
Steve Austin Teases That His In-Ring Career Might Not Be Over

Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s wrestling career ended prematurely at WrestleMania 19 when he lost the final in an epic trilogy of matches with The Rock at the event – that was until 2022.

In the lead-up to WrestleMania 38, rumours began to swirl that the unthinkable was going to happen and Steve Austin was going to return to the ring. Kevin Owens turned his ire on WWE television to Texas and Texans only increasing speculation that KO was on a collision course with Stone Cold.

It was finally announced that Austin was to be a special guest on The KO Show at WrestleMania 38 which was held deep in the heart of the Lone Star State. Instead, when both men were in the ring, the real plan quickly came to light with Owens challenging Austin to a match then and there.

Austin gamely accepted and the two stars broke out into a fun brawl that saw the Texas Rattlesnake pick up another win in a WrestleMania main event in a career littered with such things.

There have been reports that Steve Austin was approached by WWE for a return at WrestleMania 39 with a variety of scenarios put to Austin but it does not look like the WWE Hall of Famer will be part of that event.

Now speaking on the Out of Character podcast, Austin has indicated that the decision to miss WrestleMania going Hollywood might not mean he is completely done in the ring:

“Well, never say never. If the stars align again, hell, I mean, it could happen again, right?”

Should Steve Austin compete again, WrestleMania 40 in 2024 would be a good bet for it to happen there with WWE already said to be pulling out all the stops for what is sure to be a landmark show.
