
Tony Khan Gifts AEW Prop & Gives Huge Donation To Charity

Tony Khan AEW

Tony Khan was in a giving mood on the Rich Eisen Show.

On the April 24th episode of AEW Dynamite, Tony Khan was attacked by Jack Perry and The Young Bucks as the show went off the air. In the days after the stunning assault, Khan stepped back from AEW television and donned a neck brace during the NFL Draft.

Khan later said he would auction off the neck brace with the money going to St. Jude on behalf of Run Rich Run.

The agreement has now been tweaked a little bit, but St. Jude won’t be missing out. While appearing on the Rich Eisen Show, Khan said the host could keep the brace in his studio, around the neck of a Deadwood bust, meaning he’d donate $100,000 instead. Khan wrote the following on social media:

Thank you @richeisen for having me on today to talk about AEW!

It’s an honor to be on @RichEisenShow + I’m honored to donate $100,000 to @StJude on behalf of @AEW, and affix the neck brace to your uncanny bust!

Tony Khan Hints At AEW Expansion

Speaking elsewhere, Tony Khan discussed the possibility of adding more television time to AEW’s schedule.

Khan said five hours — AEW’s current allocation, is the absolute minimum for the company, but admitted he was wary about adding a third hour to Dynamite. The AEW boss said his goal was to keep Dynamite as strong as possible, and looking at the history of shows moving to three hours, that might not be possible if the AEW flagship expended.