
The Undertaker Was Set To Face Andre The Giant In An Epic Showdown

The Undertaker Was Set To Face Andre The Giant In An Epic Showdown

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker recently shared details about a potentially legendary match that never came to be.

The match in question was between The Undertaker and the iconic Andre the Giant. Speaking on Out of Character with Ed Young, Undertaker revealed that Andre had mentioned the idea of a match between them while they were in the WWE locker room. However, the specifics of the match were never disclosed to Undertaker, as Andre was known for his old-school approach to wrestling and preferred to keep things under wraps.

Recalling his conversations with Andre, Undertaker said:

I’d come in [to the locker room] and say, ‘Hey, boss. How are you doing today?’ ‘Good. One day, kid, me and you. I have an idea.’ ‘Oh really, boss? Tell me about it!’ ‘Oh no.’ And he would never tell me. He’d never tell me.

Undertaker even reached out to Tim White, a close friend and referee who used to drive Andre around, hoping that he might have some insight into the proposed match. However, even Tim White was unaware of the details.

As Andre’s health declined, the possibility of the match ever happening became increasingly unlikely. Unfortunately, Andre passed away in 1993 at the age of 46, leaving The Undertaker with unanswered questions about the enigmatic match. Undertaker expressed his curiosity, saying:

Nobody knows what it was! He ended up passing away and he never let me know. And I wonder to this day because, man, I bet it was good!

Did The Undertaker Have A Match With Andre The Giant?

While the match between The Undertaker and Andre the Giant never materialised, the conversation between these two wrestling legends remains a captivating tale that sheds light on the respect and secrecy of the old-school wrestling era. Wrestling fans are left to wonder what could have been and imagine the potential spectacle that could have unfolded if the plans had come to fruition.

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