
Top WWE Star Claims Women’s Revolution Was “Stupid”

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One of WWE’s biggest names wasn’t impressed with the women’s revolution.

After years of being marginalised, the trajectory of women’s wrestling in WWE changed forever in early 2015. When a tag team match on Raw between The Bellas and Paige & Emma was given just 30 seconds, “Give Divas A Chance” trended on social media for days.

By the end of July, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, and Charlotte Flair had all arrived on the main roster after starring in NXT, and at WrestleMania 32 in 2016, the “Divas” moniker was dropped altogether.

During a new interview with Steve Fall of WrestlingNews.Co, Lynch discussed the women’s revolution and the fact it was created by a man — the same man who had been booking women’s wrestling poorly.

“So we talked about that in the book where I thought that was stupid, you know? Like, I thought it was so stupid, like, ‘Oh, we’re freeing you.’ From you? It was such a classical marketing thing. I just was like, just give us good storylines and let us wrestle you know what I mean? Like, we don’t need to treat this as anything different.

And I kind of go into depth about it in the book about how when we started it’s like, ‘The floor is yours. It’s up to you what you do.’ What are we meant to do here? We were meant to wrestle? Oh, okay, cool. What are we fighting about? Evolution, revolution Well, what?

It was so poorly executed and just didn’t need to happen in that manner in that way. But I suppose it was like the marketing thing and yeah it was not executed well.”

Explaining further, Lynch said that while the move came with good intentions, it was handled poorly. The Man pointed to the success she and others had experienced in NXT, which just came down to giving women the chance to have real matches with proper storylines.

“It was very poorly executed. Just overthought because the thing was in NXT, we’re just having good matches and having storylines, and nobody was making a big deal about it.

At the time I was kind of saying these things, but you know, also had to keep it to the point too…but the point was that all of it was done with good intentions, right? It was like, okay, we realized that people want this, they want to see us wrestle, and let’s do this. And let’s do it the best way we know how, over the top, you know, and so, like these things were done with good intentions.

And so we can nitpick, and we can talk about whatever, but look like, this is progress. This has changed. And sometimes you’re gonna make a mistake on the way several mistakes, lots of mistakes.

But eventually, we’ll get there and you just have to work on it and iron out the kinks and continue to push the boundaries and continue to point these things out so that it can get better and it has continued to get better over the years.”

Could Becky Lynch Leave WWE?

While she remains one of the biggest stars in the company, Becky Lynch has less than two months to run on her current WWE contract, Furthermore, Lynch revealed that she’s yet to hold talks over a new deal, creating the possibility that she could become a free agent.

Despite the speculation, The Man is expected to remain with WWE along with husband Seth Rollins.