
WWE Star Confirms Injury To Clarify Misinformation

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A veteran WWE superstar has admitted that he is dealing with a serious injury while making it clear he wanted to address misinformation that was reported.

At the conclusion of WWE NXT on Tuesday night, there was a backstage scene where Wes Lee, Josh Briggs, and Ivar were out on the floor looking like they were just beaten up. The camera revealed that it was a returning Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) who did it.

There was a report from the Wrestling Observer regarding Ivar that the attack was just a storyline and he’s taking a break. However, it was later reported by Fightful Select that reports of Ivar’s injury being just a storyline were not true. They added that while the severity of the injury isn’t known right now, Ivar has been wrestling on borrowed time since he had a double fusion surgery in the past.

Ivar had that double fusion neck surgery after an injury in September 2020 and he returned to the ring in April 2021. At that time, Ivar was part of the Viking Raiders tag team with Erik. The duo are former WWE Tag Team Champions. For most of the last year, Ivar has been wrestling in singles matches since Erik has been dealing with his own lengthy injury.

WWE’s Ivar Admits He Is Injured

As for his current health, Ivar posted a message on X/Twitter to confirm that he is dealing with a serious injury.

There has been alot of misinformation floating around about me. Let me clearify:

Yes I am injured
Yes it is very serious
No I have not had surgery

Still trying to figure out all options and what this means for my future.

That being said, I Want to thank everyone for the out pouring of love and support, not only after finding out I was injured but thru out the last several months, I have heard you all!

No matter what happens, I owe it to everyone who ever believed in me to do everything I can to get back in that ring, under those lights, and infront of the most amazing fans on the planet, see you as soon as I can!

Everybody here at TJRWrestling wishes Ivar all the best as he deals with this injury.