
WWE Announcer Explains How Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens Left Him With A Bleeding Tongue

Chris Jericho Kevin Owens

Once upon a time Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho were the best of friends in WWE and despite being in very different places these days, their antics are fondly remembered by fans and those who worked with the pair alike.

Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho’s on-screen partnership brought on-screen success for both men with Owens holding the Universal Championship and Jericho winning the US Title during their time together. The partnership is best remembered for The List of Jericho being employed throughout and the ill-fated Festival of Friendship that saw Kevin Owens viciously turn on his best friend. Take note Sami Zayn.

Speaking on the Out of Character podcast, WWE broadcaster Mike Rome recalled one interview with Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho at their height that left him with a bleeding tongue as he tried his best not to crack up laughing:

“Yeah, I think the Jericho stuff was always good. Definitely the stuff that Jericho and Tom did, the main stuff that he did for a long time but one of my favorites, and it was the hardest one not to laugh on. It was after KO and Jericho both got titles, I think they had individual titles but they were backstage, I was interviewing them afterwards and they kick me out of the frame.

“They’re going back and forth and Kevin starts yelling, ‘George! George!’, and he’s looking at me and they’re like ‘I think you’re George’. I’m 6’2, so when I’m backstage, I’m a lot shorter, so I had to walk back into frame because there was no easy way for me to slide back into frame.

“I kind of side-walked into there, you can see me kind of leaning to the side. Kevin, he’s going back and forth with Chris, all of the sudden he just looks at me, ‘Did you get taller?’ and he starts just going in on me, they start stepping on the steps in Gorilla and he’s karate chopping and at this point, I’ve bitten holes in my tongue because doing backstages with them, it’s so hard not to laugh because you don’t know what they are going to say.

“You have no idea what’s coming out, these guys are two of the best and I walked out of there with a bleeding tongue that day.”

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h/t Fightful