
The Hurricane Recalls The Worst Bump He Has Ever Taken In WWE

The Hurricane makes his entrance at WWE Royal Rumble 2018

The Hurricane was in a lot of pain following an unexpectedly rough landing.

The resident WWE superhero could certainly fly, but unfortunately for Shane Helms, what goes up must come down.

Transitioning out of the ring to being a backstage producer in 2019, the former Tag Team Champion’s days of fighting crime would have to be on a part-time basis. Making a surprise appearance in the 2021 Royal Rumble, Hurricane recreated his memorable spot from 2002 where he attempted to double chokeslam Triple H and Steve Austin, but this time recreating the spot with Bobby Lashley and Big E.

The two former WWE Champions would continue to recreate the 2002 spot, quickly eliminating the superhero just as The Rattlesnake and The Game did. However, in 2021 the landing was not as pleasant.

Speaking with Chris Van Vliet, the former European Champion described how the landing left him with serious back pain:

“That hurt so bad. That was the first time and only time, this is a true story, that the referee came and asked me if was I Okay, and I said, No. I thought I broke my back. Like when I hit and I kind of landed on my [back] my heels hit first. It was Bobby Lashley and Big E Gorilla pressed me and threw me over. And I kind of hit heels first. And they kind of shot out from underneath me. And I just went down on my tailbone. And I kind of had probably what would be described as a little bruise, you know, probably on my lower spine, something like that. Because like, everything hurt. That was one of the most painful bumps I’ve ever taken in my entire career.”

The Hurricane’s Success In WWE

Capturing the Hardcore title and multiple Tag Team Championship reigns, it can be forgotten that Shane Helms was also a former Cruiserweight Champion. With the division never really being given a chance in the company, former champion Matt Hardy explains who is at fault for not highlighting the lightweight division.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Insight With Chris Van Vliet and leave a h/t to TJR Wrestling.