
WWE Legend Rules Out Bid To Become US President

WWE Hall of Fame ring

A WWE legend has discussed their political ambitions.

Although Glen Jacobs debuted with WWE in 1995, it wasn’t until he became Kane in 1997 that his career took off.

The star went on to become a multi-time World Champion before being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2021.

As his in-ring career wound down, Jacobs stepped into politics and was elected as Mayor of Knox County in 2018. He was elected for a second term in August 2022. This has led to rumours Jacobs could be planning on a bid to become President, but it seems that won’t be the case.

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During an appearance on Maintaining with Tyrus, Kane was asked about running for President but quickly dismissed the idea.

“No, it’s not. I have no desire to go to Washington, DC. I think that there’s a lot of things that can be done at the local and state level, especially at the state level. Say you look at Tennessee and Tennessee has really set itself apart from a lot of other states.

We’ve been like second GDP growth for many years. We actually had positive growth through the pandemic. I think we’re the only state that did that. That’s a fact.

But in Washington, man, it’s just, there’s just so many things going on up there, and it really is a swamp. Good people go in, and they get frustrated because they can’t change, or in some cases, they just throw up their hands and leave, or sometimes they, unfortunately, become part of the machine because that’s the only way to survive.

So I really think that a lot of changes can be made, especially at the state level, which would be productive for where you live. Ultimately, then, that would be productive for the entire country.”

Kane hasn’t wrestled since making a surprise appearance in the men’s 2021 Royal Rumble match. The veteran hasn’t wrestled a singles match since 2018.

Despite this, Kane admitted back in February he could get back in the ring, although another match at this stage is unlikely.

H/t to WrestlingNews.Co