
The Hurricane Reveals His Top Concern About Fellow Wrestlers

The Hurricane Reveals His Top Concern About Fellow Wrestlers

Former WWE Superstar Hurricane Helms, also known as The Hurricane during his time with WWE, recently sparked a heated debate within the wrestling community.

In a post on November 13th, 2023, The Hurricane revealed his discomfort with wrestlers who perform without knee pads, stating that it “freaks him out” and questioning how they can execute their moves without this protective gear. This candid revelation quickly garnered attention from fans and fellow wrestlers, igniting a lively discussion on the topic.

Following Helms’s tweet, fans and wrestling enthusiasts engaged in a passionate debate, providing examples of successful wrestlers who have wrestled without knee pads throughout their careers. One fan humorously referenced Bruno Sammartino as a wrestler from an era when knee pads were not commonly used, prompting Helms to respond in jest:

Knee pads weren’t invented back then.

The conversation continued as another fan mentioned Stone Cold Steve Austin, sharing an image of Austin without knee pads early in his career. Helms playfully responded:

And then, later on, knee braces. Coincidence?

What Bump Did The Hurricane Regret Taking?

Speaking in an interview recently The Hurricane recalled which bump hurt the most, Helms spoke about the bump he took at the 2021 Royal Rumble where Big E and Bobby Lashley press slammed Helms out of the ring. Helms said that he landed heels first and then he went down hard on his tailbone, Helms initially thought he had broken his back but thankfully it only ended up being a bruise to his spine.

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