
Seth Rollins Details Serious Spinal Issues

Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins admits that he is not at 100% going into his next title defence.

On Monday Night Raw, it was made official that Rollins will put the World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Shinsuke Nakamura at Payback on September 2nd. After the match was initially agreed to on August 14th, Nakamura whispered something into Rollins’ ear that troubled The Visionary.

A Nakamura video package aired on August 21st, which revealed that The King of Strong Style whispered in Rollins’ ear that he knows about the back issues the champion has been dealing with. Nakamura then made it personal, stating that the pain is felt when Rollins hugs his wife or holds his child.

Appearing in a backstage segment later in the broadcast, Rollins was asked if he had any comments in response to the video package. The champ revealed that he does have spinal issues and understands Nakamura wanting to target his injured back. However, when the challenger brought up Rollins’ family, a line was definitely crossed:

You know Shinsuke, he caught me off guard last week when he brought up my back injury. The truth is it is not something that I like to talk about publicly. But if we are being completely open here, I do have 2 fractures in my lumbar spine. I have been living with that injury for over 4 years and it does not get better by itself. As a matter of fact, it gets worse. The truth is I don’t know what the endgame is, I don’t know how much longer I am going to be able to do this at the level I’m currently running at.

You know what, that’s part of the gig. It’s part of the gig if Nakamura wants to bring up and target my injuries. It’s part of the gig if Shinsuke wants to take cheap shots and play mind games. Hell, it’s part of the gig if Shinsuke wants to question my character, many have. He’s not the first and he won’t be the last. But if Shinsuke wants to bring my family into it, my wife and my daughter and my livelihood! Then he better be prepared to face me man to man.

Seth Rollins Ignores Star Ratings

Rollins will as always be looking to have the match of the night on the upcoming Premium Live Event, continually striving to have the best match on the card. When all is said and done, The Visionary will not be checking the next issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, as he believes that star ratings are “silly.”

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit the WWE segment and leave a h/t to TJR Wrestling.