
The WWE Hall Of Famer Who Says They Had A Better Career In TNA Than WWE

The WWE Hall Of Famer Who Says They Had A Better Career In TNA Than WWE

WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle shared his thoughts on his wrestling career, revealing that he believes his best work came during his time in TNA rather than WWE.

Speaking on Busted Open Radio, the Olympic gold medallist looked back on his accomplishments in both promotions, explaining why he feels he reached his peak after leaving WWE. Angle debuted with WWE in 1998 and quickly rose to the top, winning multiple world championships and earning recognition as one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time. However, he admitted that he didn’t feel he truly hit his stride until he made the move to TNA in late 2006.

“I had a really good career in WWE, but I didn’t really catch my stride, where I was at my peak, until about seven years into the business, and that’s when I went to TNA.”

When asked if he considered his TNA run superior to his WWE tenure, Angle took a moment to reflect before agreeing.

“If I’m being honest, yeah, I had a better career in TNA and I had better matches in TNA than I had in WWE, at least more consistently better.”

Despite his praise for TNA, Angle acknowledged that determining the “best” part of his career is complicated, as WWE had a much larger audience.

“When you want to talk about the biggest part of your career, where you did your very best, you’re going to want to do it where the highest ratings are and where there are more fans.”

Angle’s comments highlight the significance of his time in TNA, where he delivered some of the most memorable performances of his legendary career.

Why Did Kurt Angle Have A Fight Backstage With Eddie Guerrero In WWE?

Kurt Angle spoke about why he had a fight with Eddie Guerrero and said that it came from a misunderstanding from a segment where Team Angle had a brawl with Eddie and Chavo Guerrero. Eddie confronted Angle after the segment as he believed that Angle had intentionally hurt him during it, but Angle tried to explain to him that he hadn’t been involved with him during the segment. Despite this, things escalated and Angle and Eddie began to fight for real until it was broken up by The Big Show.

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