
WWE Star Written Out Of Company After Vicious Attack

Triple H WWE

Some WWE stars want to go out with a bang but for one star leaving the company, they were written off Raw with a scary-looking splat.

In recent days it became apparent that Ricochet was heading out of WWE as his current deal with the company comes to an end. Recently, several stars in the company have signed new deals as they neared the end of their old ones but Ricochet is said to have made clear that he would not be re-signing and was on his way out.

On the 10th of June edition of Raw, that exit was all but guaranteed as the former US Champion was devoured by a rampant Bron Breakker. Breakker defeated Ilja Dragunov on the show and continued to beat down Dragunov after picking up the win. That led to Ricochet attempting to make the save for Dragunov but he might have wished he didn’t bother.

Bronn Breakker Sends Ricochet Out Of WWE In An Ambulance

Bron Breakker got the better of Ricochet, lawn-darting him into a production truck backstage in echoes of what Kevin Nash did to Rey Mysterio back in WCW. The former NXT Champion then slammed Ricochet through a car windscreen.

Ricochet was taken away in an ambulance after the attack and was joined by his fiancée and Raw ring announcer Samantha Irvin.

Ricochet lost his WWE title on the 7th of June SmackDown tapings, paving his way to leave the company. It remains to be seen where the star will end up next.