
The John Report: WWE NXT 09/03/24 Review

WWE NXT September 3

This week on #WWENXT featured Trick Williams against Pete Dunne, Roxanne Perez was confronted by newcomer Giulia and more.

As usual with NXT, I will do a summary style for most of the show and then play-by-play for one or two matches.

There was a video NXT No Mercy PLE show from Sunday night. It was a pretty good show, but I think there have been better NXT PLE’s this year. The only title change was Axiom & Nathan Frazer winning back the NXT Tag Team Titles from Chase U’s Andre Chase & Ridge Holland. After the match, Holland attacked Chase U and sent Andre to the hospital.

It was Vic Joseph and Booker T on commentary as usual.

Let’s Hear from Trick Williams

Trick Williams said he was out here for one reason. Trick said that he started this, and Trick is going to finish this. Trick told Pete Dunne to bring his ass out here.

Ethan Page the NXT Champion interrupted. Page bragged about how Trick raised his hand this past Sunday at No Mercy. Page mocked Trick for only successfully defending his championship once. Trick said he called his title match right down the middle. Trick said he’s coming back for his title, but for right now he’s got unfinished business with Trick Williams. Page reminded Trick that he is defending the NXT Title on The CW in Chicago on October 1st. Page said he would be surprised if Trick would even make it to Chicago. Pete Dunne attacked Trick from behind, so then it led to brawl and security ran out there to break it up.

Analysis: It was a solid promo from Trick and an interruption from Page to remind us that he’s still the NXT Champion. The brawl between Trick and Dunne sets them up for the match later, which has already been announced.

The teams of Hank & Tank and Gallus got into an argument backstage. Referees broke it up. Jaida Parker was shown walking along while the Fatal Influence trio trash-talked her. Jazmyn Nyx and Jaida Parker challenged eachother for a match.

The Rascalz from TNA entered for a triple threat tag team match.


Gallus – Wolfgang & Mark Coffey (w/Joe Coffey) vs. The Rascalz – Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

The winners will receive an NXT Tag Team Title match. In a WWE triple threat tag team match, three guys are legal and their partners have to wait no the apron. The first fall wins.

It started as a brawl with all three teams going at it. Hank was in control of Trey early on and got a nearfall after a belly-to-back pin because Wolfgang broke it up. Trey got some offense with double knees to Hank’s back. There were a lot of pin attempts and breakups of two counts. Mark nailed Trey with a clothesline to get some offense for the Gallus boys. Wentz tagged in leading to some combo offense from the Rascalz for a two count. Hank & Tank both hit powerslams and then atomic drops at the same time. Hank & Tank did a double splash on the Gallus boys as the show went to break.


The Gallus boys were in control as Mark hit a shoulder tackle off the ropes for a two count. Hank hit a double clothesline and Tank was on fire after getting the tag. Trey got some unique offense on Mark for a two count and an enziguri kick on Tank. Trey hit a neckbreaker on Mark while there was also a DDT on Hank at the same time. Joe Coffey got on the apron, so Je’Von Evans showed up and fought with him. The Good Brothers duo of Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows also showed up at rings. The Rascalz hit a combo move as Trey hit a double knee attack off the top and Wentz hit a senton bomb on Tank leading to Trey covering for the win. It went 11 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz – Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel

Analysis: *** It was a pretty good match. The finish was a bit overbooked with the chaos outside the ring. I don’t mind the choice of Wentz & Migel winning because it should lead to a great title match. The Hank & Tank team still hasn’t been able to break through, but they are getting better.

The NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom were interviewed by Sarah Schreiber. The Rascalz interrupted. Axiom said it’s a match that a lot of people want to see. Wentz said they’ll take the titles to TNA. There was more friendly banter between the teams to end it.

Analysis: I think Wes Lee will show up to cost The Rascalz the match next week.

Lexis King entered for singles action.


Trick Williams was interviewed in the locker room. Trick said he’s ready for war. Pete Dunne went into the locker room and the two men exchanged punches. Referees showed up to break it up.

Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) vs. Lexis King

They have slowly turned Oro and the Meta-Four group into babyfaces recently. Oro was aggressive as he sent King throat-first into the ropes and then he hit a forearm to the back. Oro hit a rolling heel kick to knock King out of the ring. When Oro tried a move off the top rope, King shoved him down to the floor. King hit a running knee to the back. King said that Oro’s father should have burned to ashes, so Oro was mad and punched King repeatedly, so the referee pulled Oro back. King did a double leg takedown followed by a pin with his feet on the ropes. The referee didn’t see it, so King got the win. It went about five minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Lexis King

Analysis: **1/2 A cheap win by King with his feet on the ropes so the feud will likely continue in the weeks ahead. Oro wrestles an exciting style, so I think he can do well as a face, but this was about giving King a cheap win to keep the rivalry going.

