
Scrapped Plans For WWE Faction Reuniting Revealed

Triple H thinking WWE

GUNTHER’s Imperium missed out on a feud with another WWE faction.

GUNTHER is very much one of the top stars in WWE with an Intercontinental Title reign that is on the verge of breaking a 35-year record for the longest in company history. The Ring General got his start in WWE on the NXT UK brand where he was known by WALTER but he still had his Imperium cohort by his side that also at one time included ex-SAnitY member Alexander Wolfe.

Wolfe was one of the founder members of the popular NXT faction SAnitY alongside Eric Young, Nikki Cross, and Sawyer Fulton. The group debuted in late 2016 and less than a year later, Wolfe and Young captured the NXT Tag Team Championship at NXT TakeOver Brooklyn III.

The group moved to the WWE main roster in 2018 – without Cross – and failed to find the same success, splitting one year later during the Superstar Shake-Up. The team went their separate ways and Wolfe found himself joining up with his European counterparts in Imperium.

WWE scrapped plans for SAnitY vs. Imperium

Appearing on the Developmentally Speaking podcast, Alexander Wolfe – now known as Axel Tischer – revealed that WWE originally had plans in place to reform SAnitY for a feud with Imperium with him turning his back on GUNTHER’s group:

“There was actually a plan to re-form SAnitY. The plan later was they would separate me from Imperium, because I would be the weak link. Then in that time also, they would re-form SAnitY with Killian Dain and Eric Young, and they would win the NXT tag team gold.

“In that case, they would go on to feud with Imperium, and I would join SAnitY. We would have a feud against Imperium, and then we would go back to U.S. NXT.”

There currently seems to be a ‘weak link’ storyline going on with Imperium as GUNTHER and even Ludwig Kaiser look to be increasingly frustrated with losses suffered by Giovanni Vinci.

h/t Wrestling Inc.