash attempt. Ridge caught Trick against the ropes leading to a backbreaker across the knee. Back in the ring, Ridge hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for and Trick was selling the neck injury again. Ridge hit an overhead suplex again. Ridge hit a twisting neckbreaker for a two count. Ridge set up Trick upside down against the turnbuckle followed by Ridge pulling on Trick’s neck for some cheap heat. The fans booed that. Ridge hit a running cross body block on Trick against the turnbuckle. Ridge worked over Trick with forearms to the back of the neck. Trick came back with a DDT to counter Ridge neckbreaker attempt.
Trick worked over Ridge with a few punches followed by two jumping side kicks to the head. Trick hit a flapjack into the mat. Ridge countered a move leading to a Crossface submission, but Trick turned it into a two count. Trick hit a Book End for a two count. Trick went for a Trick Shot, Ridge avoided it and Ridge countered it into a Powerbomb that wasn’t that great. Ridge hit a White Noise slam for a two count. Ridge went up top, jumped off with a headbutt and Trick avoided it. Trick hit a spinning kick to the head for a two count. Both men hit jumping kicks leading to both guys getting two counts. The kind fans chanted “this is awesome” although it wasn’t a lot of people chanting it. The match was just okay, but I’m not sure about awesome. Trick and Ridge let the ring where Ridge sent Trick into the steel steps. Ridge cleared off the commentary table. Trick backed out of a move so Trick did a back body drop off the table onto the floor. They went back into the ring, Trick charged, Ridge moved and Trick did the spot where his neck was trapped between the ropes. The referee helped Trick break free. Ridge hit The Redeemer DDT for a two count. Ridge teased a piledriver, but Trick countered it into a jackknife pin attempt for two. Ridge charged, Trick avoided it and Ridge hit the turnbuckle. Trick hit a spinning kick. Trick hit the Trick Shot knee for the pinfall win. It went 15:51.
Winner by pinfall: Trick Williams
Analysis: ***1/4 It was a solid match, but nothing special about it for an NXT Title match. Ridge is a boring wrestler while Trick needs to be in there with a better guy to have a great match. These guys just aren’t at the same level as past NXT Champions like Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov. I like Trick as a talent, but as I’ve said in the past I think he needs a better finisher than the Trick Shot knee. I understand that you can use the Trick Shot knee on anybody, but it would be better as a secondary move rather than a finisher. Anyway, Ridge got the nearfall with the Redemer, Trick kicked out of that and then Trick got the win soon after that. I was not surprised by that result.

Trick Williams celebrated with the NXT Title on the turnbuckle.
A commercial aired for Saturday Night’s Main Event next Saturday, December 14th on NBC and Peacock.
There was a video package about the World Heavyweight Champion GUNTHER.
Ethan Page was shown backstage saying it took him four matches to become NXT Champion. Page said he turned NXT into NX-Me. Page recapped what happened and was frustrated saying that he dropped the ball again. Page said that it took him 18 years to get here to win the championship. Page said it also took him 18 years to figure out that he has no clue how to get back there. Page walked away frustrated.
Analysis: Poor Ethan. I think Ethan Page is a guy who should be on the main roster soon. He doesn’t need to spend a long time in NXT.
Ava the NXT GM was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber backstage. Ava put Je’Von Evans in a match against Wes Lee in NXT this Tuesday. Ava said that the first NXT New Year’s Evil will be in Los Angeles on January 7th. Tiffany Stratton showed up with her Women’s Money in the Bank briefcase. Stratton said maybe in Los Angeles it will be in Tiffy Time so she was teasing cashing Money in the Bank on NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez or whoever her opponent will be.
Analysis: That’s cool that the first NXT of 2025 will be in Los Angeles just like the Raw on Netflix premiere one night earlier.
This Tuesday on NXT:
* Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley vs. Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx
* Oba Femi addresses the NXT Universe
* Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans
There was a video package for the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match in the main event.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge to Determine the #1 Contender for the NXT Championship: Giulia vs. Stephanie Vaquer vs. Wren Sinclair vs. Zaria vs. Sol Ruca
The two women starting the match were Giulia and Wren Sinclair of the No Quarter Catch Crew.
Wren and Giulia each got rollups for two counts. They did a test of strength spot to kill some time. Wren and Giulia did a pinfall exchange with about five nearfalls in a row. Giulia hooked the arms leading to a pin attempt for two. Wren got an inside cradle for two. Wren did a backslide pin for two. Giulia did a backslide pin for two while hooking the foot as well. Giulia tripped up Wren going for a kneebar and Wren got out of it. Giulia hit a shoulder tackle to knock Wren down. Giulia tried a submission on the back, but Wren fell back for a slam.
It was Sol Ruca in at #3 in the match. Sol was on fire with a springboard attack followed by a spinning slam on Giulia. Sol caught Wren and delivered a powerslam for a two count. Wren hooked Sol’s arms going for a submission and then Giulia joined in for double STF submission on both women. Ruca broke free and they did a double sleeper attempt until Wren did a jawbreaker to break free. Wren applied a kneebar on Giulia leading to Sol trying to submit Wren, then Giulia broke that up and Wren hit a dropkick. Wren hit a shoulder tackle and a bulldog style move on Sol for two because Giulia broke up the pin. Giulia hit Wren with a knee to the ribs and Sol kicked Wren. Wren rolled up Giulia for two. Guilia hit a Northern Lights Bomb on Wren for the pinfall. Giulia has 1 point.
