
Top WWE Star Wants One More Match With John Cena

John Cena you cant see me

A former World Champion wants one more dance with John Cena.

Speaking in a recent interview, John Cena laid out his retirement plan for the world to see. While Cena has been open about his career coming to an end, this was the first time he gave an end date.

The 16-time World Champion who’s currently 47 said he will retire before he turns 50 as he wants to bow out while he can still perform.

The comments caught the attention of WWE stars far and wide who either want to get that Cena match on their CV, or step in the ring with the veteran one more time before he calls it a day.

One big name who fits into the latter category is AJ Styles. The pair clashed on several occasions, and the Phenomenal One has nothing but good things to say about his former rival.

Appearing on Reality of Wrestling, Styles discussed his chemistry with Cena, admitting their matches always felt special.

“I think there’s a lot of us that would like to mix it up with Cena one last time and I’m definitely one of those guys. We had some chemistry that I can’t explain. Maybe it’s opposites attract, I guess you’d say, and me and John are definitely that kind of dance partners where, you know, it was always fun getting in the ring with him.

It was always big, it was always special, and it was always great. So I look forward to hopefully, before he retires, jumping in the ring with him one more time.”

Will John Cena Follow Triple H When He Retires?

Given his vast experience, some have wondered whether the veteran will be looking to stay involved with wrestling when he steps away from the ring.

Speaking elsewhere, John Cena dismissed the idea of becoming a high-ranking Executive like Triple H but revealed that he was interested in coaching and trying to help the next generation.

H/t to WrestlingNews.Co