
Rob Van Dam Recalls “Awkward” Nature Of Working For Vince McMahon

rob van dam wwe hall of fame vince mcmahon rvd

While discussing what it was like working for Vince McMahon, Rob Van Dam revealed that it was really good, but also awkward at times.

Rob Van Dam had a WWE Hall of Fame career that started in the spring of 2001 after the ECW brand died and ended in around 2007. In 2013, RVD came back for another one year run working for Vince McMahon.

During his WWE career, RVD had a lot of success as one of the most popular wrestlers of his era. Rob Van Dam won the WWE Championship in his career along with all of the major titles you could win when he was there. It wasn’t a surprise when WWE inducted him as part of their Hall of Fame class in 2021.

While speaking to Kenny McIntosh at Inside The Ropes’ ‘One of a Kind’ live show in 2022, Rob Van Dam spoke about how he felt working for Vince McMahon in WWE.

“The relationship was good and I felt like he tried really hard to be approachable but I had a hard time of connecting with him on anything more than just the bottom level of ‘nice weather we are having today!’.

He would stop and go out of his way to stop and shake my hand and say ‘how are you doing Rob?’ and it would be really awkward as neither one of us had anything to say to each other.

That’s what I remember a lot of it being. I knew he liked and respected me and part of it is because he was making that effort to make himself acceptable.”

As he continued, Rob Van Dam explained that he found himself agreeing with Vince most of the time.

“I was always intimidated by the fact it was Vince McMahon but also I didn’t know what to bond with him on.

Some of the other guys like Kurt Angle and others who had a real good relationship with him might have gone to his house or whatever and I was nowhere near that, you know, but he is someone I have always liked and respected and he was like a Father figure to me.

All of the interviews I’ve seen him do, I agree with him 99% of the time. I think he’s one of the most intelligent people that I know.”

Rob Van Dam Failed To Win AEW Debut Match

Even though he’s 52 years old, which is at a point in life when most wrestlers are retired, Rob Van Dam still wrestles sometimes. Last Wednesday on AEW Dynamite, RVD had his first AEW match when he lost an FTW Championship match against Jack Perry.

Despite the loss, RVD looked good as he moved around the ring very well while performing a lot of signature moves and had a competitive match with his much younger opponent.

H/T Inside The Ropes