
WWE Couple Gets Engaged

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A WWE couple has announced that they are engaged to be married.

There are plenty of couples throughout WWE whether they are married, engaged or dating. And now the NXT brand has another couple that is engaged to be married.

The NXT duo of Tatum Paxley and Javier Bernal aka “Big Body Javi announced they are engaged to be married. They both posted on their Twitter/X accounts about it. As you can see in the photos below, Javi proposed at the beach. Most NXT wrestlers live in the Orlando, Florida area with plenty of beaches around and nice weather all year round.

Javier Bernal and Tatum Paxley are rising stars on the WWE NXT brand

While Javier Bernal and Tatum Paxley are not pushed heavily on NXT these days, they are both young stars with bright futures, which is something the NXT roster is full of.

Bernal hasn’t been on the main NXT show as much of late, but earlier in the year he was on there often as “Big Body Javi” trying to antagonize people. Bernal is the type of heel who acts like he’s a bigger star than he is and thinks he’s more successful than he really is. He started with WWE in 2021.

Tatum Paxley signed with WWE in August 2021 and debuted on television in February 2022. She was aligned with Ivy Nile of the Diamond Group on and off for most of the next year. This past spring, she turned heel on Nile.

Congratulations to Javier Bernal and Tatum Paxley on their engagement.