
WWE Star Teases Shock Jump To TNA

WWE logo over Brooks Jensen Josh Briggs

WWE and TNA have opened their forbidden door in recent weeks and now it looks like one member of Triple H’s roster is looking for a change.

Jaws dropped when NXT General Manager Ava announced current TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace was challenging Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women’s Title at Battleground. Grace has represented TNA in WWE before when she competed in the 2024 women’s Royal Rumble.

Now one NXT star who is having some trouble with his WWE career has hinted that he could be looking to make an impact elsewhere.

Brooks Jensen Looking To Make Impact Outside WWE

A frustrated Brooks Jensen took to social media where he shared a video that seemed to hint that he could be looking outside of WWE for opportunities in the near future with an apparent reference to TNA’s Impact show:

I just wanna know why. Why of all people in the Performance Center, me? For three years, I’ve busted my tail, I’ve said yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am, I’ve done all the right things to make it to the top but for some reason they just don’t see it in me.

When I tried to voice my opinion, when I tried to ask the question of why instead of sitting back and taking it, they throw me out of the building? You know the best thing about this is now, I can go anywhere I want. Who knows maybe I can make an impact.

In recent Brooks Jensen has posted on social media about crashing NXT, Raw, and SmackDown shows and claimed to not have been allowed in the buildings. Jensen also hinted that he had been released by WWE when he posted an email address for booking enquiries.

After Grace’s WWE return, reports suggested that WWE and TNA’s relationship could include more than just her appearing on NXT and could see other stars involved.

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