The powerhouse Zaria was the third entrant with a pump kick and a clothesline. Zaria double suplexed Giulia and Sol. Giulia headbutted Zaria and then Sol jumped off the turnbuckle with a double Sol Snatcher on Giulia and Zaria, but both women rolled out of the ring. When Wren went back into the ring, Sol hit her with a Sol Snatcher to pin Wren for the fall. Sol Ruca has 1 point. That was a great spot.
Zaria put Sol on her shoulders and sent Sol into the ring post. Sol and Zaria exchanged punches on the apron. Zaria knocked Sol down on the floor. Giulia and Sol got a hold of Zaria, so that led to a double Powerbomb on Zaria through the commentary table. That drew a “holy shit” chant from the fans. Giulia nailed Sol with a neckbreaker on the floor. Wren couldn’t lift up Zaria and Sol, so Giulia went after Wren with a dropkick off the apron onto Wren on the floor. Sol did an impressive backflip moonsault over the top onto Wren and Giulia. That was great. Back in the ring, Sol got a two count on Wren. Sol stretched Wren across the ropes and Giulia went after Sol, who broke free with a kick.
There is Stephanie Vaquer as the fifth and final entrant in the match. Vaquer hit a springboard attack right away. Vaquer put her boot to the face of Sol followed by a running knee attack. Giulia and Vaquer had a staredown in the ring, but Zaria pulled Vaquer out of the ring and sent Vaquer into the penalty box. Zaria hit a Spear to counter a move by Sol. Zaria put Giulia on her shoulders and did a cannonball onto Vaquer against the turnbuckle. Zaria hit the spinning slam off the shoulders on Giulia for her first fall. Giulia has 1 point.
The action was very fast pace with Sol, Vaquer and Wren exchanging big moves. Sol hit double knees on Vaquer. Zaria was on the top rope and hit a moonsault onto both opponents standing up. Giulia was out of the penalty box and she did a headscissors to Zaria. Giulia caught Wren and Sol for a neckbreaker/DDT combo. Giulia hit a running kick on Zaria. Giulia went up top and jumped off with a missile dropkick and senton combination for two because the other women broke it up. Wren covered Zaria for a two count. Giulia hooked the arm leading to a spinning slam so Vaquer broke up the pin with a kick. Giulia and Vaquer exchanged strikes, they didn’t connect with them and then Giulia & Vaquer hit dropkicks to clear the win. Giulia and Vaquer exchanged headbutts. Vaquer hit a high angle belly-to-back suplex followed by the double knee smashing to the mat. Vaquer went up top, Giulia met her up there and hit a superplex. Sol splashed onto Giulia and then hit a German Suplex. Wren went after Vaquer, who countered a move leading to a pinfall. Stephanie Vaquer has 1 point.
There were four women with 1 point and Sinclair had 0.
Sol got a rollup on Vaquer for two. Vaquer went for a kick by the ropes, Sol broke free and Sol hit a springboard somersault clothesline for two. There was one minute left. Wren got a sunset flip on Sol for the pinfall with 40 seconds left. Wren Sinclair has 1 point.
It was a five-way tie with about 30 seconds left as Wren did a cradle on Vaquer for two. Vaquer was back in the ring with a double Spear on Wren and Vaquer. Zaria hit a spinning slam off the shoulders. Giulia was back in with a running knee on Zaria called Arrivederci and Giulia got the pinfall win. Giulia has 2 points. Vaquer rolled up Giulia for two. Vaquer tried another move, but time ran out. The match went 25:00. Giulia got the win.
The final scores were Giulia 2, Stephanie Vaquer 1, Sol Ruca 1, Wren Sinclair 1, Zaria 1.
Winner: Giulia
Analysis: **** I liked the match a lot. They started out going for pin attempts and it ended with a lot of pin attempts as well. I certainly didn’t keep track, but the were a lot of those nearfalls for two, so that made it exciting because the whole point of a match like this is to find a way to get the win. There wasn’t one standout performer in the group because they all did very well, but I was surprised that Zaria was pinned to lose the match just because she’s been booked so strongly up until this point. Wren was impressive going for pinfalls and counters throughout the match even though she got pinned a few times. That Sol Snatcher by Ruca on Wren was the coolest spot of the match. Vaquer is a talented veteran and she fits in very well with anybody on the brand. Giulia was my pick to win because they brought her in with a lot of hype. She nearly beat Roxanne Perez the first time and now she’ll get another chance to win.

The win by Giulia means she’ll challenge Roxane Perez for the NXT Women’s Title on the New Year’s Evil NXT special on January 7th.
Analysis: I think we’ll see a title change at that show.
After some replays of the key spots in the match, Giulia celebrated in the ring. There was an impressive confetti display that filled the ring. Giulia celebrated in the ring while the other women looked on from ringside. That was the end of the show.
This event had a runtime of 2:44:33 on WWE Network and Peacock.
Five Stars of the Show
- Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match
- Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge Match
- Nathan Frazer & Axiom
- Myles Borne & Tavion Heights
- Trick Williams
Final Thoughts
I’m going with a 7.75 out of 10.
A strong wrestling show from top to bottom. There really wasn’t a point in the show that was significantly worse than anything else. It exceeded my expectations a bit. I think most of the winners were the right call and I understand all of those moves even though they aren’t the same as my picks.
It was an impressive showing by NXT in the final PLE of the year. Great job.
Here are my NXT PLE rankings for 2024.
Heatwave (June 7) – 8.5
Stand & Deliver (April 6) – 7.75
Deadline (December 7) – 7.75
No Mercy (September 1) – 7.5
Vengeance Day (February 4) – 7.5
Battleground (June 7) – 7.5
Halloween Havoc (October 27) – 7
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter/X @johnreport