Oba Femi, the NXT North American Champion, was backstage with The D’Angelo Family members Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino & Adrianna Rizzo saying that their boss was no match for The Ruler. Rizzo said that The Don wasn’t done with him. Femi said in many cultures, the woman is meant to be seen, not heard. Rizzo freaked out. Tony D’Angelo said in his culture, if you talk to a woman like that, then you get smacked in the mouth. Femi said maybe Tony wants to do something about it. Luca wanted to face him, but Tony said that Stacks would handle this challenge tonight. Femi left while Tony said that Stacks will handle this and nobody talks like that to Rizzo and gets away with it.

Analysis: It was yet another backstage segment to set up a match. Femi came off as a bit heelish with what he said to Rizzo, so I’m not sure if he’ll be more heelish in the future.

Tatum Paxley entered for singles action.


The No Quarter Catch Crew was walking backstage talking. The Gallus trio were there as well with Joe Coffey complaining about Je’Von Evans. Wren Sinclair wondered why Joe wanted to fight Je’Von again. Mark Coffey said after Je’Von, he’s coming after the Heritage Cup. Wren said something, so Dempsey calmed her down. Gallus left. Dempsey told Wren she can’t keep issuing challenges and told her to think about things more.

Roxanne Perez, the NXT Women’s Champion, will address the fans later in the show.

Rosemary (w/Wendy Choo) vs. Tatum Paxley

They are both unique characters with Rosemary coming from TNA. Rosemary did a headscissors around Paxley’s throat and followed up with a German Suplex. Rosemary hit a clothesline for a two count. Paxley made a comeback with a dropkick. Rosemary caught a charging Paxley and hit a fallaway slam as well as an overhead suplex. Paxley hit a move that sent Rosemary’s face into the knee. Paxley hooked the limbs leading to a pinning predicament like a Crucifix Bomb. It went about four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Tatum Paxley

Analysis: **1/4 It was okay for a shorter match. Paxley doesn’t get that many wins in NXT, so maybe it’s the start of a mild push for her. There will probably be a Paxley match with Choo soon.

After the match, Wendy Choo attacked Paxley from behind. Paxley fought her off and then Rosemary hit Paxley with a Spear. Lyra Valkyria from Raw showed up for the save. Lyra cleaned house and hugged Paxley. The fans liked that.

Analysis: The fans didn’t care about the match much, but they did react to Lyra’s unexpected NXT return. Paxley was an ally for Lyra in the past even though Lyra thought she was a weirdo, so the fans popped big for the reunion.

Pete Dunne was interviewed backstage and he was confronted by Trick Williams. Ava the NXT GM said that was enough, so get to the ring and do the match now. Ethan Page walked by the NXT Title saying Ava has lost control and laughed at all the chaos.

Analysis: They said earlier that the Trick/Dunne match would main event, but due to the constant fighting,


There was a phone promo from TNA’s Jordynne Grace saying she’ll defend her Knockouts Title on NXT next week in an open challenge.

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

I’ll go play-by-play here. They started fighting on the floor as Trick nailed Dunne with a boot to the face. Trick sent Dunne into the barricade. Trick hit Dunne with some chops to the chest. They went into the ring to officially start the match. Dunne got an armbar takedown leading to double knees on Trick’s left arm. Dunne stomped on Trick’s left arm again. Dunne charged, Trick avoided it and Trick hit a neckbreaker. Dunne got another armbar takedown. Dunne worked over Trick with kicks to the face along with slaps, so Trick was back up with some hard chops to the chest. Dunne hit a boot to the head. Trick came back with an uppercut along with a neckbreaker. Dunne pulled the ring apron to trip up Trick (a classic Finlay move) by the apron, so Dunne nailed Trick with a forearm. Dunne stomped on Trick’s head as the show went to break.


Dunne was in control with kicks, but Trick got back into it with a jumping side kick. Trick hit an impressive flapjack sending Dunne into the mat. Ethan Page, the NXT Champion, was watching backstage. Dunne went for a move off the turnbuckle, but Trick caught him and hit a Book End for two. Dunne came back with a German Suplex followed by a stomp and kick to the head. Dunne went up top, so Trick followed with a punch. Dunne flipped over Trick’s body leading to a Powerbomb by Dunne. Trick countered a move leading to a reverse suplex and Trick’s own suplex. Trick hit a spinning kick to the head to knock Dunne out of the ring. Trick missed a kick on the floor, so Dunne rammed him into the barricade. Dunne and Trick were on the barricade behind the commentary table. Dunne gave Trick a legsweep off the barricade that put them through the table. The referee was counting, so it was a double countout after 12 minutes.

