
Triple H Reacts To Top NXT Star Joining WWE Main Roster

Triple H WWE

The boss man Triple H has reacted to an NXT wrestler joining WWE SmackDown with a customary point photo and some complimentary words.

When the WWE NXT brand was rebranded “NXT 2.0” in September 2021 it led to a lot of frustrations among WWE fans because the company decided to put more less experienced wrestlers on camera to try to develop them for the main roster.

It was the call of Vince McMahon at the time while Shawn Michaels was tasked with running NXT like he still is and Triple H, who had been running NXT for nearly a decade, was dealing with a serious heart issue.

The new talent that was pushed the most right away was a guy named Bron Breakker, who is the son of WWE Hall of Famer Rick Steiner and nephew of Hall of Famer Scott Steiner. Within a few months, Breakker became NXT Champion and dominated the NXT Title scene for most of 2022. It was pretty obvious that WWE was high on Bron, so the question was when would he get to the main roster.

After two and a half years in NXT that has seen Bron go from being a babyface to being a heel, it was announced on the February 16th edition of WWE Smackdown by SD GM Nick Aldis that Breakker had signed with the NXT brand.

On Twitter/X, Triple H posted a photo with Breakker while doing the point photo that Hunter is known for doing with talent.

Unlimited potential, an already impressive resume… and he’s got that dog in him.

Welcome to #SmackDown, @bronbreakkerwwe! This is a big one.

The WWE Smackdown in-ring debut will take place on the February 23rd episode of Smackdown, which has already been taped.

Bron Breakker Is A Current WWE NXT Tag Team Champion

It has been an eventful week for Bron Breakker because, in the same week where he officially joined Smackdown, he also won the NXT Tag Team Titles with Baron Corbin this past Tuesday on NXT television.

That likely means that Breakker will remain on the NXT brand as a Tag Team Champion while also appearing on Smackdown as well.