
The Undertaker Reveals Funny Memory Vince McMahon Always Brings Up

The Undertaker Vince McMahon

The Undertaker has revealed a failed rib that still bothers Vince McMahon to this day.

During his storied Hall Of Fame career, The Undertaker was famously protective of his character and worked hard to maintain the mysterious aura surrounding his persona.

Since the curtain fell on his in-ring days following victory over AJ Styles in the critically acclaimed cinematic-style Boneyard Match at WrestleMania 36, the lid has begun to lift on backstage stories about the former WWE Champion.

Notably, many WWE Superstars past and present have revealed how they attempted to make The Undertaker break character on screen, with some coming close but never quite able to pull off the feat.

One famous occasion came following the 12th August 2002 edition of Raw. After the show had gone off the air, The Undertaker’s tag team partners on the evening, Goldust and Booker T, performed the latter’s legendary Spinaroonie.

Spotting an opportunity to break The Undertaker’s resolve, multiple top names including Triple H, The Rock and even Vince McMahon himself performed their own version in an attempt to encourage ‘Big Evil’ to follow suit. The Texas native swiftly declined and departed the ring much to the disappointment of wrestlers and fans alike.

During a recent episode of his Patreon based podcast ‘Six Feet Under‘, ‘The Deadman’ revealed that McMahon’s failure to convince him to perform his own version of the spinaroonie was still a topic of conversation to this day:

“It comes up quite a bit. It burns his ass. Let me just say this, he’s ribbed me on so many occasions, and he’s got me really good, but he never got me to do that Spinaroonie.

That’s the only carrot that I can hang on his head. As silly as that sounds, that bothers him. I mean, he’s the boss is the boss, right?

He gets everything that he wants, and the fact that he couldn’t get me to do the Spinaroonie, I think he lays awake at night thinking about it. Like, ‘I couldn’t get him to do it,’ and it was a great effort to try.”

Former WWE Talent Believes The Undertaker Could Wrestle Again

Despite being out of action for almost four years, a man who shared the ring with The Undertaker more than most believes that another bout could be possible.

Former WWE referee Mike Chioda recently revealed that ‘The Demon Of Death Valley’ is in tremendous shape and that he hopes he returned to the ring for one more match.

H/T: Fightful for the above transcription.