
WWE Hall Of Famer Names Modern Wrestling Pet Hate

WWE Hall Of Famer Explains Why He Vanished

A WWE Hall of Famer would like to see one thing gone from pro wrestling.

Professional wrestling is in a constant state of evolution with new moves being created all the time. The constant push for innovation and desire to try and stand out has also seen rarely-seen moves become staples, or finishers become transition moves.

While nothing will ever stop these changes, it doesn’t mean everyone is happy about them.

Speaking on his 1 Of A Kind with RVD podcast, Rob Van Dam discussed chops and chop battles being used in the majority of matches, when they were formerly the forte of just a handful of wrestlers.

“I’m not a fan of how the business has come to every match being a ‘chopfest,’

It used to be one or two people would chop and that was kind of like their moves but now everybody wants to chop and it’s weird because it’s almost like they take a break from competing to stop and say, ‘Come on, give it to me! Ya! Ya! You want one?’ It’s weird ’cause it’s like, ‘Weren’t you guys just having a match and now what? You guys are like drunk college boys at a frat party?'”

Rob Van Dam Tips New WWE Star For Success

Elsewhere on his podcast, Rob Van Dam talked up new WWE signing Jacob Fatu. Ahead of WrestleMania 40, Fatu told those close to him he was joining the sports entertainment giant, and it’s been widely reported he has signed with the company.

Van Dam praised Fatu for his prowess in the ring, commenting he’s been watching him for a while.

It’s been suggested that WWE is concerned the arrival of Jacob Fatu could overshadow Solo Sikoa and his rise to the head of The Bloodline.

H/t to Wrestling Inc