
Rob Van Dam Reveals His “Irreplacable Moment” In WWE

Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam has opened up on a particular time when the crowd reaction was special to him.

Despite having many huge moments during his wrestling career, the ECW stalwart winning the WWE Championship at One Night Stand in 2006 will stand out in the minds of many fans.

It’s also little surprise it’s special to Mr Monday Night himself, although in a recent discussion he’s explained quite what a night it was.

Speaking with Chris Van Vliet, Rob Van Dam noted that he’d be quick to point the match out as his favorite to anyone who asked.

The one match would probably be when I beat John Cena at ECW One Night Stand and won the championship belts. Which if they asked me, I’d bring it up. If they asked me what my favorite match was, [I’d mention it] because first off, the match itself was in my opinion, great. I loved the match. Obviously Cena is great. He was great with that crowd. The crowd was incredible. One of a kind crowd.

[It was an] irreplaceable moment, besides all of that, it’s like ‘What was my story, my build up, going into that particular match? Everything since 96.’ Maybe even before that, if you were to add the history. So for those reasons. Me and every fan in that building, we were all fighting for what I believed in, in my heart, and what got me all the way up to that point. That’s why they all wanted to see the match go the way it did and see Cena go down, or they would riot.

Continuing on, Rob Van Dam spoke of how the crowd had a particularly unique atmosphere that night.

I don’t think anybody could have known exactly how that crowd was gonna be first off, to put that out there. I didn’t. I knew for sure that was my home. I knew that they were with me. That was my building. But I couldn’t have predicted that they were gonna feel so much that way. They’re gonna be like ‘No! Fuck your T-shirt’ and throw it back. You see me laughing when you watch that.

I thought that was funny and great. What are the chances that a fan that could have a John Cena shirt, because they’re all real fans at heart, will do that? Then boom, second guy does it again, third guy wipes his ass with it. It’s like, ‘Holy crap. This is great,’ But I had no idea it was gonna be like that. John knew that he was in for a rough night, He was gonna get shit on a lot. He knew that. He’s just super cool. I really think he was looking forward to the match. I think that he had fun with it. I know I did.

In another ECW moment, Rob Van Dam has given his opinion on when Vince McMahon was wearing a durag.

With thanks to SEScoops for the transcription.