
WWE Hall Of Famer Wants Nick Aldis Put On TV If He Signs

Nick Aldis

A WWE Hall of Famer is already proposing ideas for how WWE could use Nick Aldis if he ends up working for that company.

As of two weeks ago, Nick Aldis has been considered a free agent and is no longer signed to any single promotion. Because of that, discussion is already underway on whether he will sign with WWE or with someone else.

WrestlingInc previously reported that WWE wants to sign Aldis to a contract but as a backstage producer and not as an in-ring competitor. The argument here seems to be that Aldis has plenty to offer WWE’s wrestlers as an eighteen-year veteran with singles and tag team champions across North America and beyond.

However, WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long believes that Nick Aldis could be as useful to the company on-screen as he would off screen.

Teddy Long thinks Nick Aldis would be wasted in WWE if he wasn’t in front of cameras

Speaking to SportsKeeda, Teddy Long argued that Nick Aldis still has enough left in him to work a successful program with some of WWE’s current stars and that just limiting him to a non-wrestling role would be a waste of his assets and positive qualities.

“I think that there’s still money in Nick Aldis, I think they should be using him on TV. I agree he could go to “NXT” and be a great trainer, but he ain’t ready for that, there’s still money in this guy man, why waste him down there? Put him on TV and put him in a good story with somebody.”

Nick Aldis has won singles championships in the NWA, TNA/IMPACT, TNA’s Indian side project Ring Ka King, and in GFW. He has won tag team titles in New Japan, NOAH, and in IMPACT as well.

h/t WrestlingInc for the transcription