
Former WWE Star Says Shane McMahon “Felt Like One Of The Boys”

Shane McMahon

A former superstar said that Shane McMahon was nothing like his father when it came to how he behaved behind the scenes and on the road.

Shane McMahon spent decades working for WWE. Like his father before him, Shane worked his way up the ranks. He started off as a referee in the late 1980s under the name “Shane Stevens” and from there began taking on more roles in the company, both on-screen and off.

It wasn’t until early 1998 that Shane started appearing on camera more often. Most of his feuds saw him fight either alongside or against his father and sister, but over time he also started taking bigger risks and began wrestling the company’s top stars.

Shane developed a penchant for having no fear and putting himself in highly dangerous situations, despite his lack of training. Many people still remember his match with Kurt Angle from King of the Ring 2001 and his various jumps, dives, and falls off various objects.

Many fans have wondered if this willingness of Shane’s to throw himself into pro-wrestling with such gusto was genuine or just an act. Well, according to Maven, Shane McMahon really did see himself as one of the wrestlers based on how he conducted himself backstage.

Maven praises Shane McMahon for how he interacted with wrestlers in WWE

As part of his ongoing “Rating Wrestlers” YouTube series, Maven described how Shane McMahon never acted better than the wrestlers despite his family ties.

“We would go out and Shane would find himself out in a social environment with us. He never felt really like Vince’s son. He actually felt like one of the boys.

Shane would pull me aside many times and tell me, ‘Hey, man, I think you can do big things. I think you can do this or that. I liked the way you did this.’

A lot of people don’t realize that when Shane got into the business, his dad made him earn it. Most people look at Shane and think that he had everything handed to him. That could not be further from the truth. When Shane broke in, Shane was on ring crew. Shane was putting the ring together for live events. Taking it down at the end of live events. Shane was the first one to get to places to learn how to take bumps, to learn how to actually do what we did in the ring.

This man’s put the work in. I have nothing but respect for Shane. I like Shane a lot. Hope he’s doing well.”

Despite such glowing praise, the last few years haven’t been that positive for Shane McMahon. His penultimate appearance thus far was in the 2022 Royal Rumble match, which he allegedly tried to change to be built around him. That controversy caused him to be released by the company.

Shane returned over a year later at WrestleMania 39 night two and was set to have a match with the Miz, but seconds into his offense he injured himself on a leapfrog and his spot opposite the Miz was taken by Snoop Dogg.

h/t Fightful