
Recent WWE Release Causing “Nervousness” Within Company

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Some in WWE are getting nervous.

On July 8th, NXT star Damon Kemp surprisingly announced his immediate departure from WWE. Kemp, real name Bobby Steveson is the brother of Gable Steveson who was released by the company on May 3rd.

At the time it was noted that Bobby had impressed WWE coaches much more than his brother, and he was doing well given his inexperience.

Unlike his brother, Bobby made the jump to NXT television relatively quickly after signing with the company, becoming a regular less than a year after putting pen to paper on a contract. Steveson went on to form part of the Diamond Mine, and later the No Quarter Catch Crew prior to his departure.

Bobby Steveson was written off television in somewhat hilarious circumstances when he was driven away in the trunk of a car by Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, and Tavion Heights pleading for mercy.

Concern Growing Within WWE

Writing in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer confirmed Steveson left WWE after his contract expired, rather than being released. Furthermore, his exit has caused some nervousness backstage among those with contracts coming up shortly.

The Bobby Steveson cut has led to a lot of nervousness in NXT among those whose contracts are coming due, because unlike other cuts like Dijak (main roster contract), Gable Steveson (huge contract and didn’t show much) and Gulak (the Rousey situation and other things that came up), Bobby Steveson was good in the ring for his level of experience and nobody had anything negative to say.

So except for those who are clearly being pushed as future stars, many others do have the deal of if they would cut him, who else would they cut.

As Steveson exits the company, WWE has announced the signing of former CMLL star Stephanie Vaquer.