Match Result: Double Countout

Analysis: ***1/4 A non-finish to likely set up another match between them. There were a lot of good moves along with some logical counters from both guys. I thought Trick would win, but I don’t mind a countout because it will likely lead to another match.

After the match was over, Trick punched Dunne and then Trick punched Dunne a few times. Security and officials tried to break it up, so Dunne attacked Trick again. Trick broke free leading to a jumping kick. The fans were chanting “let them fight’ as the scene ended.

Analysis: That post match fighting was done to show that the issue isn’t over and they are going to continue with another match.

Ridge Holland was featured in a video package talking about how his heel turn on Chase U. Ridge said he carried Chase U and brought Tag Team gold to the group, but then it got taken away by mediocrity. Ridge said that the destruction of Chase U begins next week and he is going to love every second of it.

Analysis: I assume that means a solid push for Ridge Holland as a heel. I’m not sure if it’s going to work long term or not, but I think he’s better off as a heel long term.


Shawn Spears was backstage talking to Brooks Jensen. Spears had his right arm in a sling. Spears thanked Jensen for helping him against Edris Enofe & Malik Blade. Spears said he thought he was the guy saving him, but it turned out Brooks saved him. Spears said that he won’t leave Brooks and he was here to help him. Brooks wondered why everybody thought that Spears was manipulating Brooks and Spears said he didn’t care what anybody thought. Spears told Brooks to believe what he believes. Spears said thanks. After Spears left, Dion Lennox went up to Brooks saying it was psychological manipulation from Spears.

Je’Von Evans vs. Joe Coffey (w/Wolfgang & Mark Coffey)

Evans was on offense early on with a hurricanrana, dropkick out of the ring and Evans hit a suicide dive after that. Joe got an elbow drop in the ring, but Evans came back with a flipping kick along with a German Suplex. After the match, Gallus attacked Evans on the floor, but Cedric Alexander saved Evans from it. Evans dove onto the three Gallus guys on the floor. Evans went up top for a spinning splash onto Joe for the pinfall win after three minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Je’Von Evans

Analysis: ** It was a fast-paced short match with Evans getting the big win thanks to Alexander showing up as some back. They can use Alexander as a veteran mentor for Evans, which is fine with me.

Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley were shown talking backstage. Lyra said that the issue was that Paxley didn’t let Lyra have other friends. Lyra said that she said she’d never come back, but she couldn’t keep her eye on Paxley. That led to Paxley saying it was so lonely and Lyra said you have backup now. They hugged.

Analysis: A necessary segment to follow up on their past issues and it shows they are on the same page now.

Oba Femi made his entrance as the confident NXT North American Champion.


Ava the NXT GM was interviewed in her office by Sarah Schreiber. Ava booked a Last Man Standing Match between Trick Williams and Pete Dunne for next week’s show. Whoever wins earns an NXT Title match against Ethan Page on October 1st for The CW Network premiere of NXT in Chicago.

Oba Femi vs. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (w/Tony D’Angelo, Luca Crusifino & Adrianna Rizzo)

Femi tossed Stacks across the ring followed by a clothesline. Stacks managed to hit a dropkick that sent Femi out of the ring. Femi smacked a charging Femi in the chest to knock him down on the apron. Femi hit Stacks with two clotheslines to the back. Femi gave Stacks a body slam so that his legs hit the top rope. Femi tried to fight back with strikes along with a dropkick. Stacks jumped off the top, Femi avoided it and Femi hit an uppercut. Femi tossed Stacks across the ring followed by Femi hitting a Popup Powerbomb for the win. Oba started at Tony D while he did the pin. The match went five minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Oba Femi

Analysis: **1/4 It was a dominant win for Femi as you would expect here. I’m not sure if the plan is to have Tony D challenge Femi again in the future or if they will move on from it.

There was a backstage scene with Ashante Thee Adonis trying to hit on Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece. Eddy Thorpe interrupted that, so the girls left. Adonis told Thorpe to let Adonis do his thing and threatened to fight Thorpe. Adonis left.

The Fatal Influence trio entered for Jazmyn Nyx’s match up next.


Je’Von Evans was backstage talking to Wren Sinclair, who had the NXT Heritage Cup beside her. Myles Borne was standing nearby. Wren asked what made Evans think he deserved a shot. Evans made three points, Wren asked for more and Wren said he deserves a Heritage Cup match next week. Evans left happily and said he would talk to Ava about it. Charlie Dempsey walked in and he wasn’t happy about it. Dempsey yelled at Borne for doing nothing. Borne had earbuds in so he never heard it.

Analysis: It was yet another way to set up a match with a backstage segment. Wren continues to frustrate Charlie in this group.

Jaida Parker vs. Jazmyn Nyx (w/Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne)

Parker knocked down Nyx with a shoulder tackle and Parker had her ribs taped up after the No Mercy match she had. Parker hit a back body drop. Henley did a distraction, so Nyx nailed Parker with a running kick to the ribs. Nyx connected with a dropkick. Parker got a hold of Nyx leading to a Samoan Drop slam. Parker set up Nyx by the turnbuckle followed by the tear drop butt splash on the ribs. Nyx got an inside cradle for two. Paker avoided a kick, Parker ran the ropes and Parker hit the running Hip Check for the pinfall win after five minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Jaida Parker

Analysis: *3/4 It was yet another match on this show where a pushed wrestler beat somebody who doesn’t win very much. It feels like Parker will be a babyface moving forward since we saw her in that role at No Mercy and it continued here. Parker is fun to watch.

After the match, Henley & Jayne attacked Parker, so Parker tried to fight back until Jayne hit a forearm to the head. Nyx hit a jumping kick. Fatal Influence stood tall over Paker.

Analysis: Nobody tried to help Parker there. I assume that will change in the future, but Parker is still newer in the babyface role.

Next week on NXT is the Last Man Standing Match between Trick Williams and Pete Dunne.

Roxanne Perez was shown walking backstage with the NXT Women’s Title for some promo time up next.


There was a backstage scene with the women’s division talking. Jacy Jayne and Fatal Influence interrupted. Kelani Jordan and Lola Vice bickered with them. Jordan said that they are the best women’s division because of what they do in the ring. Jayne told Jordan her days as champion are numbered.

Next week on NXT:

* Ridge Holland vs. Duke Hudson

* Last Man Standing Match: Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne – Winner gets NXT Title match against Ethan Page on October 1st.

* NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. The Rascalz

* NXT Heritage Cup Match: Charlie Dempsey vs. Je’Von Evans

* Jordynne Grace defends the TNA Knockouts Title

Analysis: Good lineup.

Let’s Hear from Roxanne Perez

The NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez made her entrance. Booker put her over as usual. Perez bragged about how she’s still the champion. Perez said that she’s second all-time in PLE matches and second all-time in PLE wins. Perez mentioned Iyo Sky and Asuka while claiming she is smashing all of their records. Perez said that even main roster women can’t stop talking about her. Perez credited Jaida Parker for being the future of the women’s division. Perez said that she’s the fantasy matchup constant in NXT. Perez said when reality meets fantasy, the results are always the same and they will never change. Perez claimed it doesn’t matter if you’re a hot prospect, a former NXT Champion, or the hottest free agent from Japan trying to steal her shine. Perez said when the smoke clears, it will be her holding her title in the air.

The lights went out…and here comes Chelsea Green. She’s a hot mess. Green trashed the fans for smelling badly. Green claimed she was beloved by the WWE Universe, which drew boos. There were even “Chelsea” chants. Green claimed she would do anything for her fans. Green said nobody is going to tell her that she is not the number one contender.

The lights went out again…and here is Giulia making her NXT television debut after her first appearance at No Mercy. The fans gave Giulia a big reaction. Green yelled at Giulia, who nailed Green with a forearm and a knee strike.

Giulia got in Perez’s face: “Me…you…CW.” That was it as they had a staredown to end the show.

Analysis: They got right to the point by having Giuliu say she’s going to challenge Roxanne Perez for the NXT Title on October 1st The CW. It should be an outstanding match when that happens and I think we could see Giulia become the new champion as well.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Trick Williams
  2. Pete Dunne
  3. The Rascalz


The Scoreboard

This week: 7 out of 10

Last week: 6.75

2024 Average: 7.18


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

It was mostly an average episode of NXT in 2024, which still means it’s like a 7/10 type of episode. There were a lot of short matches kept under five minutes where a pushed wrestler beat somebody else who had no shot, so it’s not that compelling to watch. The best match was the tag team triple threat match with The Rascalz getting a big win for an NXT Tag Team Title match next week. I predict Wes Lee costs The Rascalz that match.

I liked the Trick Williams-Pete Dunne story throughout the show. They had some intense brawling early in, which led to the match and there was no decisive winner, so we’ll see the match next week when it’s Last Man Standing. Dunne is a good opponent for Trick, who should win that match next week.

The ending saw Giulia make her NXT TV debut by confronting Roxanne Perez and beating up poor Chelsea Green. Giulia gets an NXT Women’s Title match on October 1st on The CW debut show. A title change coming that night? Yeah, I think so.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport